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Revision as of 13:20, 21 December 2013 by Strife Onizuka (talk | contribs)
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Is there anyplace anywhere that actually answers in detail the question, "How is a physical object different from a non-physical object?" This page would be a logical place to put such a list of effects, or a link to one. (As it is the page is completely useless.)

For example:

- A physical object responds to gravity (which is what? how does it respond?) Careful; if you make an object physical without changing other things it immediately falls to the bottom of the sim, which is almost certainly not what you wanted.

- When clicked, a physical object... moves around randomly? Sort of gets launched in the direction you dragged it, sometimes?

- A physical object that overlaps with other objects... rotates and jiggles unpredictably?

- When an avatar collides with a physical object, what does the object do? What does the avatar do? What events are triggered?

- When a moving physical object collides with another physical object...?

- When a moving physical object collides with a non-physical object...?

- A physical object is affected by the following commands (e.g. llMoveToTarget) and not affected by these other commands (e.g. llVolumeDetect?)

I don't have the necessary information to write this page and am not interested in trying to reverse engineer it by experimentation. I might like to make use of the feature if I had more than the vaguest of ideas of what it actually does. Since others do use it, I assume someone somewhere does know what it does.

Brattle Resident 10:25, 21 December 2013 (PST)

You make excellent points. This (poor excuse for an) article is part of the Open Source Portal. The OSP in this case has different priorities for articles. I don't see a good reason not to usurp it and bring it into the Help Portal (it's too general to be LSL Portal IMO). -- Strife (talk|contribs) 12:20, 21 December 2013 (PST)