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Revision as of 22:00, 19 April 2008 by Anylyn Hax (talk | contribs) (very very small minor edit)
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Function: string llGetTexture( integer face );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a string that is the texture on face

• integer face face number or ALL_SIDES

If face is ALL_SIDES then the function works on all sides. If the texture is in the prim's inventory, the return value is the inventory name, otherwise the return value is the texture UUID.


  • The function silently fails if its face value indicates a face that does not exist.
  • If the host object is no-mod and the texture is not in the prim's inventory, the returned value is NULL_KEY.
  • If the host object is mod and the texture is not "full rights" and not in the prim's inventory, the returned value is NULL_KEY.
  • The BLANK texture from the color picker is 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f
  • The DEFAULT texture (looks like wood) is 89556747-24cb-43ed-920b-47caed15465f


<lsl> //Tells the owner the textures on 6 sides default {

       integer i = 0;
       integer max = llGetNumberOfSides();
       while(i < max)
           llSay(0,"Side " + (string)i + " texture is: " + (string)llGetTexture(i));



See Also


•  llSetTexture
•  llSetLinkTexture Sets link's texture
•  llGetNumberOfSides Gets the number of faces on the prim

Deep Notes



function string llGetTexture( integer face );