Volunteer-sponsored Classes

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Timezone Chart to check with your Local Time
(Note: This chart does not include Daylight Saving Time corrections often used in many countries during summertime)

General information

Mentor Coaches: Please list the class you intend to teach on this page in the following format below the line after reviewing the guidelines for hosting the sessions at Second Life Mentor Coaches

Mentor Apprentices: Please scroll down to view a list of official Orientation sessions that you may take to transfer into the official Mentor group. Feel free to check out the other classes offered by Mentor Coaches as well!

You can request a class at: Mentor Coach Class Request

For other events, please review the Official Linden Meetings and Events Schedule and Volunteer-sponsored Events. For classes hosted by mentors at the mainland, please have a look at the Mainland Mentor Coaches Class Schedule.

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Upcoming Optional Classes: ((month name))

Title: Example Class
Hosted by: Example Mentor
Date: 01-Sep-2008 (Monday)
SL Time: 1 AM SLT
Length: 1 hour
Location: Tenera (sandbox)🖈
Language: English
RSVP: (none required)
Description: This is an example class, just copy and paste this to add your own under the edit tab above :D

Upcoming Optional Classes: November

Title: Advanced Scripting Techniques - In-world/Out-world Communications
Hosted by: Nava Muni
Date: 09-Nov-2008 (Sunday)
SL Time: 3 PM SLT
Length: 1 hour
Location: Mephilo Tor (educational grounds)🖈
Language: English
RSVP: (none required)
Description: An overview of some practical techniques.

Notes: a moderate understanding of LSL and URL construction required

Upcoming Optional Classes: December

None scheduled at the moment.

VTEAM OFFICE HOURS: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Volunteer_Specialist_Office_Hours

This is the SLURL for the location of orientation. There is a Teleport pad located near the port-in location to help you locate the orientation classroom Click the Pad, Click "Classroom!" in the destination list, and finally click the color changing transport cone which arrises above the Pad.

SLVEC Orientation Classroom

Thanks and welcome aboard!

Spare classroom / Meetingpoint

For office Hours, General meetings, etc... As well to provide a "spare Classroom" for Orientation Sessions in the unlikely event of a Double Booked class or an Overlapping class, Neovo has created a SkyClass high in the Sky. It is complete with Orientation Class Handouts Kiosk, and the link to the Mediatexture "The Tao of Second Life Volunteers" in the MediaPanel. (/9 tao)

It consists out of an Upper Deck which is the actual classroom, and an Lower Deck which is totally enclosed with blind panels. The Upper Deck can hold up to 60 Persons. (50 Visitors + 10 Speakers, or combined up to 60) The Lower Deck can hold up to 20 persons This total construction is 165 Primitives. (2 Teleport pads Not counted)

You can reach these places by clicking one of the Teleport Pads at SLVEC and then choose "SkyClass" for the Upper Deck or "SkyRoom" for the Lower Deck in the destination menu.

New Volunteer Orientation Class Hand Outs Kiosk

Since the original Hand Out Kiosk only hands out the US/EN version of the Hand Outs, Neovo has created a new Orientation Class Hand Outs Kiosk at SLVEC, next to the Original one. This Kiosk is suited for 16 Languages, where as at this moment, 8 languages are already incorporated. As a result, Neovo masked the original Kiosk with a Notecard Giver, which tells they can obtain the Hand Outs from the Kiosk next to it. Due to an unknown effect, one might NOT see some or all the Language Cubes in this Kiosk when walking towards it from the far side. For that, you may want to notify Attandees that they have to physically walk up close to it and then choose the Language they will understand best. Selecting a language is done by clicking the Cube with the Landcode of choice.

(This is not yet approved by the V-Team. Neovo will restore the Old kiosk in function and will delete this new Kiosk when he receives a denial for it. If approved, this Kiosk will remain the Hand Out Kiosk for Upcoming Classes.)

Coaching Template Links

These templates can be used to schedule classes: