User talk:Void Singer
=== Topic === <-- this line is optional {{message}} this is my comment ~~~~ <-- will be replaced by User Name + Time Stamp automatically
welcome all to my User Talk page. Feel Free to leave a message below, and thanks for stopping by! --Void Singer 05:54, 20 November 2007 (PST)
Advanced Visitor Greeter
Void. Not had a detailed look, but it would appear that the call to llRegionSayTo has too many parameters ... looks like the edit from oct has broken it ...?
Kimm Paulino 13:52, 15 February 2012 (PST)
- Good catch, thank you, I've corrected it. was a bad update from the previous function.
-- Void (talk|contribs) 05:33, 16 February 2012 (PST)
LandMark Teleport Script
Hello Void! Just wanted to know where I'd put the landmarks and positions in the script and in what format. When you state min. 3 linked prims, what does this mean? Sorry, new to all this. I've noticed most teleporters are of "Sit" type and I need to teleport to a location about 2700m from ground level. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you
HDBadBoy Afterthought 11:59, 6 September 2011 (PDT)
the Landmark Teleport script uses the map window to send teleport locations, it work much like the favorite locations bar on V2+ (except for others if you set it out).... no special format is needed for the landmarks, but if you rename them then the hover text it generates for them will use the new name. as for the 3 prims, in the instructions you'll note that the script itself goes in the root, and you need two more with the name "next" and "prev" which will be buttons for the script to change landmarks.... although it's important to mention that this is NOT the ideal script for teleport locations on the same region. for that I suggest a PosJump type of script, which gives you the type of immediate "sit" style action most users expect for local teleports.
-- Void (talk|contribs) 04:45, 7 September 2011 (PDT)
Re: Formatting [topic added by Void due to page reordering]
It looks well thought out. I'm pretty laid back about style as long as it's consistent. The only thing I put my foot down on is tabs being 4 spaces. All a matter of preference thou. I find prefixing variables with anything other then a letter to indicate type is overkill. I write my LSL as ESL (which is LSL passed through a C precompiler) and I reserve all uppercase lettered names for ESL macro's and defines. -- Strife Onizuka 03:09, 3 November 2007 (PDT)
Amazing. I've been programming for 25 years and have developed a style that chooses the opposite of most of Void's rules. Why is it that these questions lead to such equally satisfactory results in competent programming organizations that are so different. I suppose that it's similar to the reason that Spanish isn't the same as French.
I'll go Strife one further, though, and put my particular foot down about the insane (to me) verbosity of prefixing variables, function names, etc. with garbage characters that serve no useful purpose I can see, and is constantly bonking the reader who has to read through several largely irrelevant or self-evident characters to get to the important part - what the variable is. It's like getting tapped on the side of the head with a pencil every time I trip over one of the darn things. Is this another sad legacy of Microsoft? I'd never seen such a thing before I had to start writing Windows code. And I'll note, I work in RL in an environment where we have several hundred thousand lines of legacy code I have to refer to regularly, (and a couple of legacy programmers) that use "Hungarian" notation like this, and after 10 years of reading it I STILL get tapped every time I see one.
I do have one possibly pertinent point, though. I had been ambivalent about where the brace at the opening of a block goes for a couple years, having programmed in environments for most of my time where they were to be on a (wasteful) line of their own. After spending some time in Java, where the convention tends to be 'on the same line' I was still uncertain I had an opinion, except that I really don't like the effect that mixing the styles has. (That happens with templates, copy/paste, etc.) However, a few weeks ago when working on some poor code (mine) that was too long and nested too deeply I spent quite a while tracking down a missing opening brace. I realized that had it been on its own line I'd have seen it almost immediately. Given modern monitor resolutions and sizes, I don't think the vertical height saved is worth the obviousness that it exists.
So there, finally the definitive answer to the "same line or different line" question.
Ah, the style wars, long shall they rage.
