Linden Lab Official:Reg API Examples
Second Life APIs
The following examples illustrate using the Reg API to register a new user with a specified Second Life first name and last name. The example code first checks to determine the availability of the selected first and last name, and either registers the user or returns an error message if the name is already taken.
LLSD library downloads
To use a library:
- Remove the -lib suffix from the file name.
- Put the file in the same directory as the application code, such as the examples below.
- Ruby LLSD library (version 1.3)
- PHP LLSD library (version 1.0)
- Python LLSD library (version 1.2)
- Perl LLSD library (version 1.0)
NOTE: The PHP scripts only work with PHP4.
Question: what version of each language is required?
Example code
This ruby example shows how to use the Registration API.
require 'llsd'
- 0 - get capability urls
- 1 - get error codes
- 2 - get the available last names
- 3 - check to see of a username + last name combo is taken
- 4 - register the user with this username + last name combo
get_capabilities_url = ""
- grab command line args
if ARGV.length == 3
first_name = ARGV[0] last_name = ARGV[1] password = ARGV[2]
puts "Please pass in your second life first name, last name, and password as arguments." puts "For example: ruby registration_api.rb joe linden 1234" exit
- 0 - Get Capability URLS ##############################################
puts "========== Getting capabilities ===========\n"
post_body = "first_name=#{first_name}&last_name=#{last_name}&password=#{password}"
- create a url-encoded string to POST
response_xml = LLSD.post_urlencoded_data get_capabilities_url, post_body
- POST the capability url to get capabilities
puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml puts response_xml
puts "\n"
capability_urls = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
capability_urls.each { |k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v}"} # print out capabilities
- 1 - Print out error codes ##############################################
puts "\n\n========== Get Error Codes Example ===========\n"
if capability_urls['get_error_codes']
response_xml = LLSD.http_raw capability_urls['get_error_codes'] # GET the capability url for getting error codes puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml puts response_xml error_codes = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
error_codes.each {|error| puts "#{error[0]} => #{error[1]}"} # print out all error codes
puts "Get_error_codes capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Exiting Prematurely ..."
- 2 - Get Last Names Example ##############################################
puts "\n\n========== Get Last Names Example ===========\n" if capability_urls['get_last_names']
response_xml = LLSD.http_raw capability_urls['get_last_names'] # GET the capability url for getting last names and ids
puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml puts response_xml last_names = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
last_names.each {|k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v}"} # print out last names # 3 - Check Name Example ############################################## print "\n\n========== Check Name Example ===========\n" if capability_urls['check_name'] random_username = 'tester' + Kernel.rand(10000).to_s # Generate a random username valid_last_name_id = last_names.keys.first # Get the first valid last name id params_hash = {"username" => random_username, "last_name_id" => valid_last_name_id } # put it in a hash
xml_to_post = LLSD.to_xml(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml
response_xml = LLSD.post_xml(capability_urls['check_name'], xml_to_post)
puts "posted xml:" # Print out response xml puts xml_to_post
puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml puts response_xml
is_name_available = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
puts "Result (is name available?): #{is_name_available}" # Print the result # 4 - Create User Example ############################################## puts "\n\n========== Create User Example ===========\n" if is_name_available and capability_urls['create_user']: # fill in the rest of the hash we started in example 2 with valid data params_hash["email"] = random_username + "" params_hash["password"] = "123123abc" params_hash["dob"] = "1980-01-01" xml_to_post = LLSD.to_xml(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml
response_xml = LLSD.post_xml(capability_urls['create_user'], xml_to_post)
puts "posted xml:" # Print out response xml puts xml_to_post
puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml puts response_xml
result_hash = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
puts "New agent id: #{result_hash['agent_id']}" # Print the result # ALL DONE!! else puts "Create_user capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Exiting Prematurely ..." end else puts "Check_name capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Exiting Prematurely ..." end
puts "Get_last_names capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Exiting Prematurely..."
