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Dams are massive constructions or natural obstacles along the rivers. They have a strong influence on the hydrographic network and on navigation. They can be used as oirentation points, since many times they are visible on map. Dams are found only in some Linden-owned continents: Sansara, Heterocera, Zindra, Sharp Continent, Premium continents and Corsica, on rare occasions they can be found in other places.


There are two kinds of dams:

  • Concrete Dams are massive structures that block water of a river and create a lake behind
  • Natural Dams are made of boulders, wood, ice or stone and they create waterfalls, they are found along rivers.


The following list is made as much as possible in alphabetic order.


Corsica has 6 dams, all placed into a single sim.

  • Linden Memorial Complex is a group of 6 concrete dams at the border of Linden memorial Park sim. They create large waterfalls. Altitude is 20 meters before the dam and 6 meters after the dam, so altitude difference is 14 meters. An interesting fact is that the water comes from the ocean, through the rivers of Linden Memorial Subcontinent and then flows into this low-altitude sim.


Heterocera has only natural dams, usually close to the shores.

Premium Continents

All premium continents have a dam in the center.


Sansara has the largest network of dams, both concrete and natural dams. The Sutherland Abyss hydrographic system is made of a central lake that flows into the ocean through 4 dams and covers a large part of the continent.

Sharp Continent

Sharp Continent has many similarities with Sansara, including the presence of both concrete and natural dams.


Zindra has a few concrete dams.

Outside the continents

Second Life Geography team found only a small dam somewhere in Dutchie sims.

See Also

Second Life Geography