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Function: llEmail( string address, string subject, string message );
20.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Sends an email to address with subject and message.

• string address
• string subject
• string message

The entire message (including the address, subject and other miscellaneous fields) can't be longer than 4096 bytes combined.


The message is prefixed with information about the prim sending the email.

Template Example
Object-Name: *prim*
Region: *simname* (*simpos.x*, *simpos.y*)
Local-Position: (*primpos.x*, *primpos.y*, *primpos.z*)

Object-Name: Object
Region: Gibson (254976, 256000)
Local-Position: (117, 129, 50)

The real message starts here.


  • This function causes the script to sleep for 20.0 seconds.
  • If you're sending to the object owner, prefer the llTargetedEmail method.
  • There is a limit to the number of email messages an object can send in a given amount of time.
  • There is a limit of 500 messages from a single agent's objects in a one-hour period.
  • The 4096-byte size limit includes the subject line and automatically added text. The practical maximum body size is approximately 3600 bytes.
  • (Sept-2008) The Email Throttle was modified slightly, Per Prospero Linden's comments:
"there has long been a throttle that makes a single script sleep for 20 seconds after sending an email. The new throttle is per user... some were using many, many different scripts to send spam. (the new throttle applies) when the destination is outside of Second Life. I know that messages within the same region were not throttled (beyond the 20-second delay), and I *believe* that messages between different sims were not throttled (between the 20-second delay)."
  • Due to the bug SVC-23 (present since 2005), objects may stop receiving emails completely until either the region is restarted or the object crosses a region boundary (resetting the script doesn't help). Emails sent may eventually be received after a restart/region-cross. Hence, don't rely on this function for reliable inter-region messaging.
  • Due to bug BUG-229767, an object's email queue can still become suspended until the object crosses a region border (neither a region restart nor a script reset helps). First analysis has revealed a potential workaround, by implementing a delay of about 30 seconds before first trying to send email to a freshly rezzed script - apparently registering the email(...) event handler can take quite some time, and emails arriving prior to said registry process is what gets the entire queue stuck. Official Linden Lab response still pending.
  • Due to the bug SVC-391, llEmail will silently fail (no mail will arrive) when "Wikipedia logo"non-ASCII characters are present in the subject. However, non-ASCII characters in the message body will be replaced by "?".


string emailAddress = "somebody@example.com";
string emailHeader = "Someone touched me!";

    touch_start(integer num_detected)
        // llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Sending eMail report now, this will take ~20 seconds.");

        key id = llDetectedKey(0);
        string name = llDetectedName(0);

        llEmail(emailAddress, emailHeader,
            "I was touched by: '" + name + "' (" + (string)id + ").");

        // llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Email has been sent.");

Useful Snippets

email(string time, string address, string subj, string message, integer num_left)
    if (llGetSubString(address, -19, -1) == "@lsl.secondlife.com") //trim the header
        message = llDeleteSubString(message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "\n\n") + 1);


  • Because of the long delay on this function, it is often called from a second script triggered by link_message.
  • If you are sending email to a prim within Second Life, its address is [key]@lsl.secondlife.com
    • Which means if the key returned by llGetKey is "a2e76fcd-9360-4f6d-a924-000000000003", then its email address is "a2e76fcd-9360-4f6d-a924-000000000003@lsl.secondlife.com".
    • Agents do not have fixed email addresses, use llInstantMessage or llOwnerSay[1].

Prim2Prim Email

In LSL you can both send email with llEmail and receive it with the email event.

The email event is triggered with five pieces of information:

• string time When the message was sent, in the (string)llGetUnixTime format
• string address Who sent the message
• string subject Subject of the message
• string message Body of the message
• integer num_left The number of emails left in the email queue

When receiving a message sent with llEmail it helps to separate the message from the prefixed header. The header and original message body are separated by "\n\n"

integer divide = llSubStringIndex(message, "\n\n");
string header = llDeleteSubString(message, divide, -1);
message = llDeleteSubString(message, 0, divide + 1);

To get just one of the header items, do this:

list lines = llParseStringKeepNulls(header, ["\n"], []);
string objname_line  = llList2String(lines, 0);
string region_line   = llList2String(lines, 1);
string localpos_line = llList2String(lines, 2);

To get a pure region name, do this:

string region_name = llStringTrim(
                    llDeleteSubString(region_line, 0, 12),
                ), -2, -1), STRING_TRIM);

This application uses email to have objects check with a central server to see if the owner has the latest version. In the objects:

string version = "1"; //
string type = "lolcube";
    on_rez(integer start_param)
            (string)llGetOwner() + "," + type);

The server:

        llGetNextEmail("", "");
    email(string time, string address, string version, string message, integer num_left)
        if ((integer)version < 2)
            list info = llCSV2List(llDeleteSubString(message, 0, llSubStringIndex(message, "\n\n") + 1));
            llGiveInventory(llList2Key(info, 0), llList2String(info, 1));
        if (num_left)

See Also


•  email
•  link message


•  llGetNextEmail
•  llMessageLinked


•  IM to email
•  Postcards

Deep Notes


• internal test[2]


function void llEmail( string address, string subject, string message );
  1. If the agent or object are known to be in the same region, then you can use llRegionSayTo instead.
  2. Probably broken (last tested Feb 2023); the server still exists but is password-protected.