Gaeta 5

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Revision as of 19:44, 11 September 2013 by Anaimfinity Resident (talk | contribs)
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Gaeta 5 as in Aug 2013

Gaeta 5 is the only finished continent of the Gaeta series. The initial project was to build 5 continents (named from Gaeta 1 to Gaeta 5), then to unite them into a single block of sims. Today, only Gaeta 5 is complete and a part of Gaeta 1 was built. Gaeta 5 is the most compact continent, with no gulfs or estuaries. On map, has a pea-shape or a potato-shape. This continent is an endless plain. It is linked to Corsica by a two-sim large passage (see Transcontinental Channels).


Gaeta 5 was built soon after Corsica. Construction started in april 14th 2008 and ended in may 25th 2008. It took only 41 days to build the continent [1].


Size in sims: 385 (N-S 19, E-W 32)

Size in meters: 25.23 square km (4.86/8.19 km)

Sea sims (complete flooded): 81

Coast sims (direct water access): 91

Dryland sims (no water access): 213

Sims with road access: 81 (sometimes they are continued with navigable channels).

Sims without direct access: 138

Population density: low


The following numbers are sim coordinates, as they are available from Gridsurvey [2] in the following format: longitude(min) - longitude(max) / latitude(min) - latitude(max). Gaeta 5 has no subcontinents, however it can be devided into two smaller subcontinents.

Continent: 1158-1189/1081-1099

West Gaeta: 1158-1174/1081-1098

East Gaeta: 1175-1189/1085-1099

Other links

Gaeta V Network - roads in Gaeta

List Of Continents

[3] - Second Life Wikia about Gaeta

[4] - the Gaeta airports

[5] - a road trip through Gaeta 5.