Third Party Libraries

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Library Version Description
Apache Portable Runtime 1.1.2 A set of C functions which provide a portable and consistent interface into operating system - or simply widely useful - functionality. We primarily use it for threading and socket i/o. This is actually three packages, apr, apr-util and apr-iconv.
Boost 1.32.0 A set of portable C++ libraries which provide a wide set of functionality. Used primarily for tokenization.
TUT 2006-06-22 Unit test framework based on the use of c++ meta template programming. Used to test LL libraries.
Quicktime 7.13 Used to play in-world video clips on a prim.
libcurl 7.15.1 Handles moving data across the net in many different protocols. Used to GET/POST/PUT/DELETE web resources.
OpenSSL 0.9.7c Provides encryption for sensitive actions such as user login
zlib 1.2.1 zlib is a lossless data-compression library which is used for a variety of network i/o and file compression.
Mozilla The mozilla library handles rendering HTML in the viewer.
CG ?? cg controls some visual effects. - NOT USED BY THE NORMAL CLIENT.
OpenGL ?? 3D Graphics rendering engine.
Expat 1.95.8 XML parser.
FreeType 2.1.5 Font engine.
jpeglib 6b JPEG decoder library.
KDU 5.2.1 Kakadu (KDU) JPEG-2000 decoder library.
OGG 1.0.3 Audio control.
Vorbis 1.1.2 Audio control.
SDL 1.2.7 The Simple DirectMedia Layer libraries are used for handling input and basic window/GL setup on the Linux client.
Smartheap ?? Memory allocation.
Speedtree ?? Controls rendering of trees that are not yet implemented.
xmlrpc-epi 0.51 Controls the XML-RPC protocol.
OpenJPEG 1.0 An open-source JPEG-2000 library; a slower alternative to Kadaku
Glib 2.0.7 ??
GTK+ 2.0.9 'Native' UI components on the Linux client.
ELFIO 1.0.3 Enhanced stacktrace information on the Linux client.
Mesa 6.2.1 Provides the required OpenGL headers under Linux.