Community Tools User Group/31-Mar-2011

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[13:03] bob Iwashi: may i ask, did we get an answer to my query last week about the Lindens in Support holding office hours to hear our concerns?
[13:03] Darrius Gothly: /me seconds Wil's request...
[13:03] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): well, welcome everyone! nice big group here.
[13:03] Peewee Musytari: o/ "YAYYYY!!!"
[13:03] Peewee Musytari:
[13:03] Peewee Musytari: _/_
[13:03] Wilhiam Hydraconis: that would be great Amanda
[13:03] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): maybe raymond and the rest of the linden team can give some general updates....
[13:03] Jeremy Linden: Hello, Kung Fu Marketer :-)
[13:03] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): ;)
[13:03] Raymond Linden: Ok, sure I can give some updates
[13:03] bob Iwashi: jeremy!! hope you like the flowers fella :)
[13:04] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): anyone on the linden side wanna go first?
[13:04] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): sure--raymond, you go
[13:04] Raymond Linden: It has been a big week from the implementation side!
[13:04] Jeremy Linden: Flowers?
[13:04] Marianne McCann: Hey all!
[13:04] Raymond Linden: As you probably already know, the Reply functionality went live early Wednesday.
[13:04] Venus Petrov: awesome
[13:04] Raymond Linden: This functionality shows who you are replying to in a thread and provides a link to the post you are replying to. This is a great addition. Thanks all for your suggestions!
[13:04] Peewee Musytari: heya jeremy
[13:04] Marianne McCann: Very glad to see that!
[13:04] Daniel Voyager: yay
[13:04] Raymond Linden: We also just rolled out a fix to the Logon this morning. . .
[13:05] Raymond Linden: Essentially, the fix is as follows:
[13:05] Wilhiam Hydraconis: an essential addition that is welcomed much i believe
[13:05] Peewee Musytari: its great raymond :)
[13:05] Raymond Linden: If you are not logged in and are viewing a page within the community . . .. and then Log-in . . .. . you will remain on the page you are viewing instead of being sent to the top level Blog page. Definitely a better log-in experience!
[13:05] nad is the new imperator of SL *
[13:05] Darrius Gothly: WOOT! Ty Raymond.
[13:05] Raymond Linden: What else . . .we removed some words from the Smut list. Added some words to the Spell-Checker. . ..
[13:05] Raymond Linden: By the way . . .if you find words that are not in the spell checker and should be, please let me know.
[13:05] Marianne McCann: One of my least favorite bugs, squashed!
[13:05] Venus Petrov: wonderful
[13:05] Raymond Linden: Please note however: The spell checker will give you an alert if the word begins a sentence and is not capitalized.
[13:05] Raymond Linden: We are also still continuing to scope out some UI work. Hoping to get that started next week.
[13:05] Darrius Gothly: Is "chink" such a naughty word these days Raymond?
[13:05] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): Did you do anything with single signon? I had to login twice today for first time in weeks, or was that when you were tweaking?
[13:06] Raymond Linden: For example . .. adding a "Reply" button to the bottom of an entire thread. Changing some light gray fonts to darker gray, and some spacing/alignment issues.
[13:06] Marianne McCann: Um. Yes, yes it is
[13:06] Depends on the armor Darrius :)
[13:06] Darrius Gothly: LOL
[13:06] Raymond Linden: Community Guidelines have been translated . . .Rand can speak to that. Here is a link:
[13:06] Raymond Linden:
[13:06] Darrius Gothly: When I was 20 .. it was. But now? Not so much.
[13:06] Marianne McCann: But ya.. context is key
[13:06] Raymond Linden: Lexie - any updates on the Answers sorting?
[13:07] Look in the wiki page at lower left... "In other languages" are links to the translations
[13:07] Not yet but it is being looked at.
[13:07] Thanks very much to the community translators who did the translations!
[13:07] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): i have an update re: moderation...
[13:07] Will update as soon as possible ã‹¡
[13:07] Raymond Linden: Yes, that issue is in Lithium's hands being reviewed
[13:07] me i did shit
[13:07] Peewee Musytari: poor old answers hehe
[13:07] Raymond Linden: So, that's about it from the implementation side
[13:07] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): i have alerted the moderators that everything that happened in first week (like warnings) don't count towards bans.
[13:07] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): so, your suggestion is in practice. :)
[13:08] Venus Petrov: great ty
[13:08] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): sure thing.
[13:08] When is that going to take effect, the amnesty?
[13:08] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): it's in effect right now.
[13:08] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): was on monday.
[13:08] Darrius Gothly: Has there been any consideration toward enabling Lithium's "Ideas" functionality?
[13:08] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): they are not removed, but they are not counted towards bans.
[13:08] Peewee Musytari: yeah darrius I think that`d be good too
[13:08] Wilhiam Hydraconis: not quite
[13:09] how many lindens here are gonna back nad warrior?
[13:09] Darrius Gothly: Sort of a "JIRA for Newbies"
[13:09] Peewee Musytari: instead of feedback forum which is a general everything forum now lol
[13:09] Wilhiam Hydraconis: i must say the forums have improved since the switch to Lithium
[13:09] Does that amnesty work for everyone?
[13:09] Wilhiam Hydraconis: with a few bumps
[13:09] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): and, raymond, any updates on the spam issue....
[13:10] Wilhiam Hydraconis: /me points his ears.
