Bug triage/2008-10-22

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Next meeting: 2008-10-22 at 3pm PST at Bridie Linden's house.

Import? 1.21 Release

  • VWR-9917 - Votes: 5 - Broken render on small Path Cuts - Zion Tristan
  • VWR-9869 - Votes: 2 - FolderAutoOpenDelay debug option does not delay folder opening when unpacking a box (i.e. dragging items from contents of object to inventory window) - Kerhop Seattle
  • VWR-9899 - Votes: 1 - Group Owner cannot perform usual actions on objects deeded to group - Zauber Exonar
  • VWR-9969 - Votes: 1 - Second Life client framerates slow and finally client crashes in Nautilus sims near the large crystals - Zak Escher
  • VWR-10029 - Votes: 1 - Inventory fetching painfully slow on 1.21.6 - Kitty Barnett
  • VWR-10031 - Votes: 1 - Performance drop after new viewer installation - Chandni Khondji
  • VWR-9857 - Votes: 0 - Top Scripts "Mono Time" column cannot be resized (also appears to always show zero time) - Maggie Darwin
  • VWR-9858 - Votes: 0 - T60p with ATI FireGL V5250 Graphics card - bis breen
  • VWR-9902 - Votes: 0 - triangle over avitars head - freedom rush
  • VWR-9933 - Votes: 0 - The Second Life login won't let me log in. - AutumnDaisy Lemon
  • VWR-9938 - Votes: 0 - I can login, as im connecting it will always "download clothes" as well. Once thats done, I'm either a cloud that cant move, can't chat, can't IM, or open profiles or tp..just frozen as a cloud in the sky. Or i'll login in with no avatar, same problem. - Lenora Anthony
  • VWR-9960 - Votes: 0 - gst/gst.h not found - Maike Short
  • VWR-9954 - Votes: 0 - Menu driven pose balls - Zavier Landar
  • VWR-9974 - Votes: 0 - Snapshot: High-res snapshot results in 3 striped images or 9 tiled images - Hitomi Mokusei
  • VWR-9951 - Votes: 0 - when i launch SL a black window with code pops up and can not be closed unless SL is closed - wills laval
  • VWR-9986 - Votes: 0 - Touch Not Working Properly - Leonato Scribe
  • VWR-9941 - Votes: 0 - There is something terribly wrong with my hair. I searched for hair, but could not find anything. When you look at it, chuncks seem to be missing, as if a mad barber has attacked my head. I think it is somehow related to it being transparent, and things b - Ezi Leigh
  • VWR-9972 - Votes: 0 - After Mouselock is starts get stuck. Esc does not work, I after unlog and re log to have normal camera view. - Weaver Sweetwater
  • VWR-9959 - Votes: 0 - avatar taking on its own form, wearing two stylea at once - DJ Urriah
  • VWR-10007 - Votes: 0 - SSL CERT trouble - Tayra Dagostino
  • VWR-10010 - Votes: 0 - Script taking up many ms while it should not and also does not after reset - DisQ Hern
  • VWR-10004 - Votes: 0 - I crash repeatedly due to nvlddmkm driver. It ceases to function, and repairs itself. This happens every hour or so. It did it ocassionally with the old viewer, but incessantly with the latest. It`s driving me bananas! - lexi oppewall
  • VWR-9981 - Votes: 0 - Can't login on 1.21.0 Beta Grid viewer, reports incorrect user/pass - Cyphr Bellic
  • VWR-9975 - Votes: 0 - Many Viewer issues,higher crash rate,high lag,slow rezzing - Ashlin McMahon
  • VWR-9943 - Votes: 0 - Camera rotation is jaggy (not smooth anymore) - Yukinoroh Kamachi
  • VWR-10025 - Votes: 0 - Crashing when trying to pull something from inventory every time - zeih landar
  • VWR-10012 - Votes: 0 - Hardware Options in Graphics - Texture Memory Size doesn't show the correct amount of memory - Sascha Vandyke
  • VWR-10027 - Votes: 0 - Charachter tests failure - Lucrecia Slade
  • VWR-10028 - Votes: 0 - Cancelling out of granting mod rights displays the confirmation dialog box a second time - Kitty Barnett
  • VWR-10030 - Votes: 0 - "Freeze Frame" closes the Build floater without clearing the active selection - Kitty Barnett
  • VWR-10033 - Votes: 0 - Starting an inventory fetch freezes the viewer temporarily - Kitty Barnett

Fast Track Import

(Move bugs here that have solid repros, or valid patches that you have reviewed)

Hot by Vote

High Voted Bugs



Misc Pool

Misc Pool

Pre-meeting activity

Some issues will be resolved in the course of building this agenda. Rather than deleting them from the proposed agenda, move the issue and associated discussion into the appropriate section below.




Transcript is/will be at Bug triage/2008-10-22/Transcript

Creating An Agenda

Community members generally collaborate on the agenda for bug triage meetings. Here's how you can quickly fill in an otherwise blank agenda:

Setting up

  • Go to Bug_Triage/YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY is the four digit year code, MM is the two digit month code, and DD is the day code
  • Write and save {{subst:Triage Template}} as the only content of your new page. This will copy the complete markup from Template:Triage Template as a starting point for your agenda.
  • Fill in the relevant time, date, and location info for the upcoming meeting. The easiest way to do this is to copy the entire block of information from an earlier meeting of the same type (RC, regular, etc...) and modify the date and time as needed.

Populating the issue listings section(s)


  1. !/usr/bin/env perl

use XML::Simple;

my $bugs = XMLin($ARGV[0]);

foreach my $item (@{$bugs->{channel}->{item}}) {

 $title = $item->{title};
 $title =~ s/^\^\*\] //;
 $key = $item->{key}->{content};
 $votes = $item->{votes};
 $reporter = $item->{reporter}->{username};
 print "* $key - Votes: $votes - $title - $reporter\n";



  • Pick a reasonable cutoff point, and copy the output into the appropriate section of your newly created page.