In the end, as both you and Strife observe, it is all personal preference as modified by the need to be consistent with those you work with. Thanks, much, for taking the time to write it down. I should do it too if I care so much I guess. --RJ Thibaud 12:25, 23 December 2007 (PST)
RE: style etc
heh, thanks for reading it at least, I'm not fanatical about it, each person develops their own style, and to be honest I only adapted the style I normally use for lsl, from my other coding projects, so it's prone to updates (a few of which I've yet to add in). The particular style I use is geared towards maximum understanding of the code for those new to scripting/programming so they can more easily find their way through code. But as noted, for an experienced coder it can be a bit like 'duh I know that'. Coming from an enviroment with lots of new coders though, I tend to keep it up for their benefit more than my own. The opening brace debate is long running with me, and I do realize the pro's and cons, but have gotten myself in the habit of expecting open braces on the same line, and visually reading the statement (if, do, etc) and the indent as opening the statement and even briefly played with inlining the closing statement (but found it interfered with the visual nesting effect sometimes).
I mostly provided the example style as something to explain, rather than recommend, because I was bored enough to write it one day, and had been asked a few times about it. I have found that prefixing of some kind tends to avoid collisions with developing languages like lsl, as I noticed happened once or twice when people named constants or variables that later became LSL constants, and I've discouraged a few people from using llFunctionName for that and other reasons (like people that see the call and try to use it elsewhere). I'ts all good though, whatever gets the job done and works as expected. Void Singer 13:35, 25 December 2007 (PST)
0x80000000 X_X
Yep I forgot about 0x80000000. The limit however accepts 2038 and then overflows. So I wrote a version that detects overflows and accepts the entire integer range. It should be noted that if you get clever on it, and give it a year before 1970 but have the final date fall in or after 1970 it will have a fit. Likewise for years after 1969 but the final dates fall before 1970. Could turn off the overflow detection for centrally located years but that's more work. But it will parse [2100,12,13,23,59, -2147483648] and [1845, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2147483647] properly... i think. =^_^= -- Strife (talk|contribs) 06:28, 20 January 2010 (UTC)
I'll take a look in a bit, and I do like the integer division and bit shift solution in the unix2stamp, much cleaner... in the other, subtracting out 68 less to make the entire range positive... I like that part, shouldve done it from the start (it was converted from a quickie 1970+ version that I think argent did) although I had capped the dates to provide symmetry with the opposite function (since it's much easier to cap that one on a particular day, and 19 days on the edge seemed a small loss, vs detecting up to the last available second)... haven't checked the leap day / month detection in the loop replacement but I'll assume it's good until I double check. ps, I appreciate the fixes (always something to be learned) but can we separate out revisions that are more than corrections or order changes... it makes it harder to compare versions side by side (as the wiki only gives changed lines)... not complaining, I appreciate the feedback... PPS bad cabbit you didn't test to be sure? =)
-- Void (talk|contribs) 23:37, 20 January 2010 (UTC)
- As I was reading the code, I was like "this code is so evil I think it is something I must have done in a past life". I really enjoy niggling away at code like this, reducing it to it's bare essentials. With that loop, once I saw that the sister function shared it, it made sense why you used it, symmetry. Yeah I agree with you about the comparisons being easier but it all sort of rolled out all at once; it didn't help that I pushed allot of the adjustment math through multiplications and divides. P.S. This version I posted I did check (in LSLEditor, with only minor mods, casting the bools to ints), I wanted to make sure I didn't screw up the math somewhere. P.S.S. I was considering replacing the (i * 30) with (i << 5) - (i << 1) cause it would be theoretically faster to execute but I didn't because it would probably take longer to setup the registers. P.S.S.S. I really enjoyed the coding (It's a great piece of code) but I forgot about everything else I was supposed to be doing yesterday; the secretary of my Physical Therapist was nonplussed that I hadn't called to cancel. *sigh* P.S^4 I was thinking I would work on the sister function, see if the loop can be eliminated altogether. Could do it with a list. A tree of if's would be better but more expensive. I think instead I'll trick out Float2Hex to use my super evil Int-Base64-Hex converter. -- Strife (talk|contribs) 03:47, 21 January 2010 (UTC)
well I'm glad I could give you something fun to play with, though I am sorry it interfered with your RL schedule (such is the nature of our passions eh?) still haven't had a chance to poke at it... I'm barely fitting forum posts in between RL concerns =/ stupid RL, always demanding I do things like work and eat and sleep... meh
-- Void (talk|contribs) 16:47, 21 January 2010 (UTC)
Update: looking at it, the month calc doesn't look right, as it would include the current month and looks to be off by a day for some months... after fiddling with it, I came up with this... <lsl>//rtn =
86400 * (//y -= 1902
(int)(y*365.25 + 0.25) - 24837 + // (y>>2)*1461 + (int)((y&3)*365.375) - 24837 + //m -= 1 m*30 +(m-(m<7)>>1) + (m<2) - ((y&3)>0)*(m>1) + //d -= 1 d) +
h + m + s</lsl> check me on that but I think that's right for the symmetry capped version. shouldn't flow unless it's fed bad m/d/h/n/s, which I could force cap with llAbs(x%#) to prevent, so that even purposely malformed dates would fall in the +/-2145916800 range.
