Developer communication tools
Let us know what you think on email, on the forum, or in-world. If it's not working for you, try to get help there. If it is working for you, try helping someone who isn't having as much luck as you are. File bugs - if you run into issues, look through the bug database and see if a bug has been filed. If so, vote for the issue to be fixed. If not, file the bug.
Mailing List
SLDev Mailing List (subscribe) - mailing list for discussing the development of the Second Life viewer. This is a high-traffic mailing list (as many as 30-40 messages/day on a busy day). For a weekly summary of this mailing list, see SLDev Traffic. You may also want to search the SLDev archives.
If you are having issues getting things built, and you just want to ask a quick question, please ask it in one of the "Technical Talk" forums.
Second Life JIRA, submit bug reports, reproductions and patches for issues relating to the open source viewer
You're soaking in it...
This is the place to post documentation, more indepth discussions, and various projects
Internet Relay Chat - your instant way to communicate irc://
Resident Run Groups
- Second Life Source Developers
- A group of people who use there real life programing skills to make SL a better place with open source releases from Linden Labs. (Not an official group.)
- Aware of the SL Issue Tracker
- To promote awareness of the Second Life issue tracker. (Not an official group.)
The Hippotropolis region is a gathering place for developers and residents interested in improving the Second Life Viewer. Teleport to the Linden Open Source Project headquarters.
Weekly In-world Meeting
Each week, there's an in-world meeting to discuss open source issues. See Open Source Meeting for details.