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Function: float fCos( rotation H, float t );

Catmull-Rom cubic interpolation spline of four floats with fraction t.
Returns a float

• rotation H The four floats are stored in a compact rotation format.
• float t


A bit more optimised:<lsl>float fCatmullRom(rotation H, float t) {

   rotation ABCD = <
       (H.x *-0.5) + (H.y * 1.5) + (H.z *-1.5) + (H.s * 0.5),
       (H.x * 1.0) + (H.y *-2.5) + (H.z * 2.0) + (H.s *-0.5),
       (H.x *-0.5) + (H.z * 0.5), (H.y * 1.0)
   rotation T; T.s = 1.0; T.z = t; T.y = T.z*T.z; T.x = T.y*T.z;
   return T.x*ABCD.x + T.y*ABCD.y + T.z*ABCD.z + T.s*ABCD.s;

} // Released into public domain. By Nexii Malthus.</lsl>

With full matrix: <lsl>rotation mCat1 = <-0.5, 1.0, -0.5, 0.0>; rotation mCat2 = < 1.5, -2.5, 0.0, 1.0>; rotation mCat3 = <-1.5, 2.0, 0.5, 0.0>; rotation mCat4 = < 0.5, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0>; float fCatmullRom(rotation H, float t) {

   rotation ABCD = <
       (H.x * mCat1.x) + (H.y * mCat2.x) + (H.z * mCat3.x) + (H.s * mCat4.x),
       (H.x * mCat1.y) + (H.y * mCat2.y) + (H.z * mCat3.y) + (H.s * mCat4.y),
       (H.x * mCat1.z) + (H.y * mCat2.z) + (H.z * mCat3.z) + (H.s * mCat4.z),
       (H.x * mCat1.s) + (H.y * mCat2.s) + (H.z * mCat3.s) + (H.s * mCat4.s)
   rotation T; T.s = 1.0; T.z = t; T.y = T.z*T.z; T.x = T.y*T.z;
   return T.x*ABCD.x + T.y*ABCD.y + T.z*ABCD.z + T.s*ABCD.s;

} // Released into public domain. By Nexii Malthus.</lsl>

