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For non-technical, everyday Second Life lingo, please see the Second Life Wiki:
Second Life Wiki Glossary
Son los datos que representan a tu usuario actual. Generalmente, está referido en el código “agent” tu identidad y “avatar” representando a otro. Es identificado con un UUID, llamado comunmente “agent_id” en el código fuente.
Asi se llama el grid para Beta Testers usada para testear el software de SL por usuarios que no pertenecen a Linden Labs, antes de ser implementado en el grid principal.
Es el grid primario y por omisión al cual los usuarios se conectan.
Es un dato, como una imagen, sonido, script, objecto, etc. Los Assets pueden ser bajados al visualizador o subidos a un centro de datos. Los Assets son identificados por su UUID y su tipo. Los tipos se encuentran en llassettype.h.
Es la represntación gráfica de un usuario. Implementado en la clase LLVOAvatar del visualizador/cliente.
(Need a clear definition of "child"; this should include both "child agents" as referenced in How to Read 1.7 simulator Stats for instance, and other apparently subtly different definitions, as in "Your attachment is a child of your avatar which is in turn a child of the thing you are sitting on," in sitting) Child refers to an object or agent connected to or associated with another asset. While it is often technically part of the asset, it is not in itself the asset. Prims sub-linked to other prims are an example of a child. An avatar standing in a sim next to the one you are in would be a "child agent" of the sim you are standing in. Similarly, an asset attached to your avatar would also be a child.
Sinónimo de Viewer.
Es una colección de regiones con determinadas reglas, usuarios baneados, posición del sol, etc. Cada estado tiene un dueño, puede ser un usuario o “Governor Linden”. La mayoria de regiones privadas estan en sus propios estados. Los Estados tienen identificadores del tipo "Integers", los cuales contienen enteros de 32 bits con signo (4 bytes) que se sitúan en el intervalo entre -2.147.483.648 y 2.147.483.647. La “mainland” tiene su id=1.
Sinónimo de Grid.
Es una caja de diálogo o ventana que aparece en la interfaz del usuario. Implementada en las clases como “LLFloater*”.
Es una librería multiplataforma. Es usada para reproducir efectos de sonido sin compresión y emitir música en formato MP3 a usuarios en determinadas parcelas. Ver
Es una colección de sims. Linden Lab ejecuta varios grids para testeo interno y externo.
Any server computer, but usually a sim.
The internal code name for the software project comprising the Second Life Servers (Userserver, Spaceserver, Dataserver, Simulator, and Backbone) and Viewer (the client)
Wavelet based image compression format. Inherently progressive, so images can be displayed with only partial data available, without increases in file size. See the Wikipedia entry on JPEG2000.
Cross-platform high-performance JPEG2000 library. Linden Lab does not have redistribution rights to Kakadu so the open source viewer ships with OpenJPEG.
Linden Scripting Language, a C-like language used for server-side scripting of objects.
Message Template
The protocol description for UDP packet communication between the viewer and servers. Described in the text file app_settings/message_template.msg.
Ogg Vorbis
Open source audio compression library. Sound effects are stored as .ogg files in the asset system. See Ogg Vorbis.
An area of land owned by a single user or group. Parcels are composed of square blocks measuring 4x4 meters, but the blocks do not have to be contiguous. Parcels have both an integer local id and a global UUID.
Abbreviation for primitive.
3D object in the world. Each prim is represented by a set of parameters, including position, scale, rotation, shape, cut, hollow, etc. Prims can be linked together into link sets. They can also be attached to avatars, but this process is separate from linking. Primitives are implemented in LLPrimitive, with vertex generation performed in LLVolume and rendering in LLVOVolume.
Representation of a rotation. SL uses unit quaternions represented in four floats. This allows only three floats to be transmitted and the remaining value reconstructed on the viewer. See GameDev article on quaternions.
Data set for a region of the world, like “Orientation Island” or “Ahern”. A region can be run by any simulator process, and regions move from sim to sim as the hosts are shut down, crash, etc.
Server host machine, for example The SL server grid consists of 2000+ sims. Sometimes “sim” is used incorrectly to mean simulator process or region.
The primary SL server process. Each simulator process simulates one 256x256 meter region. As the viewer moves through the world it is handled off from one simulator to another. Multiple simulator processes run on each server host, currently 2 to 16.
Common abbreviation for Second Life
Server-side representation of a primitive or link set. Since primitives can contain scripts or be physically simulated each task adds load to the server process. The agent is also represented as a task on the server, but has extensive additional processing.
An image applied to the surface of an object.
Globally unique identifier, a 128-bit number represented as a 16-byte binary value or 36-byte hexadecimal string. UUIDs can be generated by any part of the system and are guaranteed to be unique. See Wikipedia article on UUIDs.
An array of floating point values used to represent positions, colors, etc. Implemented in LLVector3, LLVector4, LLColor4, etc.
Client software, written in C++, that runs on the user’s Windows, Macintosh, or Linux computer. The process is named “newview” for historical reasons. You may specify Client parameters to it to alter its default behaviour.