LSL Tutorial
LSL Portal | Functions | Events | Types | Operators | Constants | Flow Control | Script Library | Categorized Library | Tutorials |
Beginner Tutorials
Getting Started In LSL: Tutorial for absolute beginners. Basic SL inventory and navigation required.
In-World Tutorials
Free interactive in-world Linden Script Tutorial: Bromley College has developed a free interactive scripting tutorial exhibition in-world.
You can also find the tutorial by cutting and pasting the following URL into your browser bar
secondlife://Daydream%20SE%20Islands/206/40 or in-world by choosing Search > Classifieds and searching for the phrase learn linden
Bromley College in-world Virtual Learning trials: Please feel free to come over and look around
External Tutorials
Using LSL introductory tutorial Dr. Dobb's tutorial
Building a Clock in Second Life - Full Video Tutorial: Video tutorial for building and scripting a clock.
Using the Linden Script Language: A short tutorial from Kan-ed.
Scripting Basics (Part 1): Scripting basics from Johanna Hyacinth. Also try part2 and part3.
Peter Nelson's Guide to LSL: A series of LSL tutorials from Peter Nelson. A work in progress.
A New Hampshire Coder in Linden Lab's Court: An article on discussing software engineering strategies for LSL