Viewerhelp:Setting Preferences
Revision as of 15:34, 25 April 2011 by Rand Linden (talk | contribs)
Help article in progress.
See also:
In the Knowledge Base:
Use the tabs in this window to set your Second Life preferences:
- General - language, maturity preferences, start location, away timeout.
- Graphics - quality and speed of graphics display; advanced settings.
- Sound & Media - volume controls, media auto-play, chat settings, input/output devices.
- Chat - text chat settings, automatic translation,
- Move & View - view angle and distance, mouselook settings, double-click preference.
- Notifications - Control if and how you're notified when certain events happen.
- Colors - chat text colors, text opacity.
- Privacy - whether you appear in search results, who can see you're online, chat log location settings.
- Setup - cache location and size, web browser settings, whether updates are installed automatically.
- Advanced - UI text size, multiple Viewers, extra menus.