Volunteer-sponsored Classes

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Mentor Coaches: Please list the class you intend to teach on this page in the following format below the line after reviewing the guidelines for hosting the sessions at Mentors Teaching Mentors

Mentor Apprentices: Please scroll to the bottom of this wiki page to view a list of official Orientation sessions that you may take to transfer into the official Mentor group. Feel free to check out the other classes offered by Mentor Coaches as well!

You can request a class at: Mentor Coach Class Request

For other events, please review the Official Linden Meetings and Events Schedule and Volunteer-sponsored Events.

Upcoming Class Listings: February

These are optional classes that we highly recommend for new and old Mentors

Hosted By: Juko Tempel

Class Title: Basic Wiki Editing for your User Page

Start Time: Thursday, Feb 7 18:00 (6:00 pm) SLT

Length: 60 Minutes

Location: SLVEC Theaters (select Theater Center on the TP machine when you arrive)

Description: Wiki's are a great resource for large groups to share and create information together in. In this class you will learn how to create your own profile page on http://wiki.secondlife.com/ and see on board examples of how the code works within the wiki.

Bring along some pre made text which you would like to add into your wiki profile so you can concentrate on how the code works rather than OMG what will I write?!!

It is advantageous to be able to use a web page whilst in Second Life, but don't worry if you can't all examples will be shown on the board. You don't need to be a coder to understand this, it's made to be easy so don't be scared!

Class written by Simon Kline and presented in this time slot by Juko Tempel.

Hosted By: Lisa Lowe

Class Title: Advanced Building - More then primtorture... :)

Start Time: Saturday, Feb 9 11:30 (11:30 am) SLT

Length: 60 - 90 Minutes (It's up to you basically!)

Location: SLVEC Sandbox (in between the Orientationclass stage and the Theaters)

Description: You played with prims, but was never able to make something nice out of them? Or want to improve your basic building skills? This class will cover the whole works! All about Build. From a quick intro about prims, using the Grid properly, handling prims in linked sets or linksets, perfect texturing (in different ways) to making mini-prims. And lots more. It is a hands-on class, so you can try everything right away! This class is intended for those that tried building before.

(Please notify Lisa Lowe if you intend to join this class. Thanks!)

Hosted By: Simon Kline

Class Title: Learn Basic Scripting: Particles

Start Time: Saturday, Feb 9 13:30 (1:30 pm) SLT (these classes being held every week at or around this time)

Length: 60 Minutes

Location: SLVEC Sandbox (select sandbox on the TP machine when you arrive)

Description: Always wanted to learn about scripting but been to scared to try? Don't be scared come along and see what it's all about, but don't blame me if u get addicted :P

Come and learn about the basics of the Second Life particle system, we'll learn how to control their color and size and even how to use textures as particles.

Upcoming Orientation Session Listings: February

Attendance at one orientation session is required for Apprentice Mentors in order to be moved into the main Mentors group

The following list contains the available Second Life Volunteer Orientation session offerings. Please choose one orientation date and mark your calendar! If you cannot attend these times, please check back next week for a list of new times or contact a VTeam member during office hours (information for that is at the bottom of this page.) We look forward to seeing you there!!

Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - 12 PM SL Time - hosted by Jezzie McCellan

Thursday, Feb 7, 2008 - 1:30PM SL Time - SPANISH - hosted by Eva Nowicka, Irene Muni

Friday, Feb 8, 2008 - 10AM SL Time hosted by Chaos Mohr

Saturday, Feb 9, 2008 - 11AM SL Time hosted by Trinity Coulter

Saturday, Feb 9, 2008 - 7PM SL Time hosted by Trinity Coulter

Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 - 2AM SL Time hosted by Simon Kline

Sunday, Feb 10, 2008 - 10AM SL Time hosted by Chaos Mohr

Monday, Feb 11, 2008 - 12PM SL Time hosted by Jezzie McCellan

Tuesday, Feb 12, 2008 - 1AM SL Time hosted by Simon Kline

Tuesday, Feb 12, 2008 - 1PM SL Time - GERMAN - Shiva Aabye

Tuesday, Feb 12, 2008 - 3PM SL Time hosted by CallieDel Boa

Wednesday, Feb 12, 2008 - 12PM SL Time hosted by Jezzie McCellan

Wednesday, Feb 13, 2008 - 1:30PM SL Time - SPANISH - hosted by Eva Nowicka/Irene Muni

VTEAM OFFICE HOURS: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Volunteer_Specialist_Office_Hours

This is the SLURL for the location of orientation. There is a TP object located near port in location to help you locate the orientation classroom


Thanks, and welcome aboard!