LSL Protocol/Restrained Love Relay/Alpha Version

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Note: This is an untested, incomplete alpha version. This page is for developers, testers and other contributors.

Please use the code on the page Reference Implementation.

<lsl> integer ALLOW_REMOVE_DETACH = TRUE; integer DEBUG = FALSE;

//~ RestrainedLife Viewer Relay Script example code //~ By Marine Kelley, Maike Short, Felis Darwin

//~ This code is provided AS-IS, OPEN-SOURCE and holds NO WARRANTY of accuracy, //~ completeness or performance. It may only be distributed in its full source code, //~ this header and disclaimer and is not to be sold.

// --------------------------------------------------- // Constants // ---------------------------------------------------

integer RLVRS_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1014; // version of the protocol, stated on the specification page

string PREFIX_RL_COMMAND = "@"; string PREFIX_METACOMMAND = "!";

integer RLVRS_CHANNEL = -1812221819; // RLVRS in numbers integer DIALOG_CHANNEL = -1812220409; // RLVDI in numbers

integer MAX_OBJECT_DISTANCE = 20; // 20m is llSay distance integer MAX_TIME_AUTOACCEPT_AFTER_FORCESIT = 60; // seconds



integer PING_INTERVAL = 60; //== Time between pings

integer MODE_OFF = 0; integer MODE_ASK = 1; integer MODE_AUTO = 2;

// --------------------------------------------------- // Variables // ---------------------------------------------------

integer mode;

list restrictions; // restrictions currently applied (without the "=n" part) key source; // UUID of the object I'm commanded by, always equal to NULL_KEY if restrictions is empty, always set if not

string pendingName; // name of initiator of pending request (first request of a session in mode 1) key pendingId; // UUID of initiator of pending request (first request of a session in mode 1) string pendingMessage; // message of pending request integer pendingTime;

// used on login integer timerTickCounter; // count the number of time events on login (forceSit has to be delayed a bit) integer loginWaitingForPong; integer loginPendingForceSit;

key lastForceSitDestination; integer lastForceSitTime;

// --------------------------------------------------- // Helper functions // ---------------------------------------------------

debug(string x) {

   if (DEBUG)
       llOwnerSay("DEBUG: " + x);


// --------------------------------------------------- // Low Level Communication // ---------------------------------------------------

// acknowledge or reject ack(string cmd_id, key id, string cmd, string ack) {

   llSay(RLVRS_CHANNEL, cmd_id + "," + (string)id + "," + cmd + "," + ack);


// cmd begins with a '@' sendRLCmd(string cmd) {



// check that this command is for us and not someone else integer verifyWeAreTarget(string message) {

   list tokens = llParseString2List(message, [","], []);
   if (llGetListLength(tokens) == 3) // this is a normal command
     if (llList2String(tokens, 1) == llGetOwner()) // talking to me ?
        return TRUE;
   return FALSE;


// --------------------------------------------------- // Permission Handling // ---------------------------------------------------

// are we already under command by this object? integer isObjectKnow(key id) {

   // first some error handling
   if (id == NULL_KEY)
       return FALSE;
   // are we already under command by this object?
   if (source == id)
       return TRUE;
   // are we not under command by any object but were we forced to sit on this object recently?
   if ((source == NULL_KEY) && (id == lastForceSitDestination))
       debug("on last force sit target");
       if (lastForceSitTime + MAX_TIME_AUTOACCEPT_AFTER_FORCESIT > llGetUnixTime())
           debug("and recent enough to auto accept");
           return TRUE;
   return FALSE;


// check whether the object is in llSay distance. // The specification requires llSay instead of llShout or llRegionSay // to be used to limit the range. But this has to be checked here again // because the objects are not trustworthy. integer isObjectNear(key id) {

   vector myPosition = llGetRootPosition();
   list temp = llGetObjectDetails(id, ([OBJECT_POS]));
   vector objPostition = llList2Vector(temp,0);
   float distance = llVecDist(objPostition, myPosition);
   return distance <= MAX_OBJECT_DISTANCE;


