Do while

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Revision as of 03:16, 9 March 2007 by Lowell Fitzgerald (talk | contribs) (Added example)
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do loop while (condition);

•  loop Executes once, then executes condition.
•  condition If condition executes true, it then loops back and executes loop again.

Any of the statements can be null statements.


Conditional Types
Type Condition
integer True if it is not zero.
float True if it is not zero.[1]
string True if its length is not zero.
key True only if it is a valid key and not NULL_KEY.
vector True if the vector is not ZERO_VECTOR.
rotation True if the rotation is not ZERO_ROTATION.
list True if the length is not zero. Note that correct behavior is only seen with Mono-compiled scripts; LSO-compiled scripts incorrectly resolve to false if the list is non-empty: BUG-230728


//Counts from 0 to 5
        integer olf;
            llSay(0, (string)olf++);

Deep Notes

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  1. ^ The OpenSim LSL compiler will not do this implicitly. You will need to use an explicit check.