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Revision as of 09:36, 1 January 2014 by Kireji Haiku (talk | contribs)
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Constant: integer CONTENT_TYPE_HTML = 0x1;

The integer constant CONTENT_TYPE_HTML has the value 0x1

Sets the "Wikipedia logo"Internet media type "Content-Type" header of any subsequent LSL HTTP server response via llHTTPResponse to "text/html".


  • When using CONTENT_TYPE_HTML, this setting will be ignored unless all of these conditions are met:
    1. the web browser is the Second Life client
    2. the user (logged into the SL client viewing the page) is the owner of the object.
    3. the user (logged into the SL client viewing the page) is connected to the region the object is located in
    Obviously this is not compatible with group owned objects. One way around this limitation would be to temporarily attach a repeated.

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integer CONTENT_TYPE_HTML = 0x1;