Second Life Mentor Coaches/es

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< Second Life Mentor Coaches
Revision as of 03:17, 18 July 2008 by Eva Nowicka (talk | contribs) (Translation in progress)
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¡Bienvenido a una previsualización de 'Coaches 2.0'! Esta página es un trabajo en progreso.

Los Mentores que entrenan a Mentores son una opción completamente optativa para quienes están dentro del programa de Mentores, y es perfecta para quienes les gustaría educar a otros compañeros en un ambiente parecido al de un aula. El papel del Mentor Coach dentro de éste Programa, está compuesto por Voluntarios que, además del voluntariado en su tiempo libre, ayudan a otros Voluntarios y residentes, ofreciéndoles clases, a destacarse en habilidades que pueden aumentar su capacidad y eficiencia en el Voluntariado.

Responsabilidad y Requisitos del Mentor Coach

La responsabilidad del Mentor Coach es ser el anfitrión de clases para otros residentes, especialmente residentes nuevos, que les ayuden a desarrollar ciertas habilidades que incrementen la capacidad de los estudiantes de adentrarse o acostumbrarse a Second Life. Las clases no son promovidas o mantenidas por Linden Lab. El rol del Mentor Coach es una elección totalmente opcional. Así, la responsabilidad de mantener y desarrollar las clases se deja a los Mentor Coaches. A partir del 1 de Agosto, para permanecer en este rol, un 'Coach' deberá celebrar e informar sobre al menos una clase al mes para proseguir en el rol el siguiente mes.

Los miembros que no alcancen el mínimo de mantener una (1) clase cada mes serán apartados del rol el siguiente mes de inactividad. El número total de Mentores de Second Life en el rol de Coach reflejará el número de miembros activos en el rol, para la calidad de su ejercicio y propósitos de seguimiento. El ser apartado del rol de 'Coach' no le imposibilitará para ejercer su voluntariado ni el impartir clases en un futuro.

Los 'Coaches' actuales se apuntaron bajo diferentes requerimientos, establecidos en el tercer trimestre del 2007. No obstante, como las necesidades han cambiado en el último año, todos los 'Coaches' deben cumplir los nuevos requisitos para mantener su pertenencia a este rol. Las dudas sobre este particular deberán dirigirse al VTeam. Se celebrará un encuentro referente a las modificaciones sobre este rol en Julio del 2008. Se puede encontrar más adelante en esta página información adicional acerca de estas normas y cómo informar sobre las clases ofertadas.

Normas Importantes Antes de Impartir Clases

  • Como con cualquier actividad de un Mentor de Second Life, se aplican el Tao de los Voluntarios, los Términos de Servicio (TOS) y las Normas de la Comunidad.
  • Las clases impartidas por Mentores no implican un respaldo directo por parte de Linden Lab. Usted debería mencionar al principio de su clase que sus opiniones y metodología no están necesariamente respaldadas por Linden Lab.
  • Las clases deben ser para todos los públicos (calificación PG)
  • Las clases no deberían ofrecer incentivos monetarios o premios. Igualmente, por favor, las clases deben ser gratuitas, y desprovistas de publicidad. Las clases no son con fines comerciales o financieros.
  • Si celebra sus clases en terrenos de Linden o comunes, asegúrese de quitar sus pertenencias una vez haya acabado el evento. ¡Contadores de visita incluidos! :)

How To Schedule Your Class

  • Classes should be scheduled as an Event in the Education category if you plan to allow any resident to attend. For information on posting Events, please see this link.
  • Priority use of shared space on the mainland is based on scheduling through the this wiki page. For example, it is okay to host a class in Tenera the same day you published the Event, but make sure to check this article to make sure that space has not already been documented for use at that time. The first to list their class has fair use and rights to the land for the event.
  • If you are hosting a class at SLVEC for Mentors specifically, these events may be scheduled alternatively here.
  • A nice touch for the classes would be to have the materials set up on a wiki user page for fellow residents to reference during and after the class, but this is not required. Wiki editing can be alarming at first but it’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it – feel free to contact a Mentor Scribe or check out the Quickie Wiki Intro page for tips on getting started.
  • Looking for special Coach-organized events and programs to take part in? Check out the Mentor-Managed Event Organizing page for ways to organize with other Coaches and view a list of opportunities.

Hosting Information

  • Please feel free to introduce yourself as a Second Life Mentor for these events! This is a great way to show the community our collective contributions.
  • Please make sure your activated group tag is one of the official Second Life Mentor tags while hosting the event.
  • Any dispute arising from Second Life Mentor Coach led classes needs to be handled through resident-to-resident peaceful, TOS-abiding resolution, Abuse Reports as needed, or the support portal at VTeam will not be able to respond to issues of abuse at these events. In some cases this may pose a challenge; please teach at your discretion, and when you are in good spirits! Hint: Find a way to explain or plan for this at the start of the event!’’
  • Class management (quantity of attendees/delivery of the content) is solely at the discretion of the host(s). Good teachers know that improvements to education is fluid – aim to improve and excel!

Possible Class Locations

Tenera Volunteer HQ

Tenera Area 1 Tenera Area 2 Tenera Area 3

Oak Grove Stage

Lime Stage


  • The class and parcel content must be PG.
  • Land must be a non-for profit space.
  • Should be advertisement free.
  • No classes in shops or at malls! :)

Suggested Class Focuses for Q3 2008:

  • UI Basics
  • Search Basics
  • How to Find and Join Communities and Projects in SL
  • Traveling in Second Life

A major focus for Q3 will be to help out brand new residents. Bonus for topics that attend to that focus, but do not feel limited by these options!

Class Reporting

  • Coaches must create a notecard that states their name, the title, date, and time of the event, and optionally, how many attendees showed at the event. This notecard should be placed in the Coach Class kiosk at SLVEC, across from the volunteer orientation stage, in the same terminal as the Voucher receptacle. If you provide an attendance count for your events, feel free to contact a VTeam member at the end of the month to get a running tally of how many residents you personally have helped!
  • If you submit a notecard with the above details, you will be considered in good standing. The kiosk receptacle will let you know immediately if the notecard has been received. VTeam will keep a running tally of the number of events you have hosted in a given month. If you have any questions about your standing within this role, feel free to contact a VTeam member.
  • Orientation Coaches: To remain in good standing, you do not have to host separate Coach classes. Orientation sessions count toward your good standing membership. Your submittal of the attendance list via email will be recorded so you do not have to submit a notecard to the Coach Class receptacle.

Second Life Mentor Coach 2.0 Sign Up:

Mentors Teaching Mentors Sign Up

How to Voluntarily Exit this Role

Leaving the Mentor Coach role behind and returning to the Everybody role can be accomplished by speaking to a VTeam member during one of their office hours, found here: Volunteer Specialist Office Hours