// do a basic check on the identity of the object trying to issue a command integer isObjectIdentityTrustworthy(key id) {

   key parcel_owner=llList2Key (llGetParcelDetails (llGetPos (), [PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER]), 0);
   key parcel_group=llList2Key (llGetParcelDetails (llGetPos (), [PARCEL_DETAILS_GROUP]), 0);
   key object_owner=llGetOwnerKey(id);
   key object_group=llList2Key (llGetObjectDetails (id, [OBJECT_GROUP]), 0);
   debug("owner= " + (string) parcel_owner + " / " + (string) object_owner);
   debug("group= " + (string) parcel_group + " / " + (string) object_group);
   if (object_owner==llGetOwner ()        // IF I am the owner of the object
     || object_owner==parcel_owner        // OR its owner is the same as the parcel I'm on
     || object_group==parcel_group        // OR its group is the same as the parcel I'm on
       return TRUE;
   return FALSE;


// Is this a simple request for information or a meta command like !release? integer isSimpleRequest(list list_of_commands) {

   integer len = llGetListLength(list_of_commands);
   integer i;
   // now check every single atomic command
   for (i=0; i < len; ++i)
       string command = llList2String(list_of_commands, i);
       if (!isSimpleAtomicCommand(command))
          return FALSE;
   // all atomic commands passed the test
   return TRUE;


// is this a simple atmar command // (a command which only queries some information or releases restrictions) // (e. g.: cmd ends with "=" and a number (@version, @getoutfit, @getattach) or is a !-meta-command) integer isSimpleAtomicCommand(string cmd) {

   // check right hand side of the "=" - sign
   integer index = llSubStringIndex (cmd, "=");
   if (index > -1) // there is a "=" 
       // check for a number after the "="
       string param = llGetSubString (cmd, index + 1, -1);
       if ((integer)param!=0 || param=="0") // is it an integer (channel number)?
           return TRUE;
       // removing restriction
       if ((param == "y") || (param == "rem"))
           return TRUE;
   // check for a leading ! (meta command)
   if (llSubStringIndex(cmd, PREFIX_METACOMMAND) == 0)
       return TRUE;
   // check for @clear
   // Note: @clear MUST NOT be used because the restrictions will be reapplied on next login
   // (but we need this check here because "!release|@clear" is a BROKEN attempt to work around
   // a bug in the first relay implementation. You should refuse to use relay versions < 1013
   // instead.)
   if (cmd == "@clear")
       return TRUE;
   // this one is not "simple".
   return FALSE;


// If we already have commands from this object pending // because of a permission request dialog, just add the // new commands at the end. // Note: We use a timeout here because the player may // have "ignored" the dialog. integer tryToGluePendingCommands(key id, string commands) {

   if ((pendingId == id) && (pendingTime + PERMISSION_DIALOG_TIMEOUT > llGetUnixTime()))
       debug("Gluing " + (string) pendingMessage + " with " + commands);
       pendingMessage = pendingMessage + "|" + commands;
       return TRUE;
   return FALSE;


// accept !release even if out of range handleCommandsWhichAreAcceptedOutOfRange(key id, string message) {

   if (id != source)
   list tokens = llParseString2List (message, [","], []);
   if (llGetListLength (tokens) < 3)
   string commands = llList2String(tokens, 2);
   list list_of_commands = llParseString2List(commands, ["|"], []);
   if (llListFindList(list_of_commands, ["!release"]) > -1)
       debug("accepted !release although it was out of range");


// verifies the permission. This includes mode // (off, permission, auto) of the relay and the // identity of the object (owned by parcel people). integer verifyPermission(key id, string name, string message) {

