LSL Portal | Functions | Events | Types | Operators | Constants | Flow Control | Script Library | Categorized Library | Tutorials |
Please vote for: So that I can expand each function into deeper detail without the page starting to fail in readability. --Nexii Malthus 23:05, 24 October 2008 (UTC)
:Break it up so each major section has its own page... thats why hypertext was invented. -Overbrain Unplugged 13:36, 10 October 2010 (UTC)
Geometric Library
Line and Point, Vector | ||||||||||||
Calculates the vector from a point 'to' the closest point on a line <lsl> vector gLXdV(vector O,vector D,vector A){ return (O-A)-((O-A)*D)*D;} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Line and Point, Distance | ||||||||||||
Calculates distance of line to point, same as measuring magnitude of Line and Point Vector, but faster on it's own <lsl> float gLXdZ(vector O,vector D,vector A){ vector k = ( A - O ) % D; return llSqrt( k * k );} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Line Nearest Point, Nearest Point | ||||||||||||||||
Returns nearest point on line to given point <lsl> vector gLXnX(vector O,vector D,vector A){ return gLXdV(O,D,A) + A;} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Line and Line, Vector | ||||||||||||||
Shortest vector of two lines <lsl> vector gLLdV(vector O1,vector D1,vector O2,vector D2){ vector A = O2 - O1; vector B = D1 % D2; return B*( (A*B)/(B*B) );} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Line and Line, Distance | ||||||||||||||
Returns the distance between two lines <lsl> float gLLdZ(vector O1,vector D1,vector O2,vector D2){ vector A = D1%D2;float B = llVecMag(A);A = <A.x/B,A.y/B,A.z/B>; return (O2-O1) * A;} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Line and Line, Nearest point | ||||||||||||||
Closest point of two lines <lsl> vector gLLnX(vector O1,vector D1,vector O2,vector D2){ vector nO1 = < O1*D1, O1*D2, 0>; vector nO2 = < O2*D1, O2*D2, 0>; vector nD1 = < D1*D1, O1*D2, 0>; vector nD2 = < O2*D1, O2*D2, 0>; float t = ( nD2.x*nD1.y - nD1.x*nD2.y ); t = ( nD2.y*(nO1.x-nO2.x) - nD2.x*(nO1.y-nO2.y) ) / t; return O1 + D1*t;} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Line and Line, intersection point | ||||||||||||||
Computes intersection point of two lines, if there is any, else <-1,-1,-1> if none. <lsl> vector gLLxX( vector A, vector B, vector C, vector D ){ vector b = B-A; vector d = D-C; float dotperp = b.x*d.y - b.y*d.x; if (dotperp == 0) return <-1,-1,-1>; vector c = C-A; float t = (c.x*d.y - c.y*d.x) / dotperp; return <A.x + t*b.x, A.y + t*b.y, 0>;} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Line and Line, two nearest points of lines | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Two closest points of two lines on each line <lsl> vector X1;vector X2; gLLnnXX(vector O1,vector D1,vector O2,vector D2){ vector nO1 = < O1*D1, O1*D2, 0>; vector nO2 = < O2*D1, O2*D2, 0>; vector nD1 = < D1*D1, O1*D2, 0>; vector nD2 = < O2*D1, O2*D2, 0>; float t = ( nD2.x*nD1.y - nD1.x*nD2.y ); t = ( nD2.y*(nO1.x-nO2.x) - nD2.x*(nO1.y-nO2.y) ) / t; X1 = O1 + D1*t; X2 = X1 + nD1%nD2;} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Line and Line, nearest line | ||||||||||||||||||||
Input two lines, the function will return a list containing two vectors responding to the line nearest between them. As well as two floats corresponding to the scalar value on the two line of where the line has an end located at. <lsl> list gLLnL( vector v0, vector v1, vector v2, vector v3 ) { float Eps = 0.000001; vector vx; vector vy; vector va; vector vb; vector vc; float x; float y; float d0; float d1; float d2; float d3; float d4; va = v0-v2; vb = v3-v2; if(llVecMag(vb)<Eps) return []; vc = v1-v0; if(llVecMag(vc)<Eps) return []; d0 = va*vb; d1 = vb*vc; d2 = va*vc; d3 = vb*vb; d4 = vc*vc; float den = d4*d3-d1*d1; if( llFabs(den) < Eps ) return []; float num = d0*d1-d2*d3; x = num/den; y = (d0+d1*x)/d3; vx = v0+vc*x; vy = v2+vb*y; return [vx,vy,x,y]; } </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Line and Line Segments, nearest line segment | ||||||||||||||||||||
