Gaeta 5

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Gaeta 5 as in Aug 2013

Gaeta 5 is the only finished continent of the Gaeta series. The initial project was to build 5 continents (named from Gaeta 1 to Gaeta 5), then to unite them into a single block of sims. Today, only Gaeta 5 is complete and a part of Gaeta 1 was built. Gaeta 5 is the most compact continent, with no gulfs or estuaries. On map, has a pea-shape or a potato-shape. This continent is an endless plain. It is linked to Corsica by a two-sim large passage (see Transcontinental Channels).


Gaeta 5 was built soon after Corsica. Construction started in april 14th 2008 and ended in may 25th 2008. It took only 41 days to build the continent [1].


Size in sims: 385 (N-S 19, E-W 32)

Size in meters: 25.23 square km (4.86/8.19 km)

Sea sims (complete flooded): 81

Coast sims (direct water access): 91

Dryland sims (no water access): 213

Sims with road access: 81 (sometimes they are continued with navigable channels).

Sims without direct access: 138

Population density: low


The following numbers are sim coordinates, as they are available from Gridsurvey [2] in the following format: longitude(min) - longitude(max) / latitude(min) - latitude(max). Gaeta 5 has no subcontinents, however it can be devided into two smaller subcontinents.

Continent: 1158-1189/1081-1099

West Gaeta: 1158-1174/1081-1098

East Gaeta: 1175-1189/1085-1099


Geographic regions

Gaeta 5 is similar with Gaeta 1. Both continents are a gigantic plain. However, Gaeta 5 has an average low plain and two higher plains. Also, the ocean floor has its own features.

The low plain starts from the seaside, with a large sand beach. This plain changes texture with every meter in altitude. It is easy to terraform. A large part of this plain is abandoned land, with slopes and holes.

The high plain looks like a hill, but if we compare the altitude and declivity to other continents, it is a plain. The bigest altitude is about 62 meters high (or 44 meters above sea level). There is a small difference in color between the lower and the higher plains. Unfortunately, these plains are full of abandoned land.

The ocean floor is similar to the ocean floor in Gaeta 1. Close to the coast, water is not deep and terraforming is very easy.

Other links

Gaeta V Network - roads in Gaeta

List Of Continents

[3] - Second Life Wikia about Gaeta

[4] - the Gaeta airports

[5] - a road trip through Gaeta 5.