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Revision as of 11:55, 6 December 2013 by Omei Qunhua (talk | contribs) (Move a note, Correct definition and example for child prims too)
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Function: vector llRot2Up( rotation q );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Computes the orientation of the local x-axis relative to the parent (i.e. the root prim or the world).
Returns a vector that is the up vector defined by q, i.e. a unit vector pointing in the positive Z direction

• rotation q


Mathematically equivalent to: <lsl>ret = llVecNorm(<0., 0., 1.> * q);</lsl> If q is known to be a unit quaternion then it can be simplified as: <lsl>ret = <0., 0., 1.> * q;</lsl> Keep in mind that object and agent rotations will always be unit quaternions. For example, <0.0, 0.0, 1.0>*llGetRot() is about 25-30% faster than llRot2Up(llGetRot()) depending on the VM used. If done often and at extremely fast rates, it can be advantageous to even save <0.0, 0.0, 1.0> to a local/global variable and reuse it.


<lsl> // Move a prim 5 metres forwards along its own z axis, when touched, no matter how the object is oriented in world. // Works for a root or child prim default {

   touch_start(integer total_number)
       vector v = llRot2Fwd( llGetLocalRot() );
       llSetPos( llGetLocalPos() + v * 5 );




Can be useful to identify the orientation of the local horizontal-plane of the prim, since it's z-axis is always perpendicular to this local horizontal plane.

See Also


•  llRot2Left
•  llRot2Fwd
•  llRot2Axis
•  llRot2Angle

Deep Notes


function vector llRot2Up( rotation q );