[13:10] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): yes, suspiria, any warnings that took place (for anyone) during the first week don't count as bans.
[13:10] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): towards bans
[13:10] We are working on the current portions of the platform, so ideas really is not something we have looked at too much yet
[13:10] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): that is. :)
[13:10] Raymond Linden: Well . . .. we have been successful blocking some of it on the back end. But, now there is spam with images
[13:10] So when will mine be lifted and taken off my record?
[13:10] i can ball harder?
[13:10] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): and thanks william. :)
[13:10] Raymond Linden: And image spam is more difficult to deal with. But, we are working on it
[13:10] Marianne McCann: Maaan. Missed my chance to act out
[13:10] Darrius Gothly: Lexie .. please do give it extra consideration. I think it would make an excellent tool for feeback and improvements toward the future.
[13:10] Wilhiam Hydraconis: yw, Amanda
[13:10] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): suspiria--i believe that i've answered your quetsion.
[13:10] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): question
[13:11] I totally thought the same
[13:11] Darrius Gothly: Ty
[13:11] i will use caps
[13:11] Peewee Musytari: did something happen today to direct non-english people to the forums?...a whole load arrived on answers at same time, all diff languages
[13:11] Wilhiam Hydraconis: Raymond .. i posted in CF my findings about the spammer
[13:11] Yes you have
[13:11] Wilhiam Hydraconis: will LL take actions accordingly ?
[13:11] Wilhiam Hydraconis: and was it helpful at all
[13:11] Wilhiam Hydraconis: ?
[13:11] bob Iwashi: Raymond, could you find out for us why we are no longer able to file tickets complaining about matters?
[13:11] Raymond Linden: Question for the group . .what are your thoughts on posting thresholds? In terms of posts per minute. ect ?
[13:12] Peewee Musytari: Nuuuuuuu!
[13:12] no limits please ^^
[13:12] Cummere Mayo: one per minute should be good
[13:12] Wilhiam Hydraconis: to stop the spammers ? .. yes
[13:12] Darrius Gothly: Agreed .. no limits please.
[13:12] Wilhiam Hydraconis: all for it
[13:12] Marianne McCann: Personally? Drive me nuts. I often hit the throttle on the last boards
[13:12] one minute would be fine
[13:12] DogWomble Dollinger: well under the old system, the 120 seconds rule seemed to affect a number of people
[13:12] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): Depends if it has an effect on edits
[13:12] Peewee Musytari: hated that on old forum
[13:12] DogWomble Dollinger: so maybe try 60 seconds instead?
[13:12] Raymond Linden: Sounds like 1 per minute is OK
[13:12] Peewee Musytari: no limits
[13:12] to stop spammers, it is more worth to have a moderation team 24/7
[13:12] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): the limit is to keep spammers down...
[13:12] Wilhiam Hydraconis: patience is not a limitation
[13:12] Venus Petrov: to stop spammers, one minute is ok
[13:12] the grid is operated 24/7 by its users
[13:12] Wilhiam Hydraconis: /me agrees with Venus.
[13:13] Marianne McCann: The spammers will still get through, I suspect
[13:13] Cummere Mayo: one per minute would be enough to throtle spam but not enough to really inconvience people
[13:13] Spammers win and we lose, why is it always like that?
[13:13] Deej Kasshiki: One minute seems reasonable
[13:13] Darrius Gothly: Limits are okay .. provided when you hit the governor that your post is not lost.
[13:13] Peewee Musytari: can it not be on answers?
[13:13] Peewee Musytari: there`s no spam ther
[13:13] Raymond Linden: Ok, thanks for the feedback
[13:13] DogWomble Dollinger: yeah, i'm thinking if a limit is going to be put in place, it needs to not inconvenience people too much
[13:13] Darrius Gothly: Yw Raymond.
[13:13] Why do residents get limitations due to spammers?
[13:13] Wilhiam Hydraconis: Because it benefits the whole forum, Susp
[13:14] Marianne McCann: Sus "This is why we can't have nice things"
[13:14] Darrius Gothly: Suzy .. they are trying to find a suitable middle ground that stops the spam and doesn't choke us off.
[13:14] Wilhiam Hydraconis: set your selfishness aside here aminute
[13:14] is it not better to have moderation 24/7
[13:14] Marianne McCann: I would suggest revistiting it when it is clear it does not deter spammers
[13:14] Peewee Musytari: does it stop edits within 1 min too?....cos that would suck
[13:14] Darrius Gothly: /me seconds Marianne's comment ...
[13:14] t see me
[13:14] Raymond Linden: Peewee - good question
[13:15] Wilhiam Hydraconis: /me concurs with Marianne
[13:15] Good point Mari
[13:15] Raymond Linden: I dont actually know! Need to check on that one
[13:15] It might Peewee, because you are re-posting
[13:15] we can double check that
[13:15] yeah you bes tnot look at me, rand
[13:15] Darrius Gothly: If so, then it needs to disregard edits. Those happen rapid-fire sometimes.
[13:15] Peewee Musytari: ty
[13:15] Cummere Mayo: limits will never detere spammers but a one per minute limitation wouldnt incovence that many people and it would slow the bots that can do a post every half second
[13:16] Wilhiam Hydraconis: agreed Darrius .
[13:16] Cummere Mayo: edits shouldnt need throttled
[13:16] Peewee Musytari: yeah I often see an edit as soon as I click post and go straight back in
[13:16] There has been less spam overall though, right?