I did finally figure out that the extra months says were being subtracted out of the year calc, but had to abandon that for protection of missing months. I did note "&& ((vIntYear - 100) % 200)" was overkill, since those dates would fall outside the full valid range anyhow.
- "1+(d-(5+(y==4))/30" is as far as I got on loop replacement for the sister function, too hard to calculate a variable cutoff for a variable number based on that number... I may test whether an if structure will be smaller or faster.. or maybe a string or list with cutoff dates.. not as elegent as I'd have liked but ::shrug:: whatever works.
-- Void (talk|contribs) 00:01, 25 January 2010 (UTC)
References to forum threads
The references to these threads: and in the caveat on throttling on the llHTTPRequest page are now broken. Did your archive project manage to catch any of theses? If so is it possible to distill the relevant info from them and add it to the page? Pete Olihenge 10:18, 16 February 2010 (UTC) PS: I mean if you can give me access to the text of those threads, I can have a go at making a précis.
I'll take a look today, I didn't archive them by their thread ID's but rather by their page titles (or part thereof), but the links should still be in the page in print view, so I'll run text search and see if anything turns up... Gromlocks case probably won't be helped by self throttling, but I did think about that when he posted.
-- Void (talk|contribs) 15:56, 16 February 2010 (UTC)
- @Strife: I know, but with the load it was experiencing (probably from unthrottled spider requests =P), the fact that I didn't have anything on hand to do it with, and I wanted relevant description on the file names it was faster to just do a quick link rewrite to get the print view, and grab the pages manually.... it's only about 23*40 pages or so.... I just went after the most valuable stuff to cut down on chatter, so library scripts, a few posts I had bookmarked, and stickies.... what can I say, I was really busy doing other stuff too, and the archiving was what I was doing in between.... unfortunately I'm going to need to do a parser for the broken bbcode, because you'rs won't work on print view pages, even after adding the local url and setting fileIsGreasable... c'est la vie
- PS. when you have a chance, can you show me what I might change in Template:void-box so that when clicking edit on the container in a page I get the content of the box to edit, instead of the template page? my wiki foo is weak. I love the layout / ease of use, but would like to make it more functional so I don't have to do full page edits for just a single box (plus then others can use it easier too)
-- Void (talk|contribs) 23:07, 16 February 2010 (UTC)
- PS. when you have a chance, can you show me what I might change in Template:void-box so that when clicking edit on the container in a page I get the content of the box to edit, instead of the template page? my wiki foo is weak. I love the layout / ease of use, but would like to make it more functional so I don't have to do full page edits for just a single box (plus then others can use it easier too)
sorry Pete, it's not in there, unfortunately the wiki pages don't have something similar (though it's the same setup as a notecard reader which there are examples of)
-- Void (talk|contribs) 23:25, 16 February 2010 (UTC)
- As to fixing the template... I haven't ever found a solution. It was the original reason LSL documents had section editing turned off (now the templates are so complex that edit links don't make sense). Shoot, I nearly forgot I need to make a template for Operators. -- Strife (talk|contribs) 06:16, 17 February 2010 (UTC)
Note to self: fix those links when the forum archives come online. Hmm, that page is a bit... forbidding? Pete Olihenge 07:32, 17 February 2010 (UTC)
RE: list format to Unix timestamp
hello. I'm using for over a year your u2StampUnixInt function and I have found a bug. If I submit at your function a time superior at 2010 2 28 with 0h00 (example [2010,3,14,0,0,0]) the day is additionned of 1 day.
