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Message Layout

	ObjectPropertiesFamily Medium Trusted Zerocoded
		ObjectData			Single
		{	RequestFlags	U32	}
		{	ObjectID		LLUUID	}
		{	OwnerID			LLUUID	}
		{	GroupID			LLUUID	}
		{	BaseMask		U32	}
		{	OwnerMask		U32	}
		{	GroupMask		U32	}
		{	EveryoneMask	U32	}
		{	NextOwnerMask	U32	}
		{	OwnershipCost	S32	}
		{	SaleType		U8	}   
		{	SalePrice		S32	}
		{	Category		U32	}	
		{	LastOwnerID		LLUUID	}
		{	Name			Variable	1	}
		{	Description		Variable	1	}

Usage and Notes

This packet is generated by the sim in response to the RequestObjectPropertiesFamily packet from the client.

In the client, it's used to populate the yellow pop-tip messages that you get when you hover over an object

  • ObjectID is the LLUUID of the asset in world
  • CreatorID is the LLUUID of the object's original creator
  • OwnerID is the LLUUID of the object's current Owner
  • GroupID is the LLUUID of the group that the object is assigned to (for group permission)
  • OwnerMask is the ObjectFlags (bit vector) containing the permissions that the owner has over the object. (ex: edit, copy)
  • GroupMask is the ObjectFlags (bit vector) containing the group permissions for that object
  • EveryoneMask is the ObjectFlags (bit vector) containing the 'everyone else' permissions for that object
  • NextOwnerMask is the ObjectFlags (bit vector) containing what permissions get applied to the object when it moves to the next owner (via purchase or transfer)
  • SaleType is a byte containing the type of sale the object is currently set to (byte) 0 is 'no sale'
  • SalePrice is the amount of Lindens that the object is priced at
  • Category corresponds to the category drop down in the client
  • OwnerShipCost(?)
  • LastOwnerID (?) is presumably the LLUUID of the avatar who owned it before the avatar that owns it now
  • Name is the Name(up to 255 characters) of the prim that you're hovering over.
  • Description is the Description (up to 255 characters) of the prim that you're hovering over.