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Emblem-important-red.png Warning! Future feature

This function will be supported in the upcoming GLTF Materials project.
Currently it will only work in supported testing areas with a supported test viewer.


Constant: integer PRIM_REFLECTION_PROBE = 44;

The integer constant PRIM_REFLECTION_PROBE has the value 44

PRIM_REFLECTION_PROBE is used to change the reflection probe configuration of the prim. This allows for author-positioned reflection probes. Reflection probes approximate reflective effects on shiny surfaces, and (optionally) environmental lighting effects from nearby objects. Effects are most accurate when viewed from the position of the reflection probe prim. The size and shape of the reflection probe determines the surface from which surrounding light is imaged for these effects.


[ PRIM_REFLECTION_PROBE, integer enabled, float ambiance, float clip_distance, integer flags ]
• integer enabled
• float ambiance Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. Is the brightness of lighting effects from the probe, but not reflection effects. If the environment settings has nonzero reflection probe ambiance, the effective probe ambiance is the greater of the two.
• float clip_distance Ranges from 0.0 to 1024.0. Is the minimum distance from the probe's center where the surroundings are included for imaging.
• integer flags PRIM_REFLECTION_PROBE_* flags

When used with llSetPrimitiveParams & llSetLinkPrimitiveParams & llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast


llGetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_REFLECTION_PROBE ]);

Returns the list [ integer enabled, float ambiance, float clip_distance, integer flags ]

• integer enabled
• float ambiance Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. Is the brightness of lighting effects from the probe, but not reflection effects. If the environment settings has nonzero reflection probe ambiance, the effective probe ambiance is the greater of the two.
• float clip_distance Ranges from 0.0 to 1024.0. Is the minimum distance from the probe's center where the surroundings are included for imaging.
• integer flags PRIM_REFLECTION_PROBE_* flags
type Flags V Description Notes
PRIM_REFLECTION_PROBE_BOX 1 Determines if the reflection probe is a box or a sphere. Unset by default (probe is a sphere)
PRIM_REFLECTION_PROBE_DYNAMIC 3 Determines if avatars are included by the probe for imaging. Unset by default (probe does not image avatars). Imaging avatars in probes has a performance cost.


  • A viewer must have reflections enabled to see the effects of reflection probes.
  • By default, the viewer auto-places reflection probes with 0.0 ambiance. Environment settings for the region or parcel can be adjusted to increase reflection probe ambiance for these auto-placed probes.
  • Automatically-placed reflection probes do not image avatars.


Set the prim's color and the color of the light it emits to the same color:-

integer switch;

vector gLampCol = <255,190,121>; //Light colour in regular (0-255) sRGB space. This will be converted to LSL later.

        gLampCol /= 255; //Convert to LSL colour.

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        switch = !switch; //toggle the switch
            PRIM_REFLECTION_PROBE,switch,llsRGB2Linear(gLampCol),1,20,0, //Convert colour to linear RGB as PRIM_REFLECTION_PROBE requires, using llsRGB2Linear

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