[13:16] Wilhiam Hydraconis: Forums gets overflooded too quick now .. there's has to be a timer that restricts that
[13:16] Its getting better
[13:16] Darrius Gothly: (apologies to all) nad, your disruptive commentary is unwelcome. Please stop.
[13:16] Venus Petrov: i don't see a huge difference, really
[13:16] me neither ^^
[13:16] sl is always gettin 'better'
[13:16] We will keep working on it
[13:17] Wilhiam Hydraconis: i notice it is more rapidly acted upon
[13:17] Deej Kasshiki: Depends on th3 time of day
[13:17] just employ a nr 221 & 222 LINDEN ....^^
[13:17] Venus Petrov: lol Wildcat
[13:17] Wilhiam Hydraconis: lol Wildcat
[13:17] Cummere Mayo: most spam is getting better
[13:17] Cummere Mayo: not all but most
[13:17] Darrius Gothly: And please please please hire someone with "backwards body clock" to handle overnight spam and ... umm .. "stuff".
[13:17] Venus Petrov: well, instead of creating an OP spam, I have seen spam within threads
[13:18] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): actually, we do have folks who work at odd hours...the mods.
[13:18] Cummere Mayo: and ill even grudgingly admit moderation is a fraction of a percent more sane
[13:18] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): not consistently tho. :) there are times when mods are working in middle of nite tho.
[13:18] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): wow--cummere. that made my day. :)
[13:18] the grid runs 24/7 ..... ops should support in some areas too ...
[13:18] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): thank you!
[13:18] bob Iwashi: i agree wildcat
[13:19] Darrius Gothly: Preferred to have someone assigned those hours, rather than just ad hoc "when they can" scheduling. But yes, I have seen some actions done at off hours .. ty.
[13:19] do youwant to go through the agenda items from #Agenda ?
[13:19] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): yep, good idea.
[13:19] your off hours, is my primetime :p
[13:19] Venus Petrov: that would be nice
[13:19] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): first item is mature forum.
[13:19] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): that's a toughie.
[13:19] Venus Petrov: yes!
[13:19] Venus Petrov: you were going to pow-wow about it
[13:19] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): we have an adult private forum (venus, did you and blondin ever connect?)
[13:19] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): it's a toughie.
[13:19] Venus Petrov: i think we need such a place
[13:20] Cummere Mayo: its not up yet i thought
[13:20] Venus Petrov: that forum is for adult land owners and content creators, i understand
[13:20] Why do we need a mature forum?
[13:20] Cummere Mayo: and its not really LL run
[13:20] Wilhiam Hydraconis: /me agrees again with Venus.
[13:20] Venus Petrov: not residents
[13:20] Wilhiam Hydraconis: there's a need for such a forum
[13:20] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): we want to support the adult community, but so much of the topic discussion is not in accordance with our guidelines.
[13:20] Venus Petrov: we need one for residents
[13:20] So people can curse?
[13:20] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): yes, but our forums may not be the place. our forums need to be g rated.
[13:20] i heard that set LL is nothin
[13:20] adults only curse? lol
[13:20] Venus Petrov: so people can discuss mature/adult topics
[13:20] Wilhiam Hydraconis: no .. so people don't need to get frustrated to be pettied t speak as children
[13:20] Deej Kasshiki: So people can discuss mature subjects Susperia
[13:20] Wilhiam Hydraconis: no offence Marianne
[13:20] Cummere Mayo: amanda why cant we have a g rated and an adult rated? like so many other games?
[13:20] Mature like what?
[13:21] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): unfortunately, the adult verification doesn't work in lithium (we don't have it set up that way)
[13:21] Wilhiam Hydraconis: LIke sexuality
[13:21] Venus Petrov: the agenda topic has examples
[13:21] I want to post sexier pics on the forum ...^^
[13:21] DogWomble Dollinger: amanda is it possible to have a 'mature' section set up so that it is only visible when a person logs in and is verified as being 18?
[13:21] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): raymond, can u speak to this more?
[13:21] Cummere Mayo: you dont really need it too amanda
[13:21] Deej Kasshiki: I dunno like say BDSM for instance that's permitted inworld but not on the forums?
[13:21] t this Second Life? We have no sexuality.
[13:21] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): dog--that's the answer.... agreed.
[13:21] Darrius Gothly: Like someone wanting to discuss various **bleep** animations for their personal **bleep** attachments business.
[13:21] Venus Petrov: relationship issues, adult content, adult areas/ clubs, entertainment
[13:21] Venus Petrov: these are part of the SL economy
[13:22] Cummere Mayo: they are honestly big attractors of people into SL too
[13:22] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): unfortunately, we don't have adult verification in the community platform, so we just can't do it eyt.
[13:22] I second Venus ^^
[13:22] Wilhiam Hydraconis: i understand LL's approach to a general PG standard to the forums
[13:22] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): raymond? lexie? anyone else wnat to jump in?
[13:22] Raymond Linden: We can look into whether age verification is technically possible within the community
[13:22] Venus Petrov: why can't one be setup and then given access by request until the verification is available?
[13:22] Darrius Gothly: Admission by application will suffice till that is implemented. The Linden tasked with approving Apps can manually check the Profile.
[13:22] Wilhiam Hydraconis: but the adults need a space to speak openly
[13:22] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): that's the only way we can have a mature area.
