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Old non-documented Library

Changes/ 1.0-1.1 - Added rotation types 1.1-1.2 - Added Hermite for float and vector

Example Script

<lsl> //===================================================// // Interpolation Library 1.2 // // "May 12 2008", "6:16:20 GMT-0" // // Copyright (C) 2008, Nexii Malthus (cc-by) // // // //===================================================//

float fLin(float v0, float v1,float t){

   return v0*(1-t) + v1*t;}

float fCos(float v0,float v1,float t){

   float F = (1 - llCos(t*PI))/2;
   return v0*(1-F)+v1*F;}

float fCub(float v0,float v1,float v2,float v3,float t){

   float P = (v3-v2)-(v0-v1);float Q = (v0-v1)-P;float R = v2-v0;float S = v1;
   return P*llPow(t,3) + Q*llPow(t,2) + R*t + S;}

float fHem(float v0,float v1,float v2,float v3,float t,float tens,float bias){

   float t2 = t*t;float t3 = t2*t;
   float a0 =  (v1-v0)*(1+bias)*(1-tens)/2;
         a0 += (v2-v1)*(1-bias)*(1-tens)/2;
   float a1 =  (v2-v1)*(1+bias)*(1-tens)/2;
         a1 += (v3-v2)*(1-bias)*(1-tens)/2;
   float b0 =  2*t3 - 3*t2 + 1;
   float b1 =    t3 - 2*t2 + t;
   float b2 =    t3 -   t2;
   float b3 = -2*t3 + 3*t2;
   return (  b0  *  v1+b1  *  a0+b2  *  a1+b3  *  v2  );}

vector vLin(vector v0, vector v1,float t){

   return v0*(1-t) + v1*t;}

vector vCos(vector v0,vector v1,float t){

   float F = (1 - llCos(t*PI))/2;
   return v0*(1-F)+v1*F;}

vector vCub(vector v0,vector v1,vector v2,vector v3,float t){

   vector P = (v3-v2)-(v0-v1);vector Q = (v0-v1)-P;vector R = v2-v0;vector S = v1;
   return P*llPow(t,3) + Q*llPow(t,2) + R*t + S;}

vector vHem(vector v0,vector v1,vector v2,vector v3,float t,float tens,float bias){

   float t2 = t*t;float t3 = t2*t;
   vector a0 =  (v1-v0)*(1+bias)*(1-tens)/2;
          a0 += (v2-v1)*(1-bias)*(1-tens)/2;
   vector a1 =  (v2-v1)*(1+bias)*(1-tens)/2;
          a1 += (v3-v2)*(1-bias)*(1-tens)/2;
   float b0 =  2*t3 - 3*t2 + 1;
   float b1 =    t3 - 2*t2 + t;
   float b2 =    t3 -   t2;
   float b3 = -2*t3 + 3*t2;
   return (  b0  *  v1+b1  *  a0+b2  *  a1+b3  *  v2  );}

rotation rLin(rotation r0,rotation r1,float t){

   // Spherical-Linear Interpolation
   float ang = llAngleBetween(r0, r1);
   if( ang > PI) ang -= TWO_PI;
   return r0 * llAxisAngle2Rot( llRot2Axis(r1/r0)*r0, ang*t);}

rotation rCos(rotation r0,rotation r1,float t){

   // Spherical-Cosine Interpolation
   float f = (1 - llCos(t*PI))/2;
   float ang = llAngleBetween(r0, r1);
   if( ang > PI) ang -= TWO_PI;
   return r0 * llAxisAngle2Rot( llRot2Axis(r1/r0)*r0, ang*f);}

rotation rCub(rotation r0,rotation r1,rotation r2,rotation r3,float t){

   // Spherical-Cubic Interpolation
   // r0 = Start, r1 = End, r2 and r3 affect path of curve!
   return rLin( rLin(r0,r1,t), rLin(r2,r3,t), 2*t*(1-t) );}

