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Revision as of 15:38, 16 December 2013 by Omei Qunhua (talk | contribs) (Add some hopefully helpful comments)
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Function: float llGetWallclock( );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a float that is the time in seconds since midnight Pacific time (PST/PDT), truncated to whole seconds. That is the same as the time of day in SLT expressed as seconds.

For GMT use llGetGMTclock


<lsl>// Real World Sun integer Flag;

default {

       Flag = -1;
       float time = llGetWallclock();
       if (Flag == -1)
       if (time < 21600)
           if (Flag)
               llSetText("The Sun is coming! :)", <1,1,0>, 1.0);
               Flag = 0;
       else if (time < 64800)
           if (Flag != 1)
               llSetText("Sun has risen. :(", <1,0,0>, 1.0);
               Flag = 1;
       else if (Flag != 2)
           llSetText("Goodbye Sun. :(", <1,0,0>, 1.0);
           Flag = 2;


<lsl>// Convert to human-readable HH:MM:SS format string ConvertWallclockToTime() {

   integer now = (integer)llGetWallclock();
   integer seconds = now % 60;
   integer minutes = (now / 60) % 60;
   integer hours = now / 3600;
   return llGetSubString("0" + (string)hours, -2, -1) + ":" 
       + llGetSubString("0" + (string)minutes, -2, -1) + ":" 
       + llGetSubString("0" + (string)seconds, -2, -1);


default {

   touch_start(integer total_number)
       llSay(0, ConvertWallclockToTime());




To determine if the current time returned by this function is PST or PDT, you can look at the difference between the times returned by llGetWallclock() and llGetGMTclock(). The difference will be 8 hours for PST, and 7 hours for PDT, that is 28800 or 25200 seconds.

See Also


•  llGetGMTclock Seconds since midnight GMT

Deep Notes


function float llGetWallclock();