[13:22] Cummere Mayo: amanda why not do it as an access granted only site ?
[13:23] Wilhiam Hydraconis: and that will not work with only 'gee golly gosh' convos
[13:23] Cummere Mayo: where your password gets emailed when you verify for in world
[13:23] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): i hear you guys--for sure.
[13:23] Cummere Mayo: then only verified people can get in
[13:23] To the question of "what is mature" please see: #Maturity_ratings_overview
[13:23] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): raymond can look into the technical pieces....
[13:23] I like that idea Cummere ^^
[13:23] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): How did you setup the merchants roundtable?
[13:23] The forums are general
[13:23] Venus Petrov: we need more than hearing, Amanda, with all due respect
[13:23] bob Iwashi: 1/2 answers?
[13:23] Raymond Linden: Yep - I will look into the technical side
[13:23] Darrius Gothly: Zackly the point Ciaran .. ty
[13:23] bob Iwashi: please, no more 1/2 answers
[13:23] Cummere Mayo: raymond, i'd be willing to flush out my idea further with you
[13:23] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): venus, can you give us a week to see if we can scope adult verification in the forums?
[13:24] might be a challenge keeping Search from veering into the Adult content forum, unwanted.
[13:24] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): otehrwise, the answer has to be no. we're at general maturity lvel in the forums.
[13:24] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): level
[13:24] Venus Petrov: sure, if you have a backup plan that can be implemented
[13:24] Raymond Linden: Cummere - ok, shoot me a PM with your idea
[13:24] vc pode vir aqui onde eu estou vem me ajudar
[13:24] Darrius Gothly: Qie .. I believe the Merchant Roundtable is invisible to Search now.
[13:24] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): but you already have one adult forums
[13:24] Venus Petrov: why not have access granted by request?
[13:24] Wilhiam Hydraconis: very well said , Venus
[13:24] Venus Petrov: like the one in commerce ?
[13:25] Peewee Musytari: if there was verification it would cover search I should wouldn`t get results for adult if u weren`t verified
[13:25] Wilhiam Hydraconis: should be a possiblity
[13:25] Venus Petrov: that could be implemented much faster
[13:25] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): there are private forums, yes.
[13:25] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): Yes the one for land owners and merchants is private
[13:25] If commerce has one why do you need another?
[13:25] Venus Petrov: tehn if age verification won't work, by request would
[13:25] Venus Petrov: scroll up Suspiria
[13:25] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): ok, can we table this one until raymond gets his arms around it, so to speak. :)
[13:25] t know how to sweat lindens
[13:25] no thanks I can read
[13:25] Darrius Gothly: Because Merchant Roundtable is an All Ages R-Rated area.
[13:25] Darrius Gothly: Ahem .. G-rated
[13:25] bob Iwashi: could we have the update on potential support oh please raymond?
[13:26] Venus Petrov: ok so next meeting will be report out and a backup plan? please? we need this area
[13:26] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): ok, next item....
[13:26] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): ok, venus!
[13:26] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): :)
[13:26] Venus Petrov: thank you!
[13:26] teddy Zepp: hello
[13:26] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): sure thing. you're all heard loud and clear. we'll see what we can do.
[13:27] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): ok, bob--we can't address support issues as this is not a group for support.
[13:27] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): this is only on community tools. sorry. out of scope (and the scope of Lindens in attendance)
[13:27] bob Iwashi: fair enough, but last week raymond diod asy he'd relay the message, i only wiondered if he had any news on that front
[13:27] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): ok, clarification on policy of third-party sites.
[13:27] bob Iwashi: whispers: say*
[13:27] Darrius Gothly: Amanda .. can you please "poke" that group to be more communicative?
[13:27] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): really, this is about advertising.
[13:27] Cummere Mayo: /me sent raymond her idea which should give LL an alternate implementation in case prefered fails.... see I -can- work with lindens >.>
[13:27] I think bob was asking if support was going to start a UG
[13:27] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): messages was passed to them, for sure.
[13:27] Darrius Gothly: Ty
[13:27] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): not to my knowledge--no support ug.
[13:28] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): but, again--we can pass that message along. none in teh plans that i know of
[13:28] Raymond Linden: Bob - I dont actually have an update there. But, I'll try to get you an answer next week
[13:28] they aint passin along shit
[13:28] bob Iwashi: please, if you could - not to flame etc, just so whichever linden is responsible will hear our concerns
[13:28] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): so, the third-party thing is about advertising.
[13:29] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): best to keep the convo's contained within teh forums.
[13:29] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): that said, the mods only see what's flagged (for the most part)
[13:29] Darrius Gothly: For example ... links to my blog are considered advertising .. even though I don't host banners or derive direct income from the site?
[13:29] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): so, if you link to a third party site that someone finds is inappriiate, then we'll deal with it.
[13:29] Cummere Mayo: amanda i did notice that a mod cut a link to a support tools website then reversed themselves
[13:29] teddy Zepp: May I ask what is the topic for today's meeting ?
[13:29] Cummere Mayo: so ... kudos
[13:29] Jeremy Linden: Quick reminder - we're holding this user group in a G-rated region. We appreciate your effort to speak and act accordingly. :-)
[13:29] teddy Zepp: Hello everyone
[13:29] Deej Kasshiki: What would be considered advertising? Links to personal blogs for ex?
[13:30] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): here's the agenda.