Input two line segments, the function will return a list containing two vectors responding to the line segment nearest between them. As well as two floats corresponding to the scalar value on the two line segments of where the line segment has an end located at. <lsl> list gLSLSnLS( vector v0, vector v1, vector v2, vector v3 ) { float Eps = 0.000001; vector vx; vector vy; vector va; vector vb; vector vc; float x; float y; float d0; float d1; float d2; float d3; float d4; va = v0-v2; vb = v3-v2; if(llVecMag(vb)<Eps) return []; vc = v1-v0; if(llVecMag(vc)<Eps) return []; if( llFabs(vc.x + vc.y + vc.z) < Eps ) return []; d0 = va*vb; d1 = vb*vc; d2 = va*vc; d3 = vb*vb; d4 = vc*vc; float den = d4*d3-d1*d1; if( llFabs(den) < Eps ) return []; float num = d0*d1-d2*d3; x = num/den; y = (d0+d1*x)/d3; if(x<0)x=0; else if(x>1)x=1; if(y<0)y=0; else if(y>1)y=1; vx = v0+vc*x; vy = v2+vb*y; return [vx,vy,x,y]; } </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Line and Line, two nearest points with vector and distance | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Computes two closest points of two lines, vector and distance <lsl> vector X1;vector X2;vector V1;float Z1; gLLnnXXVZ(vector O1,vector D1,vector O2,vector D2){ vector nO1 = < O1*D1, O1*D2, 0>; vector nO2 = < O2*D1, O2*D2, 0>; vector nD1 = < D1*D1, O1*D2, 0>; vector nD2 = < O2*D1, O2*D2, 0>; float t = ( nD2.x*nD1.y - nD1.x*nD2.y ); t = ( nD2.y*(nO1.x-nO2.x) - nD2.x*(nO1.y-nO2.y) ) / t; X1 = O1 + D1*t; X2 = X1 + CP(nD1,nD2); V1 = nD1%nD2; Z1 = llVecMag(V1);} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Line and Point, Direction | ||||||||||
Works out where point (X) is relative to the line of the segment (L0, L1). <lsl> float gLSPdir( vector L0, vector L1, vector X ){ return (L1.x - L0.x)*(X.y - L0.y) - (X.x - L0.x)*(L1.y - L0.y); } </lsl>
Copyright 2001, softSurfer ( (Must accept License #2), LSL-Port By Nexii Malthus
Plane and Point, Distance | ||||||||||||
Finds distance of a point from a plane <lsl> float gPXdZ(vector Pn,float Pd,vector A){ return A * Pn + Pd;} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Plane and Point, Vector | ||||||||||||
Finds vector that points from point to nearest on plane <lsl> vector gPXdV(vector Pn,float Pd,vector A){ return -(Pn * A + Pd)*Pn;} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Plane and Point, Nearest point | ||||||||||||
Finds closest point on plane given point <lsl> vector gPXnX(vector Pn,float Pd,vector A){ return A - (Pn * A + Pd) * Pn;} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Plane and Ray, Intersection Distance | ||||||||||||||
Finds distance to intersection of plane along ray <lsl> float gPRxZ(vector Pn,float Pd,vector O,vector D){ return -((Pn*O+Pd)/(Pn*D));} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Plane and Ray, Vector | ||||||||||||||||||
Finds distance vector along a ray to a plane <lsl> vector gPRdV(vector Pn,float Pd,vector O,vector D){ return D * gPRxZ(Pn,Pd,O,D);} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Plane and Ray, Intersection Point | ||||||||||||||||||
Finds intersection point along a ray to a plane <lsl> vector gPRxX(vector Pn,float Pd,vector O,vector D){ return O + gPRdV(Pn,Pd,O,D);} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Plane and Line, Intersection Point | ||||||||||||||
