Revision as of 10:31, 30 October 2013 by KiraCodie Resident (talk | contribs) (This is to provide an example of DATA_SIM_STATUS for people to see how to use it.)
LSL Portal | Functions | Events | Types | Operators | Constants | Flow Control | Script Library | Categorized Library | Tutorials |
Constant: integer DATA_SIM_STATUS = 6;The integer constant DATA_SIM_STATUS has the value 6
Returns one of these strings.
- "up": simulator currently up and running
- "down": simulator currently down
- "starting": simulator currently starting
- "stopping": simulator currently stopping
- "crashed": simulator has crashed
- "unknown": simulator status unknown or unknown simulator
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<lsl>key queryData;
default {
// querry immediately for simulator data on current status of sim. state_entry() { queryData = llRequestSimulatorData( llGetRegionName(), DATA_SIM_STATUS ); } // if another owner or the region changes where the script operates in reset script changed( integer isChanged ) { if( isChanged & CHANGED_REGION ) { llResetScript(); } if( isChanged & CHANGED_OWNER ) { llResetScript(); } } // how to handle the query information. dataserver( key queryID, string info ) { if( queryID == queryData ) { // output to upper case characters the current state of the sim. llOwnerSay( "This region is currently: " + llToUpper(info) ); } }