   // is it switched off?
   if (mode == MODE_OFF)
       return FALSE;
   list tokens = llParseString2List (message, [","], []);
   if (llGetListLength (tokens) < 3)
       return FALSE;
   string commands = llList2String(tokens, 2);
   list list_of_commands = llParseString2List(commands, ["|"], []);
   // if we are already having a pending permission-dialog request for THIS object,
   // just add the new commands at the end of the pending command list.
   if (tryToGluePendingCommands(id, commands))
       return FALSE;
   // accept harmless commands silently
   if (isSimpleRequest(list_of_commands))
       return TRUE;
   // check whether this object belongs here
   integer trustworthy = isObjectIdentityTrustworthy(id);
   string warning = "";
   if (!trustworthy)
       warning = "\n\nWARNING: This object is not owned by the people owning this parcel. Unless you know the owner, you should deny this request.";
   // ask in permission-request-mode and/OR in case the object identity is suspisous.
   if (mode == MODE_ASK || !trustworthy)
       pendingMessage = message;
       pendingTime = llGetUnixTime();
       if (llKey2Name(llGetOwnerKey(id)) != "")
           name += " (owned by " + llKey2Name(llGetOwnerKey(id)) + ")";
       llDialog (llGetOwner(), name + " would like control your viewer." + warning + ".\n\nDo you accept ?", ["Yes", "No"], DIALOG_CHANNEL);
       debug("Asking for permission");
       return FALSE;
   return TRUE;


// --------------------------------------------------- // Executing of commands // ---------------------------------------------------

// execute a non-parsed message // this command could be denied here for policy reasons, (if it were implemenetd) // but this time there will be an acknowledgement execute(string name, key id, string message) {

   list tokens=llParseString2List (message, [","], []);
   if (llGetListLength (tokens)==3) // this is a normal command
       string cmd_id=llList2String (tokens, 0); // CheckAttach
       key target=llList2Key (tokens, 1); // UUID
       if (target==llGetOwner ()) // talking to me ?
           list list_of_commands=llParseString2List (llList2String (tokens, 2), ["|"], []);
           integer len=llGetListLength (list_of_commands);
           integer i;
           string command;
           string prefix;
           for (i=0; i<len; ++i) // execute every command one by one
               // a command is a RL command if it starts with '@' or a metacommand if it starts with '!'
               command=llList2String (list_of_commands, i);
               prefix=llGetSubString (command, 0, 0);

               if (prefix==PREFIX_RL_COMMAND) // this is a RL command
                   executeRLVCommand(cmd_id, id, command);
               else if (prefix==PREFIX_METACOMMAND) // this is a metacommand, aimed at the relay itself
                   executeMetaCommand(cmd_id, id, command);


// executes a command for the restrained life viewer // with some additinal magic like book keeping executeRLVCommand(string cmd_id, string id, string command) {

   // we need to know whether whether is a rule or a simple command
   list tokens_command=llParseString2List (command, ["="], []);
   string behav=llList2String (tokens_command, 0); // @getattach:skull
   string param=llList2String (tokens_command, 1); // 2222
   integer ind=llListFindList (restrictions, [behav]);
   if (param=="n" || param=="add") // add to restrictions
       if (ind<0) restrictions+=[behav];
       source=id; // we know that source is either NULL_KEY or id already
   else if (param=="y" || param=="rem") // remove from restrictions
       if (ind > -1) restrictions=llDeleteSubList (restrictions, ind, ind);
       if (llGetListLength (restrictions)==0) source=NULL_KEY;
   else if (param == "force" && !ALLOW_REMOVE_DETACH)
       debug("force: " + behav);
       list temp = llParseString2List(behav, [":"], []);
       string commandName = llList2String (temp, 0); // @sit
       if (commandName == "@detach" || commandName == "@remoutfit")
           debug("rejecting remove/detach");
           llWhisper(0, "Not stripping");
           ack(cmd_id, id, command, "ko");
   sendRLCmd(command); // execute command
   ack(cmd_id, id, command, "ok"); // acknowledge


// check for @clear // Note: @clear MUST NOT be used because the restrictions will be reapplied on next login // (but we need this check here because "!release|@clear" is a BROKEN attempt to work around // a bug in the first relay implementation. You should refuse to use relay versions < 1013 // instead.) workaroundForAtClear(string command) {

   if (command == "@clear")