Finds interesection point of a line and a plane <lsl> vector gPLxX(vector Pn,float Pd,vector O,vector D){ return O + D*-( (Pn*O-Pd)/(Pn*D) );} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Plane and Plane, Intersection Line | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Finds line of intersection of two planes <lsl> vector oO;vector oD; gPPxL(vector Pn,float Pd,vector Qn,float Qd){ oD = llVecNorm(Pn%Qn); vector Cross = (Pn%Qn)%Pn; vector Bleh = (-Pd*Pn); oO = Bleh - (Qn*Cross)/(Qn*Bleh+Qd)*llVecNorm(Cross);} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Plane and Ray, Projection | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Projects a ray onto a plane <lsl> vector oO;vector oD; gPRpR(vector Pn,float Pd,vector O,vector D){ oO = O - (Pn * O + Pd) * Pn; vector t = llVecNorm( D - (Pn*((D*Pn)/(Pn*Pn))) );t = <1.0/t.x,1.0/t.y,1.0/t.z>; oD = Pn%t;} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Sphere and Ray, Intersection Point | ||||||||||||||
Finds intersection point of sphere and ray <lsl> vector gSRxX(vector Sp, float Sr, vector Ro, vector Rd){ float t; Ro -= Sp; if(Rd == ZERO_VECTOR) return ZERO_VECTOR; float a = Rd * Rd; float b = 2 * Rd * Ro; float c = (Ro * Ro) - (Sr * Sr); float disc = b * b - 4 * a * c; if(disc < 0) return ZERO_VECTOR; float distSqrt = llSqrt(disc); float q; if(b < 0) q = (-b - distSqrt)/2.0; else q = (-b + distSqrt)/2.0; float t0 = q / a; float t1 = c / q; if(t0 > t1){ float temp = t0; t0 = t1; t1 = temp; } if(t1 < 0) return ZERO_VECTOR; if(t0 < 0) t = t1; else t = t0; return Sp + Ro + (t * Rd); } </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Sphere and Ray, Intersection Boolean | ||||||||||||||
Finds if there is a intersection of sphere and ray <lsl> integer gSRx(vector Sp, float Sr, vector Ro, vector Rd){ float t;Ro = Ro - Sp; //vector RayOrg = llDetectedPos(x) - llGetPos(); if(Rd == ZERO_VECTOR) return FALSE; float a = Rd * Rd; float b = 2 * Rd * Ro; float c = (Ro * Ro) - (Sr * Sr); float disc = b * b - 4 * a * c; if(disc < 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Ray and Point, projected distance | ||||||||||||
Finds projected distance of a point along a ray <lsl> float gRXpZ(vector O,vector D,vector A){ return (A-O)*D;} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Box and Ray, Intersection Distance | ||||||||||||||||
Finds intersection of a Ray to a Box and returns intersection distance, otherwise -1 if there is no legal intersection. <lsl> float gBRxZ(vector Ro,vector Rd, vector Bo, vector Bs, rotation Br){ vector oB = (Ro-Bo)/Br; vector dB = Rd/Br; vector eB = 0.5*Bs; float mD = -1.0; float D; vector X; if(llFabs(dB.x) > 0.000001){ D = (-eB.x - oB.x ) / dB.x; if(D >= 0.0){ X = oB + D * dB; if(X.y >= -eB.y && X.y <= eB.y && X.z >= -eB.z && X.z <= eB.z) mD = D; } D = ( eB.x - oB.x ) / dB.x; if (D >= 0.0){ X = oB + D * dB; if(X.y >= -eB.y && X.y <= eB.y && X.z >= -eB.z && X.z <= eB.z) if (mD < 0.0 || mD > D) mD = D; } } if(llFabs(dB.y) > 0.000001){ D = (-eB.y - oB.y ) / dB.y; if(D >= 0.0){ X = oB + D * dB; if(X.x >= -eB.x && X.x <= eB.x && X.z >= -eB.z && X.z <= eB.z) if (mD < 0.0 || mD > D) mD = D; } D = ( eB.y - oB.y ) / dB.y; if (D >= 0.0){ X = oB + D * dB; if(X.x >= -eB.x && X.x <= eB.x && X.z >= -eB.z && X.z <= eB.z) if (mD < 0.0 || mD > D) mD = D; } } if(llFabs(dB.z) > 0.000001){ D = (-eB.z - oB.z ) / dB.z; if(D >= 0.0){ X = oB + D * dB; if(X.x >= -eB.x && X.x <= eB.x && X.y >= -eB.y && X.y <= eB.y) if (mD < 0.0 || mD > D) mD = D; } D = ( eB.z - oB.z ) / dB.z; if (D >= 0.0){ X = oB + D * dB; if(X.x >= -eB.x && X.x <= eB.x && X.y >= -eB.y && X.y <= eB.y) if (mD < 0.0 || mD > D) mD = D; } } return mD; } </lsl>
By Hewee Zetkin
Box and Ray, Intersection Point | ||||||||||||||||||||
Finds intersection of a Ray to a Box and returns intersection point, otherwise ZERO_VECTOR if there is no legal intersection. <lsl> vector gBRxX( vector Ro, vector Rd, vector Bo, vector Bs, rotation Br){ float k = gBRxZ(Ro,Rd,Bo,Bs,Br); if( k != -1.0 ) return Ro + Rd * k; else return ZERO_VECTOR;} </lsl>
