Inventory OS
An overview per Kelly Linden on sldev:
There are three systems involved here that are closely tied:
So, resident inventory lives in the (DB) and each item references one or more assets in (ASC). Object inventory lives in (SIM) and each item references one or more assets in (ASC). Items actually in world don't really reference any asset in (ASC) or anything in (DB). Keeping items inside the contents of objects in world and *not* in your inventory reduces the load of (DB) and may help keep your inventory loading faster, depending on how much you do it. It doesn't have any effect on (ASC) load though. Attachments are the only case of an item in world that is also in your inventory, and the only case of an item in world that isn't in the sim state saves. That makes them doubly unique, and doubly fun. They also cross region boundaries far more than any other object, which has significant implications[1]. |
Feature Design Document
Documents needed:
- Coalesed object returns.
- Declined inventory offers should be routed to your Trash.
Functional Spec
Test scripts
Container Permissions internal test
- Coalesed object returns?
Discussion for future improvements
Relationship to other features
List of features that need to be tested when this feature changes, and why.
Notecards Test - Notecards can hold inventory items(not calling cards) if their next owner permissions are fully permissive.
LLGiveInventory Test - Object Contents is inventory.
Group Permissions Test - Group Object Contents.
Inventory Permissions Test - Make sure the permissions are correct.
Item Permissions Test - Make sure the permissions are correct.
Next Owner Permissions Test - Make sure the permissions are correct.
Scripted Permissions Test - A different kind of permissions, but applies to attachments. (Scripted permissions really needs a name change to distinguish them from modify, copy, transfer permissions)
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