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Function: integer llGiveAgentInventory( key agent, string folder, list inventory, list options );
3.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Gives inventory items to target, creating a new folder to put them in.
Returns an integer

• key agent agent to receive inventory offer.
• string folder destination folder name to use.
• list inventory a list of items in the inventory of the prim this script is inlist of inventory items to give to the agent
• list options list of options for inventory transfer.


  • The target must be an avatar in the same region as the sending object, or must have recently been in the region.
  • Places the inventory items in a newly created folder in the avatar's inventory (even if there is a folder by the same name, a new one is created).
  • If a path of root folders has been specified, the function will ensure that those folders exist but will not recreate them if they already exist.

Transfer Options

Flags Parameters Description
TRANSFER_DEST 0 [ TRANSFER_DEST, string ] Sets a root path that will be used as the parent for folder. If the root path does not exist it will be created.

If it already exists in the target inventory it will be reused. Path folders are separated by a "|" character. The path may have have up to 4 folders in it.

Note that transfers to certain system folders (such as 'Trash') are disallowed.

"Objects|Vehicles|My Motorcycle Company"
"My Store|Home & Garden|"

TRANSFER_FLAGS 1 [ TRANSFER_FLAGS, integer ] There are no flags defined at this time.

Return Codes:

Transfer Errors

Constant Description
TRANSFER_OK 0 No error detected, inventory transferred
TRANSFER_BAD_OPTS -1 A bad option was passed in the options list.
TRANSFER_NO_TARGET -2 Could not find the receiving agent in the current region.
TRANSFER_THROTTLE -3 Transfer rate exceeded the inventory transfer throttle.
TRANSFER_NO_ITEMS -4 The list of items was empty or contained only non-transferable items.
TRANSFER_BAD_ROOT -5 The root path specified in TRANSFER_DEST contained an invalid directory or was reduced to nothing.
TRANSFER_NO_PERMS -6 The object does not have transfer permissions.
TRANSFER_NO_ATTACHMENT -7 Can not transfer ownership of an attached object.


  • This function causes the script to sleep for 3.0 seconds.
  • If target is not the owner nor shares the same owner, and inventory does not have transfer permissions, an error is shouted on DEBUG_CHANNEL.
  • If inventory permissions do not allow copy, the transfer fails and an error is shouted on DEBUG_CHANNEL.
  • If target is a prim that is not in the same region an error is shouted on DEBUG_CHANNEL.
  • When scripts are copied or moved between inventories, their state does not survive the transfer. Memory, event queue and execution position are all discarded.
  • If inventory is missing from the prim's inventory then an error is shouted on DEBUG_CHANNEL.


See Also


•  changed


•  llGiveInventory
•  llGiveInventoryList

Deep Notes


function integer llGiveAgentInventory( key agent, string folder, list inventory, list options );