By Hewee Zetkin
Box and Point, Intersection Boolean | ||||||||||||||
Finds if there is an intersection of a Point and a Box and returns boolean <lsl> integer gBXx(vector A, vector Bo, vector Bs, rotation Br){ vector eB = 0.5*Bs; vector rA = (A-Bo)/Br; return (rA.x<eB.x && rA.x>-eB.x && rA.y<eB.y && rA.y>-eB.y && rA.z<eB.z && rA.z>-eB.z); } </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Box and Point, Nearest Point on Edge | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Processes point on nearest edge of box to given point <lsl> vector gBXnEX(vector A, vector Bo, vector Bs, rotation Br){ vector eB = 0.5*<llFabs(Bs.x),llFabs(Bs.y),llFabs(Bs.z)>; vector rA = (A-Bo)/Br; float mD = 3.402823466E+38; vector X; list EdgesX = [< 0, eB.y, eB.z>, < 0,-eB.y, eB.z>, < 0,-eB.y,-eB.z>, < 0, eB.y,-eB.z>]; list EdgesY = [< eB.x, 0, eB.z>, <-eB.x, 0, eB.z>, <-eB.x, 0,-eB.z>, < eB.x, 0,-eB.z>]; list EdgesZ = [< eB.x, eB.y, 0>, <-eB.x, eB.y, 0>, <-eB.x,-eB.y, 0>, < eB.x,-eB.y, 0>]; integer x = (EdgesX != []); while( x-- ){ float y = gLXdZ( llList2Vector( EdgesX, x ), <1,0,0>, rA ); if( rA.x > eB.x ) y += rA.x - eB.x; else if( rA.x < -eB.x ) y -= rA.x - -eB.x; if( y < mD ){ mD = y; X = gLXnX( llList2Vector( EdgesX, x ), <1,0,0>, rA ); } } x = (EdgesY != []); while( x-- ){ float y = gLXdZ( llList2Vector( EdgesY, x ), <0,1,0>, rA ); if( rA.y > eB.y ) y += rA.y - eB.y; else if( rA.y < -eB.y ) y -= rA.y - -eB.y; if( y < mD ){ mD = y; X = gLXnX( llList2Vector( EdgesY, x ), <0,1,0>, rA ); } } x = (EdgesZ != []); while( x-- ){ float y = gLXdZ( llList2Vector( EdgesZ, x ), <0,0,1>, rA ); if( rA.z > eB.z ) y += rA.z - eB.z; else if( rA.z < -eB.z ) y -= rA.z - -eB.z; if( y < mD ){ mD = y; X = gLXnX( llList2Vector( EdgesZ, x ), <0,0,1>, rA ); } } if( mD < 0.000001 ) return <-1,-1,-1>; if( X.x > eB.x ) X.x = eB.x; else if( X.x < -eB.x ) X.x = -eB.x; if( X.y > eB.y ) X.y = eB.y; else if( X.y < -eB.y ) X.y = -eB.y; if( X.z > eB.z ) X.z = eB.z; else if( X.z < -eB.z ) X.z = -eB.z; return Bo + ( X * Br );} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Cylinder and Point, Intersection Boolean | ||||||||||||||
Finds if there is an intersection of a Point and a Cylinder and returns boolean <lsl> integer gCXx( vector A, vector O, rotation R, vector S ) { A = ( A - O ) / R;// Converts to local object frame return (llPow(A.x/S.x*2,2) + llPow(A.y/S.y*2,2)) <= 1. // Test radius && llFabs(A.z/S.z*2) <= 1.;// Test top/bottom } </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Polygon and Point, Intersection Boolean | ||||||||||
Figures out if point is inside of polygon or otherwise. <lsl> integer gCPXx( list CP, vector X ) {//Copyright (c) 1970-2003, Wm. Randolph Franklin; 2008, Strife Onizuka integer i = ~(CP != []); integer c = 0; if(i < -2){ vector vi = llList2Vector(CP, -1); do { vector vj = vi; vi = llList2Vector(CP, i); if((vi.y > X.y) ^ (vj.y > X.y)){ if(vj.y != vi.y) c = c ^ (X.x < (((vj.x - vi.x) * (X.y - vi.y) / (vj.y - vi.y)) + vi.x)); else c = c ^ (0 < ((vj.x-vi.x) * (X.y-vi.y))); } } while (++i); } return c; } </lsl>
Copyright (c) 1970-2003, Wm. Randolph Franklin (Must accept License #1), LSL-Port By Strife Onizuka
Polygon and Line Segment, Intersection Boolean | ||||||||||||||||
Figures out if line segment intersects with polygon. <lsl> integer gVPLSx( vector P0, vector P1, list VP ){ //Copyright 2001, softSurfer (; 2008, Nexii Malthus if( P0 == P1 ) return gCPXx( VP, P0 ); float tE = 0; float tL = 1; float t; float N; float D; vector dS = P1 - P0; vector e; integer x; integer y = VP!=[]; @start; for( x = 0; x < y; ++x ){ e = llList2Vector( VP, x+1 ) - llList2Vector( VP, x ); N = Perp( e, P0 - llList2Vector( VP, x ) ); D = -Perp( e, dS ); if( llFabs(D) < 0.00000001 ) if( N < 0 ) return FALSE; else jump start; t = N / D; if( D < 0 ){ if( t > tE ){ tE = t; if( tE > tL ) return FALSE; } } else { if( t < tL ){ tL = t; if( tL < tE ) return FALSE; } } } // PointOfEntrance = P0 + tE * dS; // PointOfExit = P0 + tL * dS; return TRUE; } </lsl>
