Hinterland-Iberia Microcontinents
Revision as of 09:01, 26 November 2013 by Anaimfinity Resident (talk | contribs) (Created page with "200px|thumb|right|Hinterland - Iberia They are two close microcontinents (see Microcontinent, in contact only at a corner. They can be found at…")
They are two close microcontinents (see Microcontinent, in contact only at a corner. They can be found at Coordinates 578-581/1272-1276, inside Grid Sector E12, North - West Ocean. Since they are very close, they can be analysed together. They have a common temporary name, A070, given by the team that created List Of Microcontinents And Sim Clusters. The Eastern microcontinent, Hinterland, is middle-age themed, with beautiful landscapes. The west one, Iberia, is more diverse and includes even urban landscapes.
Land With Restricted Access exists. Skyboxes exist too.