[13:30] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden):
[13:30] teddy Zepp: hello Daniel
[13:30] Darrius Gothly: Ty Jeremy
[13:30] jeremy you best not be talkin to me, punk
[13:30] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): it's probably ok, maybe that line needs to be clarified a bit.
[13:30] teddy Zepp: hello Raymond
[13:30] Raymond Linden: Hi teddy
[13:30] Darrius Gothly: Bye nad.
[13:30] teddy Zepp: thank you Amanda
[13:30] just to be sure... it's okay to link to an ongoing discussion on SLUniverse, then? I don't have to just mumble "across the street" and point?
[13:30] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): hey, no meannness to jeremy. :)
[13:30] Cummere Mayo: jeremy most of us are trying. keep in mind though g rated may have differant definitions to differant people and cultures
[13:30] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): lemme look into clarifiying that item in the community guidelines.
[13:31] starlight Midal: hi all
[13:31] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): there are lots of links to third party sites that we can't possibly get to--only flagged stuff anyway.
[13:31] Jeremy Linden: Cummere, you guys did a good job talking about the adult forums within the bounds of this discussion. I was just politely warning Nad.
[13:31] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): but, i see that you're right.more clarity there would be a good thing.
[13:31] best keep my name outcho mouth son
[13:31] Wilhiam Hydraconis: i'd suggest to avoid such linkage one would have to disable linking in the editor in general
[13:31] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): ok, next item. kb index.
[13:32] Darrius Gothly: Ty Amanda. There are many personal blogs that are not specifically commercial, but are hosted on commercial sites. However they contain very useful commentary that ought to be included at times.
[13:32] If I may, I'd like to address the KB-related topics... As to a KB "Landing Page", that is something we are working on
[13:32] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): go for it.
[13:32] s a fine idea, and we intend to do it asap.
[13:32] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): hear you darrius. for sure.
[13:32] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): ossm rand.
[13:32] Darrius Gothly: Ty
[13:32] Peewee Musytari: any progress on better instructions for answers? to find their posts, how to repost on them, getting answers to their email by default & marking them as answered?
[13:32] As for links to translations, there is unfortunately no built-in mechanism for that, so we will have to do it manually...
[13:33] but we will add something to the KB style guide to ensure standardization... another good suggestion!
[13:33] We are hoping to have additional videos that will help people learn more about using Answers
[13:33] teddy Zepp: may I ask what are some of the stats and responds from the community in regards to the community tools ?
[13:33] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): think we covered htat last week. we need a few more weeks under our belt before we can share basic stats.
[13:33] Venus Petrov: I wonder if you renamed that forum Questions & Answers?
[13:33] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): it's only been a month or so.
[13:34] Venus Petrov: rather than just Answers
[13:34] Darrius Gothly: Good idea Venus. Or maybe "Q & A"?
[13:34] Raymond Linden: teddy - we will have 1 month of data by the 2nd. Then, I will compile the metrics
[13:34] Peewee Musytari: I agree...questions in answers sounds so weird
[13:34] Venus Petrov: yes that would work, too.
[13:34] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): it's based on yahoo! answers--very industry standard.
[13:34] Darrius Gothly: Ty Raymond.
[13:34] Interesting idea Venus, noted!
[13:34] teddy Zepp: fantastic Raymond please keep me posted
[13:34] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): in that context, is it still weird?
[13:34] Cummere Mayo: for the first time and probably only time
[13:34] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): kk, good to know.
[13:35] Venus Petrov: some people aren't aware of industry standards ã‹¡
[13:35] Peewee Musytari: I liked second life answers
[13:35] not into no
[13:35] Darrius Gothly: Yes. Just cuz Yahoo does it .. don't mean it makes sense.
[13:35] Cummere Mayo: that industy standard could really use changing
[13:35] Peewee Musytari: thats more like yahoo answers in that sense
[13:35] Deej Kasshiki: Oz always likes to say that industry standards are a real bugaboo :)
[13:35] Raymond Linden: What are some suggestions on improving Answers?
[13:35] Peewee Musytari: the name?
[13:35] Venus Petrov: lol
[13:35] Cummere Mayo: rename it to q&A and let orriginal posters be able to reply easier...
[13:36] Deej Kasshiki: And making it so that they don't fall from the main page so quickly
[13:36] I find the whole structure puzzling, with answers/ is alloever the place
[13:36] FirestormViewer Rocks (tankmaster.finesmith): nice thing about industry standards is theres lots to choose from
[13:36] Darrius Gothly: Yes .. thread OP comments inline with posts from others.
[13:36] Deej Kasshiki: Agrees Cait
[13:36] Cummere Mayo: and for the love of god, get more mods like the one that reversed themselves that understand that sometimes to answer a question you HAVE to link to an outside site
[13:36] Peewee Musytari: the top things they complain is...cant` find my post, can`t answer my own post, where do I see my answers
[13:36] Wilhiam Hydraconis: i find moderation should also direct users to Q & A if need ( like moving threads )
[13:37] Venus Petrov: agree Wil
[13:37] Lisa Fossett: Is there someone tasked with organizing and categorizing the Answers?