// remembers the time and object if this command is a force sit rememberForceSit(string command) {

   list tokens_command=llParseString2List (command, ["="], []);
   string behav=llList2String (tokens_command, 0); // @sit:<uuid>
   string param=llList2String (tokens_command, 1); // force
   // clear lastForceSitDestination in case we are now prevented from standing up and
   // the force sit was long ago. Note: restrictions is checked to prevent the
   // clearance in case @unsit is just send again on login
   if (behav == "@unsit")
       if (llListFindList(restrictions, ["@unsit"]) < 0)
           if (lastForceSitTime + MAX_TIME_AUTOACCEPT_AFTER_FORCESIT < llGetUnixTime())
               debug("clearing lastForceSitDestination");
               lastForceSitDestination = NULL_KEY;
   if (param != "force")
   tokens_command=llParseString2List(behav, [":"], []);
   behav=llList2String (tokens_command, 0); // @sit
   param=llList2String (tokens_command, 1); // <uuid>
   debug("'force'-command:" + behav + "/" + param);
   if (behav != "@sit")
   lastForceSitDestination = (key) param;
   lastForceSitTime = llGetUnixTime();
   debug("remembered force sit");


// executes a meta command which is handled by the relay itself executeMetaCommand(string cmd_id, string id, string command) {

   if (command == PREFIX_METACOMMAND + "version") // checking relay version
       ack(cmd_id, id, command, (string) RLVRS_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
   else if (command == PREFIX_METACOMMAND + "release") // release all the restrictions (end session)
       ack(cmd_id, id, command, "ok");
   else if (command == PREFIX_METACOMMAND + "pong")
       loginWaitingForPong = FALSE; // whatever the message, it is for me => it satisfies the ping request


// removes a restriction from the list of pending commands removeFromPendingList(string behav) {

   string search = behav + "=";
   // don't do the expensive parsing (string operations are very slow in pre- 
   // mono LSL) in case we can detect fast that this one is not in the list.
   if (llSubStringIndex(pendingMessage, search) < 0)
   list tokens = llParseString2List(pendingMessage, [","], []);
   list commands = llParseString2List(llList2String(tokens, 2), ["|"], []);
   integer modified = FALSE;
   integer len = llGetListLength(commands);
   integer i;
   for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
       string cmd = llList2String(commands, i);
       if (llSubStringIndex(cmd, search) == 0)
           if (llSubStringIndex(cmd, "=n") > -1 || llSubStringIndex(cmd, "=add") > -1)
               commands = llDeleteSubList(commands, i, i);
               modified = TRUE;
   if (modified)
       if (llGetListLength(commands) > 0)
           pendingMessage = llList2String(tokens, 0) + "," + llList2String(tokens, 1) + "," + llDumpList2String(commands, "|");


// lift all the restrictions (called by !release and by turning the relay off) releaseRestrictions () {

   source = NULL_KEY;
   integer i;
   integer len = llGetListLength (restrictions);
   for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
       sendRLCmd(llList2String (restrictions, i) + "=y");
   lastForceSitDestination = NULL_KEY;
   restrictions = [];
   loginPendingForceSit = FALSE;


// deletes the list of pending messsages clearPendingMessages() {

   // clear pending request
   pendingName = "";
   pendingId = NULL_KEY;
   pendingMessage = "";
   pendingTime = 0;


// --------------------------------------------------- // mode and dialog handling // ---------------------------------------------------

// get current mode as string string getModeDescription() {

   if (mode == 0) return "RLV Relay is OFF"; 
   else if (mode == 1) return "RLV Relay is ON (permission needed)"; 
   else return "RLV Relay is ON (auto-accept)"; 


// process the Yes/No buttons of the permission dialog processDialogResponse(key id, string message) {

   if (id != llGetOwner())
       return; // only accept dialog responses from the owner
   if (pendingId != NULL_KEY)
       if (message=="Yes") // pending request authorized => process it
           execute(pendingName, pendingId, pendingMessage);


