User Experience Interest Group/Topics

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This is a running list of topics for the User Experience Interest Group discussions. If you have a topic request or suggestion, edit this page to add it at the end of the appropriate list. Try to keep the topic description concise, ideally a single line or sentence.

If you add a topic, please sign it with (~~~~). That will be converted to your name and the current date, so we can easily see how recent a topic is. For example:

* Ways to make inventory easier to use. (~~~~)


  • Ways to make inventory easier to use. (Jacek Antonelli 06:59, 4 November 2008 (UTC))

Topic Requests (High Priority)

These are topics that someone has requested to be discussed soon. When selecting the weekly topic, topic requests usually take priority over the fallback topics.

  • (Edit the page to add yours here!)

If you have a topic request, edit this page to add it! Remember to keep it concise.

Fallback Topics (Low Priority)

These are topic ideas that would be interesting to discuss, but don't need to be discussed soon.

  • (Edit the page to add yours here!)

If you have a topic suggestion, edit this page to add it! Remember to keep it concise.

Past Topics

Please see the transcripts page for topics discussed at past meetings.

Topics Fanout

The following links factor out specific topics addressed at UXIG meetings: