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Function: llMinEventDelay( float delay );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Set the minimum time between events being handled.

• float delay time in seconds


<lsl> default {

   touch(integer detected)
       llSay(0, "Touched.");//Without the event delay set touch would cause the screen to fill 
                            //with the word "Touched" in a split second if you held the mouse button down.


</lsl> Where as, if in one object you place this script (for the sake of fun call the object "Sandy Powell"). - <lsl> default {

   touch(integer detected)
       llSay(0, "Can you hear me mother?");//Northern English accent. Catch phase of Sandy Powell (comedian).

} </lsl>

and this in another object called "Mother" -

<lsl> default {

       llListen(0, "Sandy Powell", "", "");
   listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg)
       llSay(0, "Eh?");

} </lsl>

the response in chat is as follows -

<lsl> [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Mother: Eh? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Sandy Powell: Can you hear me mother? [12:51] Mother: Eh? [12:51] Mother: Eh? [12:51] Mother: Eh? [12:51] Mother: Eh? [12:51] Mother: Eh? [12:51] Mother: Eh? [12:52] Mother: Eh? [12:52] Mother: Eh? [12:52] Mother: Eh? [12:52] Mother: Eh? [12:52] Mother: Eh? [12:52] Mother: Eh? [12:52] Mother: Eh? </lsl>

and no more events are triggered. This is an example of lost transfered info because of llMinEventDelay so be careful with it.

See Also


•  LSL Delay for default values

Deep Notes


function void llMinEventDelay( float delay );