Elenia Boucher 19:58, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for that Elenia I found the bug, and posted the corrected change (there was a bad transposed leap year calculation)... should work fine now, and again, thank you
-- Void (talk|contribs) 06:39, 17 March 2010 (UTC)
nPose wiki page
Hi, Void. I've been trying to contact you via the blogorum messaging system, but it claims you don't exist! (I've stared a jira about that about that
Anyway, Nandana Singh has asked me to help with the admin and distribution for nPose, and I'd like to take up your suggestion of posting the code in the wiki as well as continuing to distribute it in world via the GridShout system. I'm going to need some help setting up the pages, though, and I'm wondering if you could assist me with this some time over the next week or so.
I'll watch this page, though maybe you'll have better luck with the messaging system than have I. Or you could reach me via SLU.
Innula Zenovka 12:11, 28 April 2010 (UTC)
- Hi Inunla, more than happy to help, I've setup an easy to edit basis on a sub page of Nandana's user page, with a link to and from her main user page, and can add another link to the library once it's all in place. if you have any trouble getting it working right, just paste plain text of the information that needs to go the page below the existing content (PS use the edit tab at the top of the page to add content, the in-page edit links can't be made to work, and apparently can't be removed just for templates).
- as for the problem with messaging me on the blogorums, use a period instead of a space in my name and it should work, although I often miss them for days =X
-- Void (talk|contribs) 09:11, 29 April 2010 (UTC)
Re: Weekday from ( Y, M, D ) format
This item may be of relevance and/or interest; the author claims the algorithm to be accurate for any date. I came across it via the llGetTimestamp page in the old waka . Pete Olihenge 02:27, 31 July 2010 (UTC)
Mind your own business?
[Childish Rant posted by Kira Komarov (who wasn't even bold enough to sign their own edit) removed]
Thanks for stopping by to log your opinion, it's been noted and categorically dismissed exactly the way you chose to dismiss the the agreement on every single edit you added to this wiki. you have no authority to ignore or rewrite that agreement. only LL does. My statements are within the letter of the law. if you don't like them then may I kindly suggest you go piss up rope, because I'm really not interested in your misplaced ravings, here or anywhere else.
- P.S. and just so that you know, I've copied every last one of those pages and images, in accordance with the license of this wiki... not because I personally have any particular use for them, but just to annoy you. please feel free to direct any future ravings and/or threats you may wish to make or imply to so they can get a good laugh too.
-- Void (talk|contribs) 02:19, 24 May 2012 (PDT)
So who's getting cold feet now? Removing comments just because you cannot face your actions? tsk tsk tsk.
It didn't work here for you so you took matters in your own hands.
I originally thought when looking at your stuff that you are garbage, but I didn't expect this kind of confirmation. 35 years old, damn... Where did you spend that?
Yes, people like you have such low self-esteem that they need to remove any accusation for the fear of facing them. I blasted your away on that Jira, and I'll blast you away in any other place you may want to try me.
Be aware that the content was published on the wiki and is thus licensed GPLv3, make sure you give credit if you want to be legal. Thugs and mugs like you have no right to steal content and then post it here, thus "making it Linden's property". In fact, the correct quote reads "please do not post copyright content here".
I admire your lack of integrity to have copied my stuff. =)) I guess that says very much about how worthless your own stuff is. After all, one would have thought that you do not need it... Have fun with it! I hope it helps your 35 year old career as an Internet mug.
You know, I can offer you some links to other websites, so you can take content off there and post it here, so it becomes yours. Why don't you try the Louvre museum on-line? They have better images...
You have to admit, for me, the fact that you steal it can only compliment me so much. :-)
- P.S. Here's a tip: You can blur my AV out in those pictures using the blur tool in PhotoShop. Then you can use magic wand and select the environment and apply blur again. That way people won't be able to tell that I'm there in every single picture. The problem is that copying content from SL and posting it elsewhere (other than the wiki, Second Life or Linden Realms) is against the TOS so that way you don't have to give explanations and carry on being your usual self. Kisses!
- Kira Komarov 04:22, 24 May 2012 (PDT)