[13:37] Wilhiam Hydraconis: many still wind up in general forums
[13:37] teddy Zepp: I would say making it easier to refine the questions within the database formate
[13:37] Deej Kasshiki: The replies can be very hard to follow
[13:37] Peewee Musytari: the comments format is a nightmare
[13:37] there are answers and then lots of comments on separate answers
[13:37] even I get lost
[13:37] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): Some instructions would be helpful when you click the answers tab, or at least a prominent link to how to use that section
[13:37] Cummere Mayo: ie its very hard to help someone find where to get flash without pointing them to adobe's site or quicktime without pointing to apple><
[13:37] Darrius Gothly: (out of band comment) When a thread is moved, it's "last read" pointer is reset. Can it be reworked so your profile knows that in the new location it is still the same thread and keeps the last read pointer?
[13:38] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): The FAQ should be at the top not bottom
[13:38] Peewee Musytari: somewhere obvious with a HUGE red arrow
[13:38] Marianne McCann: (Gotta zip off. have fun all)
[13:38] we can look at that ciaran
[13:38] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): thanks marianne. always good to see you!
[13:38] Darrius Gothly: TC Marianne
[13:39] Raymond Linden: Ok, thanks for all the responses.
[13:39] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): Bye mari
[13:39] Marianne McCann: Bye Bye!!
[13:39] Venus Petrov: tc Mari
[13:39] Wilhiam Hydraconis: =^.*= ????
[13:39] Wilhiam Hydraconis: pls progress , Lindens ^.^
[13:40] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): so, last item and then open for questions....
[13:40] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): re: premiums and live chat, etc.
[13:40] Peewee Musytari: the confusing help page hehe
[13:40] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): that's a support thing, so we can't really answer that one much beyond the basics.
[13:40] Darrius Gothly: (rewind to earlier topic .. sorry) With the changes to logon issues .. has the idle timeout been lengthened any?
[13:40] bob Iwashi: hear hear
[13:40] bob Iwashi: to amanda*
[13:40] No Darrius it has not been changed
[13:40] Cummere Mayo: yeah i talked to support this weekend that thoguht premium had the ticket on the front page
[13:41] Darrius Gothly: (rats .. ty)
[13:41] Cummere Mayo: /me wonders if support people ever USE the support page *chuckles*
[13:41] Venus Petrov: smiles
[13:41] Deej Kasshiki: /me chuckles
[13:41] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): yeah, i hear ya there. we're lookin at it cummere.
[13:41] DogWomble Dollinger: i use the support as an avenue to get to live chat :P
[13:41] Peewee Musytari: so getting the message on the help page directing non-english people to their forums (in their language) is support too?
[13:41] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): so, any other community tools topics?
[13:42] When is the broken ranking system going to be fixed? I’ve waited for 4 weeks with no suitable answer.
[13:42] Darrius Gothly: One ...
[13:42] bob Iwashi: sorry, but live support atm are a joke :(
[13:42] bob Iwashi: and that's all i'm saying afore i get on my soapbox
[13:42] Peewee Musytari: they really are hehe
[13:42] Cummere Mayo: thats a given bob but eh
[13:42] Darrius Gothly: Psychology topic ... it's easier to attack and hate faceless mods. A "Meet the Mods" would be good to personalize and familiarize people with the Mods.
[13:42] Peewee Musytari: the stuff they tell people is embarassing
[13:43] Cummere Mayo: might be a good idea to have the mods attend these hours anyways
[13:43] teddy Zepp: amanda will we take ideas from here and used them to test the community tools
[13:43] Venus Petrov: or rotate them in occasionally
[13:43] Cummere Mayo: cause it might be good for them to understand why people are so upset
[13:43] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): Any chance of a new products or events section in the forums? Or places for people to promote inworld content, there are plenty of discussions on how to, but where are the examples? Machinima for example
[13:43] Wilhiam Hydraconis: 'Meet the Mods' might better be a thread topic perhaps.
[13:43] Venus Petrov: /me grins@Wil
[13:43] Wilhiam Hydraconis: so mods can present themselves for the occasion
[13:44] Darrius Gothly: Agreed Wil. They don't need to learn us as much as we need to not see them as faceless dictators.
[13:44] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): hey lord--good idea re: machinima.
[13:44] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): do we have a hread on machinima yet?
[13:44] We do in the Creation forum
[13:44] Lisa Fossett: nods
[13:44] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): ossm. :)
[13:44] Wilhiam Hydraconis: there's a section on Machina ,yes
[13:44] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): thought so.
[13:44] Yes and my machinma thread was moved from the machinima sub-forum by a mod
[13:44] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): You have a discussion on it in creation but not a promotional, you've just launched a monthly event about it
[13:44] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): in fact, today we're annoucning the month of manchima with the LEA (check otu the blog post in Second Life section)
[13:45] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): :)
[13:45] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): yep.
[13:45] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): It would be nice if in your website somewhere I could see people's machinima
[13:45] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): yes, in fact i talked ot courtney about this today.
[13:45] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): let's talk offline. this is off topic... :)
[13:45] There is a thread showcasing Machinima links, been there for over 3 weeks
[13:46] Darrius Gothly: Good Promotions always leverage every possible form of contribution. The Community Platform is a VERY vibrant and rich source of content. I suggest using it well.
[13:46] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): :)
[13:46] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): we have about 15 mins left.
[13:46] Venus Petrov: quick question
[13:46] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): open mic on community tools...
[13:46] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): sure
[13:47] Venus Petrov: regarding the mature forum and age can be age verified w NPIOF right?
[13:47] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): Yes Venus
[13:47] Venus Petrov: good thanks ã‹¡
[13:47] Venus Petrov: awards you a kudo!
