Simple Encryption
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Here's a function to pass a secret message from one object to another. Using XOR, this is perhaps the weakest form of encryption. I have taken steps to make it harder to break using random nonce values with the password. If someone is able to decrypt one message, it will be easy for them to decrypt any other message. I've also added version support so that you can upgrade the script later and still have compatibility with older scripts using the same protocol.
<lsl> string ProtocolSignature = "ENC"; // your own signature float ProtocolVersion = 0.3; // can range from 0.0 to 255.255 string Password = "P@ssw0rd"; // change this to your own password integer communicationsChannel = PUBLIC_CHANNEL;
string hex(integer value) {
string hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; integer digit = value & 0xF; string text = llGetSubString(hex, digit, digit); value = (value >> 4) & 0x7FFFFFFF; integer odd = 1; while(value) { digit = value & 0xF; text = llGetSubString(hex, digit, digit) + text; odd++; value = value >> 4; } if(odd % 2) text = "0" + text; return text;
} string encrypt(string password, string message) {
// get a random value integer nonce = llFloor(llFrand(0x7FFFFFFF)); // generate session password string passKey = llMD5String(password, nonce); // generate digest string digest = llMD5String(message, nonce); // prepend message with digest message = digest + message; // encrypt message message = llXorBase64StringsCorrect(llStringToBase64(message), llStringToBase64(passKey)); // build header string header = ProtocolSignature; // append major version list versions = llParseString2List((string)ProtocolVersion, ["."], []); header += hex(llList2Integer(versions, 0)); // append minor version string minor; for(minor = llList2String(versions, 1); llGetSubString(minor, -1, -1) == "0"; minor = llGetSubString(minor, 0, -2)) ; header += hex((integer)minor); // append nonce to header string nonceH = hex(nonce); while(llStringLength(nonceH) < 8) nonceH = "0" + nonceH; header += nonceH; // return the header and encrypted message return header + message;
} default {
state_entry() { llSay(communicationsChannel, encrypt(Password, "Hello, Avatar!")); }
touch_start(integer total_number) { llSay(communicationsChannel, encrypt(Password, "Touched.")); }
} </lsl>
<lsl> string ProtocolSignature = "ENC"; // your own signature float ProtocolVersion = 0.3; // can range from 0.0 to 255.255 string Password = "P@ssw0rd"; // change this to your own password integer communicationsChannel = PUBLIC_CHANNEL; integer Debug = TRUE; // Set this to false for production integer listener;
init() {
if(listener != 0) { llListenRemove(listener); listener = 0; } listener = llListen(communicationsChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
} string error(string message) {
if(Debug) llSay(DEBUG_CHANNEL, message); return "";
} string decrypt(string password, string message) {
integer signatureLength = llStringLength(ProtocolSignature); integer headerLength = signatureLength + 12; // version = 4, nonce = 8 // verify length of encrypted message if(llStringLength(message) < headerLength + 44) // digest = 32 (base64 of digest + 1 character = 44) return error("Too small for secret message."); // look for protocol signature in message header if(llSubStringIndex(message, ProtocolSignature) != 0) return error("Unknown protocol."); // Parse version information from header integer index = signatureLength; // determine where to start parsing string major = "0x" + llGetSubString(message, index, ++index); string minor = "0x" + llGetSubString(message, ++index, ++index); float version = (float)((string)((integer)major) + "." + (string)((integer)minor)); // verify version is supported if(version != ProtocolVersion) return error("Unknown version."); // parse nonce from header integer nonce = (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString(message, ++index, index + 7)); // create passkey from password and nonce string passKey = llStringToBase64(llMD5String(password, nonce)); // remove header from message message = llGetSubString(message, headerLength, -1); // decrypt message message = llXorBase64StringsCorrect(message, passKey); // decode message message = llBase64ToString(message); // get digest string digest = llGetSubString(message, 0, 31); // remove digest from message message = llGetSubString(message, 32, -1); // verify digest is valid if(llMD5String(message, nonce) != digest) return error("Message digest was not valid."); // return decrypted message return message;
} default {
state_entry() { init(); } on_rez(integer start_param) { init(); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { string message = decrypt(Password, message); if(message != "") llSay(0, message); }
} </lsl>
Note: The Hex and Efficient Hex examples were used to create the hex method.