// --------------------------------------------------- // initialisation and login handling // ---------------------------------------------------

init() {

   mode = 1;
   source = NULL_KEY;
   restrictions = [];
   pendingId = NULL_KEY;
   pendingName = "";
   pendingMessage = "";
   llListen (RLVRS_CHANNEL, "", "", "");
   llListen (DIALOG_CHANNEL, "", llGetOwner(), "");
   llOwnerSay (getModeDescription());
   debug("Free Memory: " + (string) llGetFreeMemory());


// sends the known restrictions (again) to the RL-viewer // (call this functions on login) reinforceKnownRestrictions() {

   integer i;
   integer len=llGetListLength(restrictions);
   string restr;
   debug("source=" + (string) source);
   for (i=0; i<len; ++i)
       restr=llList2String(restrictions, i);
       debug("restr=" + restr);
       if (restr=="@unsit")
           loginPendingForceSit = TRUE;


// send a ping request and start a timer pingWorldObjectIfUnderRestrictions() {

   loginWaitingForPong = FALSE;
   if (source != NULL_KEY)
       ack("ping", source, "ping", "ping");
       timerTickCounter = 0;
       loginWaitingForPong = TRUE;


sendForceSitDuringLogin() {

   key sitTarget = source;
   if (lastForceSitDestination)
       sitTarget = lastForceSitDestination;
   debug("Force sit during login on " + (string) sitTarget + " (source=" + (string) source + ", lastForceSitDestination=" + (string) lastForceSitDestination + ")");
   sendRLCmd ("@sit:"+(string)sitTarget+"=force");


default {


   on_rez(integer start_param)
       // relogging, we must refresh the viewer and ping the object if any
       // if mode is not OFF, fire all the stored restrictions
       if (mode)
       // remind the current mode to the user

       debug("timer (" + (string) timerTickCounter + "): waiting for pong: " + (string) loginWaitingForPong + " pendingForceSit: " + (string) loginPendingForceSit);
       if (loginWaitingForPong && (timerTickCounter >= LOGIN_DELAY_WAIT_FOR_PONG))
           llWhisper(0, "Lucky Day: " + llKey2Name(llGetOwner()) + " is freed because the device is not available.");
           loginWaitingForPong = FALSE;
           loginPendingForceSit = FALSE;
       if (loginPendingForceSit)
           integer agentInfo = llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner());
           if (agentInfo & AGENT_SITTING)
               loginPendingForceSit = FALSE;
               debug("is sitting now");
           else if (timerTickCounter == LOGIN_DELAY_WAIT_FOR_FORCE_SIT)
               llWhisper(0, "Lucky Day: " + llKey2Name(llGetOwner()) + " is freed because sitting down again was not possible.");
               loginPendingForceSit = FALSE;
       if (!loginPendingForceSit && !loginWaitingForPong)

   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       if (channel==RLVRS_CHANNEL)
           debug("LISTEN: " + message);
           if (!verifyWeAreTarget(message))
           if (mode== MODE_OFF)
               debug("deactivated - ignoring commands");
               return; // mode is 0 (off) => reject
           debug("Got message (active world object " + (string) source + "): name=" + name+ " id=" + (string) id + " message=" + message);

           if (source != NULL_KEY && source != id)
               debug("already used by another object => reject");
           if (!isObjectNear(id)) 
               handleCommandsWhichAreAcceptedOutOfRange(id, message);
           if (!isObjectKnow(id))
               debug("asking for permission because source is NULL_KEY");
               if (!verifyPermission(id, name, message))
           debug("Executing: " + (string) source);
           execute(name, id, message);
       else if (channel==DIALOG_CHANNEL)
           processDialogResponse(id, message);

   touch_start(integer num_detected)
       // touched by user => cycle through OFF/ON_PERMISSION/ON_ALWAYS modes
       key toucher = llDetectedKey(0);
       if (toucher == llGetOwner())
           if (source != NULL_KEY)
               llOwnerSay("Sorry, you cannot change the relay mode while it is locked.");
           if (mode > 2)
               mode = 0;
           if (mode == MODE_OFF) {
   changed(integer change)
       if (change & CHANGED_OWNER) 

} </lsl>