Breedables Guide For Second Life

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breedable animal second life
Snuffles are one of several varieties of breedable animals in Second life.

Breedable Animals Guide For Second Life

One of the most popular pastimes in Second Life is the caring for, feeding and breeding of virtual animals in Second Life. Over the years these animals have developed and a whole community of breeders and traders has emerged. Some players become so good at breeding animals that they are able to earn linden dollar profits from the buying and selling of them.


Pathfinding is a navigational API in SL that newer breedables use to navigate Second Life. This allows breedables to explore sim environments in a more dynamic way while at the same time generating significantly less lag due to reduced script processing and collisions. This was a significant problem and many landowners banned the movement of breedables because of the amount of sim lag caused by them.

Breedables List


Most aptly described as hamster/rodent/squirrel type createures, Snuffles are claimed by their creator to be the most popular breedable animal in Second Life with a thriving secondary market for the breeding and trading of Snuffle Burrows.

Snuffles were one of the first breedables to support the new pathfinding navigation system.

Amaretto Horses

Amaretto Horses are a type of breedable, breading features are primarily coat and appearance.


Meeros are a ferret type breedable animal.


Ozimals are a breedable rabbit.

WildWood Kitties

Wildwood Kitties are a type of breedable cat.


Krafties are a type of combat pet. Krafties allow you to fight against different owners and craft items.


Fennux are a type of combat pet.

External Articles & Sites

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