Mesh/Getting started
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Revision as of 10:32, 16 September 2010 by Jeremy Linden (talk | contribs)
Welcome to Mesh First Look! This guide is intended to help you get started using mesh objects in Second Life. Here are a few terms you'll need to know before we continue.
Mesh glossary
- Mesh - A collection of triangles with a single transformation matrix, roughly equivalent to a "Prim" in SL.
- Submesh - A subset of a mesh, equivalent to a "Face" in SL. Associated with a texture entry.
- Model - A collection of meshes, equivalent to a "Coalesced Object" in SL.
- First Look - A special version of the Second Life viewer that allows you to test new features before they are officially released.
- Aditi - A separate grid from the main Second Life world, where you can test new features and ideas without risk to any of your Second Life assets. You can read more about Aditi at: Preview Grid.
Getting started
To get started with mesh, you need to do the following:
- Download and install the First Look viewer for your OS. You can find the latest version of the viewer at link goes here.
- Log into Second Life using the First Look viewer. First Look logs you by default into Aditi, a preview grid where you can test new features with no risk of affecting your Second Life account.
- Teleport to one of Aditi's mesh-enabled regions: link back to main wiki's list of mesh regions
From here, you can experiment with all the upcoming mesh features Second Life has to offer. Remember that this is only a preview of these new features, and they are subject to change before final release.
Tip: Mesh features won't work on every region on Aditi. If mesh objects don't seem to be working for you, make sure you're in one of the regions listed in this article. For more information on how this process works, see: Het-Grid_FAQ |