[13:47] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): lol
[13:47] Venus Petrov: ã‹¡
[13:47] Cummere Mayo: kudos system must burn
[13:47] teddy Zepp: can we use a white board in meeting to highlight topics, ideas and goals
[13:47] Cummere Mayo: /me looks for match and gasoline
[13:48] no burnt kudos :(
[13:48] Wilhiam Hydraconis: lol Cummere
[13:48] s gamed to easily and nothing is done about it
[13:48] could there be a group added for the sailing or flying communities? or a group for sports in general ? ^^
[13:48] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): wildcat--good idea.
[13:48] DogWomble Dollinger: /me turns the toaster down to stop burning the kudos
[13:48] Darrius Gothly: On any thread page there are two different links that direct people back to the Topics page. Though they both do the same thing, they are labeled differently. Can that be fixed?
[13:48] it is a very large community
[13:48] Cummere Mayo: yeah its being games to the point where people areasking NOT to be kudo'd out of protest
[13:48] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): absolutely.
[13:48] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): raymond/lexie, we should totally do that.
[13:48] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): sports is huge.
[13:49] How can someone issue 9 kudos a day to the same persona and it isn't gaming?
[13:49] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): and sailing--amazing community.
[13:49] Peewee Musytari: haha crashed and came back you are all ruth wigs and no bodies lol
[13:49] I agree on the sports!
[13:49] A geeky little question, might be old: Is there a reason why the setting Preferences / General / "Sort topics by time of most recent post" is turned off by default? Does anybody use the other sort order, whatever it is?
[13:49] I fly a WWII bomber, always nice to announce when I am going to bomb a sim ^^
[13:49] Wilhiam Hydraconis: lol
[13:49] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): :)
[13:49] Raymond Linden: Darius - let me look into that
[13:49] Venus Petrov: if the person is busy answering question, easy
[13:49] Venus Petrov: *questions
[13:49] Darrius Gothly: Ty Raymond. I posted on it early on. I can get the link if you wish.
[13:50] Cummere Mayo: /me puts on a flack jacket
[13:50] Wilhiam Hydraconis: A Lancaster or a Heinkel, Wildcat ? ^ .^
[13:50] lancaster Wil ^^
[13:50] Wilhiam Hydraconis: good :)
[13:50] Raymond Linden: Darius - yeah, a link would be great! Thanks
[13:50] Darrius Gothly: What? Not a B1-B?
[13:50] Darrius Gothly: Can do.
[13:50] Cummere Mayo: okay on the jira and support they say take policy questions to the forums, on the forums the mods say take it to user groups, at user groups they say thats off topic....
[13:50] Wilhiam Hydraconis: it's a EU thang, Darrius ;P :)
[13:50] Cummere Mayo: can we PLEASE have either a policty jira or a policy forum? please please?
[13:51] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): no, i'm sorry. there are no policy user groups or forums.
[13:51] Can we also have equal amnesty and not just for favorites?
[13:51] Darrius Gothly: LOL (simple colonist here)
[13:51] Peewee Musytari: is called the linden board of directors
[13:51] Cummere Mayo: thats my point amanda theres not one, and lindens keep sending us to jira and forums
[13:51] Cummere Mayo: ><
[13:51] We do not play favorites Suspiria
[13:52] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): who's sending you where?
[13:52] Wilhiam Hydraconis: How long will your ban last, Susp ?
[13:52] Wilhiam Hydraconis: just curious
[13:52] Then why isn't my warning lifed?
[13:52] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): Do you liaise with Soft and The Jira gang?
[13:52] and maybe an idea is to have a discussion group for newbies .... it must be hard time to time to step into the fire for them .... a newbie group could open the door for them ^^
[13:52] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): ooh a welcome forum or say hello
[13:52] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): again, suspiria. warnings are not deleted, but the ones received during the first week don't count towards bans going forward. that applies for everyone.
[13:53] Cummere Mayo: theres a number of lindens that say put policy requests on the jira, the jira lindens all say put it on the forums
[13:53] I see a lot of new residents activities
[13:53] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): yeah that has potential
[13:53] Cummere Mayo: on the forums mods say go to usergroups
[13:53] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): that's interesting cummere, i'll look into that.
[13:53] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): noted
[13:53] So any ban with a warning issued in the first week is reversed right?
[13:53] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): yeah, i'll make it clearer to folks internally on that.
[13:53] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): sorry for run around.
[13:53] Cummere Mayo: we just need a place somewhere anywhere
[13:53] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): Talk to the JJira folk and ask them how many jira entries get created that should be tickets or discussed in forums
[13:54] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): no, going forward, all bans under consideration will only include warnings from the second week and beyond.
[13:54] SO amnesty isn'tt for everyone
[13:54] did you read about the NEWBIE or NEW RESIDENT group idea Kung Fu?
[13:54] Wilhiam Hydraconis: no.. what is said is that you owe your ban to something happening after that first week, Susp
[13:54] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): i love that idea actually.
[13:54] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): i have something brewing on that--doing a lot more for newbies.
[13:54] teddy Zepp: how can we take our suggestions and ideas from out meeting and set them inot task and solutions ?
[13:55] a newbie forum / group seems like a good idea!
[13:55] Thanks for clarifying your revesal of statement
[13:55] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): happy to get suggestions--i'm in ideating phase now. so bring 'em on.