import llsd import urllib2, random, sys # This python example shows how to use the Registration API. The example goes as follows: # 0 - get capability urls # 1 - get error codes # 2 - get the available last names # 3 - check to see of a username + last name combo is taken # 4 - register the user with this username + last name combo get_capabilities_url = "" # grab command line args if len(sys.argv) == 4: first_name = sys.argv[1] last_name = sys.argv[2] password = sys.argv[3] else: print "Please pass in your second life first name, last name, and password as arguments. For example:" print "ruby registration_api.rb registration mackay 1234" sys.exit() # 0 - Get Capability URLS ################################################################# print "========== Getting capabilities ===========" post_body = "first_name=%s&last_name=%s&password=%s" % (first_name, last_name, password) # create a url-encoded string to POST response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(get_capabilities_url, post_body).read() # POST the capability url to get capabilities print "xml response:" # Print out response xml print response_xml capability_urls = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml for id, name in capability_urls.items(): # Print out capabilities print "%s => %s" % (id, name) # 1 - Print out error codes ############################################################### if capability_urls.has_key('get_error_codes'): print "\n\n========== Get Error Codes Example ===========\n" response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['get_error_codes']).read() # GET the capability url for getting error codes print "xml response:" # Print out response xml print response_xml error_codes = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml for error in error_codes: # Print out capabilities print "%s => %s" % (error[0], error[1]) else: print "Get_error_codes capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name) # 2 - Get Last Names Example ############################################################## if capability_urls.has_key('get_last_names'): print "\n\n========== Get Last Names Example ===========" response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['get_last_names']).read() # GET the capability url for getting last names and ids print "xml response:" # Print out response xml print response_xml last_names = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml for id, name in last_names.items(): # Print out last names print "%s => %s" % (id, name) # 3 - Check Name Example ################################################################## if capability_urls.has_key('check_name'): print "\n\n========== Check Name Example ===========" random_username = 'benny' + str(random.randrange(100,10000)) # Generate a random username valid_last_name_id = last_names.keys()[0] # Get the first valid last name id params_hash = {"username": random_username, "last_name_id": valid_last_name_id } # put it in a hash xml_to_post = llsd.toXML(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['check_name'], xml_to_post).read() print "posted xml " # Print out response xml print xml_to_post print "xml response:" # Print out response xml print response_xml is_name_available = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml print "Result (is name available?): %s" % (is_name_available) # Print the result # 4 - Create User Example ################################################################# if is_name_available and capability_urls.has_key('create_user'): print "\n\n========== Create User Example ===========" # fill in the rest of the hash we started in example 2 with valid data params_hash["email"] = random_username + "" params_hash["password"] = "123123abc" params_hash["dob"] = "1980-01-01" xml_to_post = llsd.toXML(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['create_user'], xml_to_post).read() print "posted xml " # Print out response xml print xml_to_post print "xml response:" # Print out response xml print response_xml result_hash = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml print "New agent id: %s" % (result_hash["agent_id"]) # Print the result # ALL DONE!! else: print "create_user capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name) else: print "check_name capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name) else: print "get_last_names capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name)
NOTE: This uses PHP4. See also Guidelines and tips.
<?php require_once('llsd.php'); // FILL THESE IN WITH YOUR OWN CAPABILITY URLS define('URI_CREATE_USER', '?????????'); define('URI_GET_LAST_NAMES', '?????????'); define('URI_CHECK_NAME', '?????????'); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if (is_name_available($_POST['username'], $_POST['last_name_id'])) { $user = array ( 'username' => $_POST['username'], 'last_name_id' => (int)$_POST['last_name_id'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'password' => $_POST['password'], 'dob' => $_POST['dob_year'].'-'.$_POST['dob_month'].'-'.$_POST['dob_day'] ); $result = llsd_post(URI_CREATE_USER, $user); print $result['agent_id']; } else { print 'SL name not available.'; } } ?> <h3>Create Second Life Account</h3> <form action="<?php print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td>First name:</td> <td><input type="text" name="username" size="25" maxlength="31" value="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Last name:</td> <td> <select name="last_name_id"> <?php $last_names = llsd_get(URI_GET_LAST_NAMES); foreach ($last_names as $last_name_id => $name) { print '<option value="'.$last_name_id.'">'.$name.'</option>'; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type="password" name="password" size="20" value="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email:</td> <td><input type="text" name="email" size="35" value="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Date of brith:</td> <td> <select name="dob_day"> <?php $days = get_days(); foreach ($days as $key => $value) { print '<option value="'.$key.'" '.$selected.'>'.$value.'</option>'; } ?> </select> <select name="dob_month"> <?php $months = get_months(); foreach ($months as $key => $value) { print '<option value="'.$key.'" '.$selected.'>'.$value.'</option>'; } ?> </select> <select name="dob_year"> <?php $years = get_years(); foreach ($years as $key => $value) { print '<option value="'.$key.'" '.$selected.'>'.$value.'</option>'; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" value="Create SL Account" /></td> </table> </form> <?php function get_months() { $months = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $key = date('n', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000)); $value = date('M.', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000)); $months[sprintf("%02d", $key)] = $value; } return $months; } function get_years() { $today = getdate(); $max_year = $today['year'] - 90; $min_year = $today['year'] - 13; $years = array(); for ($i = $min_year; $i >= $max_year; $i--) { $years[$i] = $i; } return $years; } function get_days() { $days = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { $days[sprintf("%02d", $i)] = sprintf("%02d", $i); } return $days; } function is_name_available($username, $last_name_id) { $params = array('username' => $username, 'last_name_id' => (int)$last_name_id); if (llsd_post(URI_CHECK_NAME, $params) == 'true') { return true; } return false; } ?>