Template talk:LSL Function/uuid

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Revision as of 07:52, 8 November 2009 by Gianni Lupindo (talk | contribs) (Simulators)
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Revision 649243 by Strife

Just to second Strife, while the term region is pretty clear the term sim or simulator can mean many different things (well 3). Calling a region sim is kinda deprecated. For more see this article: Simulator --Jewell Laryukov 13:26, 8 November 2009 (UTC)


The term simulator (or its abbreviation sim) is too clear as the term region: it's enough to read its definition that give it 2 meanings (not 3). The term region in much cases results wrong while SL scripting language help in client's documentation used term simulator --Gianni Lupindo 14:52, 8 November 2009 (UTC)