[13:55] teddy Zepp: our into
[13:55] I see them posting in answers ..... but it is a small step from there to welcome them in the viable forum
[13:55] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): I'd point you in the direction of an example of one but fear getting slapped, but other forums where the CEO posts have the new user area
[13:55] Venus Petrov: i believe the statements have been very consistent Suspiria
[13:55] Wilhiam Hydraconis: indeed
[13:55] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): suspiria, i:)
[13:55] How so last week it was amnesty for everyone, now it isn't
[13:56] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): :)
[13:56] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): have i been unclear?
[13:56] Peewee Musytari: how is it not for everyone?
[13:56] i can dig out Amanda's exact words if you like
[13:56] Wilhiam Hydraconis: no you haven't , Amanda
[13:56] Venus Petrov: the statement this week is the same as last week's
[13:56] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): not sure how i can be clearer, but happy to guet suggestions fromt eh crowd.
[13:56] this week is the 'gallow', next week the 'guillotine' ... matter of variation ^^
[13:56] Cummere Mayo: suspira im not understanding what is so confusing?
[13:56] Venus Petrov: laughs Wildcat
[13:56] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): Suspiria what happened in week one stays in week one
[13:56] Venus Petrov: it has always been week one only
[13:56] Lisa Fossett: You (Lindens present) might consider it off topic, but there's an issue I want to bring up. The lack of posting any metrics as regards to Incident Reports is leading many to say nothing happens.
[13:57] ok if a warning issued in the first wek is given amnesty, how can it count toward a ban?
[13:57] teddy Zepp: how are we doing on the front of making second life easier for users to use from their viewers
[13:57] the past is gone, today is today, tomorrow is a mystery (misery) ^^
[13:57] Lisa Fossett: I think that's a bad impression to put forward
[13:57] Peewee Musytari: if u had a warning in week 1 and ur name gets put up for a ban, ur warning for that week won`t be included in the matter who u are
[13:57] Darrius Gothly: Good point Lisa.
[13:57] Cummere Mayo: thats the point suspira ... it doesnt
[13:57] Wilhiam Hydraconis: you got banned for something that did not happen in the first week, Susp
[13:57] Amanda just said onlyu going forward
[13:57] DogWomble Dollinger: suspiria it doesn't
[13:57] bob Iwashi: teddy, i swore blind i'll never use viewr 2, and i never will
[13:57] teddy Zepp: and are we making any contracts with third party game companies ?
[13:57] s a *very* good point. It affects the community a lot, even if it's not part of Community Tools. Actually, *because* it's not part of Community Tools.
[13:57] SO the past is NOT forgiven
[13:57] Venus Petrov: only things post week one
[13:57] teddy Zepp: a simple viewer
[13:57] TGot that part
[13:58] Wilhiam Hydraconis: only in the first week *sigh* ..
[13:58] bob Iwashi: ranks as one of the worst things lindne labs have done, imho, viewer 2, ontynes, scouts
[13:58] Peewee Musytari: week one warnings are ignore susp
[13:58] Cummere Mayo: wait if a first week doesnt count...
[13:58] Peewee Musytari: not deleted
[13:58] DogWomble Dollinger: suspiria the past is forgiven, it's just if you got banned after that first week, it's because of somethign that happened after that first week
[13:58] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): Yeah Tyche's incident blotter hasn't been updated since December
[13:58] Cummere Mayo: but you get three warnings the second week you still get banned
[13:58] DogWomble Dollinger: unless you made yourself unclear and were banned within that first week?
[13:58] If first week doesn't count bans given for those warnings should be reversed
[13:58] Darrius Gothly: To divert the concept of warnings/bans a bit .. when are they "forgiven" .. if they are forgiven at all? If they are not, wouldn't it be fair to delete them after a reasonable "aging" period?
[13:58] Cummere Mayo: oooh
[13:58] Cummere Mayo: i see now
[13:58] Yet Amanda says no
[13:59] Wilhiam Hydraconis: do you know why you got banned at all , Susp ?
[13:59] Peewee Musytari: what difference does it make if they are ignored anyway suspiria?
[13:59] Wilhiam Hydraconis: seems you're clueless about the occasion triggering it
[13:59] teddy Zepp: for example can we set second life to open instantly in face book
[13:59] The difference is one warning of three can make a ban unnecessary
[13:59] Negating the ban
[13:59] Darrius Gothly: Umm .. Wil? How about "unclear" instead?
[13:59] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): ok, susupria, i think we've spent a good amount of time making sure that you understand, thanks to everyone who chimed in. :)
[13:59] Peewee Musytari: a ban that has already been served?
[14:00] Wilhiam Hydraconis: seems the same to me in her case , Darrius
[14:00] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): this one went quick, huh?!
[14:00] Peewee Musytari: you can`t really undo that
[14:00] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): and, we're at the end of our time!
[14:00] Cummere Mayo: shes saying if the ban was issued before the decision to give an amnesty will it be stricken from the record or ... at least credit be given amanda?
[14:00] ve always understood favorites get special treatment
[14:00] Thanks for the meeting :)
[14:00] Thanks for coming everyone!
[14:00] have a great day everyone
[14:00] My first time ... and it was a great time ^^
[14:00] Kung Fu Marketer (amanda.linden): thanks everyone!
[14:00] teddy Zepp: or can we have a viewer which will work with netbook , ipad tablets and phones
[14:00] Lord of Dee (ciaran.laval): Cheers guys and girls

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