Copyright 2001, softSurfer ( (Must accept License #2), LSL-Port By Nexii Malthus
3D Projection | ||||||||||
Projects a vector A by vector B. <lsl> vector Project3D(vector A,vector B){ return B * ( ( A * B ) / ( B * B ) );} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
Reflection | ||||||||||
Reflects Ray R with surface normal N <lsl> vector Reflect(vector R,vector N){ return R - 2 * N * ( R * N );} </lsl>
By Nexii Malthus
For anyone curious to the shorthand used and who wish to use a lookup table can use this as a reference. Or anyone who wishes to add a new function to the library is welcome to but it would be recommended to keep consistency. I tried to minimize the script function names to be easily readable. All the geometric function names start with a g.
g (Shape1) (Shape2) (Process) (Return (Only needed if other than integer))
Here is the legend:
Shorthand | Name | Description |
Geometric Types, all the shapes in the library | ||
X | Point | vector defining a point in space |
L | Line | A line has an origin and a direction and is infinitely long |
LS | Line Segment | A line segment is a finite line and therefore consists of a start and end position |
R | Ray | A ray is like a line, except it is more distinct as it defines wether it points forward or back |
P | Plane | A 2D doubly ruled surface of infinite size |
S | Sphere | A sphere is defined by origin and radius (No ellipsoid functions available yet) |
B | Box | A box primitive is six sided and defined by origin, size as well as a rotation. |
C | Cylinder | An elliptic cylinder primitive . |
VP | Convex Polygon | Convex Polygon defined by list of vertices. |
CP | Concave Polygon | Concave Polygon defined by list of vertices. Automatic backward compatibility with Convex Polygons. |
The Process, What does it do? | ||
d | distance | Calculate distance |
n | nearest | Calculate nearest |
p | project | Calculates projection |
x | Intersection | Calculates intersection |
dir | direction | Calculates direction |
Return, What kind of data do I get out of it? | ||
Z | Float | Represents that a float is returned |
V | Vector | Represents that a vector is returned |
O | Origin | Represents the Origin of the ray or line |
D | Direction | Direction from the Origin |
E | Edge | Edge of a shape, such as an edge on a box, suffix may mark special case return type |
<lsl> //Copyright (c) 1970-2003, Wm. Randolph Franklin //Copyright (c) 2008, Strife Onizuka (porting to LSL) // //Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy //of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal //in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights //to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell //copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is //furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimers. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // 3. The name of W. Randolph Franklin may not be used to endorse or promote // products derived from this Software without specific prior written // permission.
<lsl> // Copyright 2001, softSurfer (; 2008, LSL-port by Nexii Malthus // This code may be freely used and modified for any purpose // providing that this copyright notice is included with it. // SoftSurfer makes no warranty for this code, and cannot be held // liable for any real or imagined damage resulting from its use. // Users of this code must verify correctness for their application. </lsl>