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Function: list llGetParcelPrimOwners( vector pos );
2.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a list of all residents who own objects on the parcel at pos and with individual prim counts.
The list is formatted as [ key agentKey1, integer agentCount1, key agentKey2, integer agentCount2, ... ], and sorted by agent key with a maximum of 100 strides.

• vector pos

Requires owner-like permissions for the parcel.


  • This function causes the script to sleep for 2.0 seconds.
  • If the object owner is the same as the parcel owner (including if the object and parcel are both group owned) it will get all object owners.
  • If not and the parcel is group owned:
    • If the resident has the 'return group owned objects' power, return a list of just the group if there are any group owned objects on the parcel.
    • If the resident has the 'return group set objects' power return a list of all owners who have objects set to the group on the parcel
    • If the resident has the 'return non-group objects' power return a list of all owners of objects that don't fall into the above
  • If none of the above cases match, an empty list will be returned


<lsl> // Script by Falados Kapuskas

// The object has the same permisions to view prim parcel owners // as its owner (In About Land >> Objects >> Object Owners )

// Example: If you can't return group object, you won't see group objects // If you can't return any objects, an empty list will be returned. // If the prim is deeded to the right group, it should always get a full list

// Note: Only works when the when the owner is in the Sim // Deeded objects always work (group is always online?)

// -- SETTINGS (Edit These!) -- //

integer REFRESH_TIMER = 600; // Refresh Time (in seconds) vector PARCEL_POS = <128,128,0>; // A Region coordinate of a point in the parcel integer PAGE_SIZE = 8; // Number of owners to display per page on the prim integer DATA_TIMEOUT = 10; // Number of seconds to wait before giving up on dataserver events

// -- END SETTINGS -- //

list gQueryKeys; list gQueryIndex; list gNames; list gPrims;

key gDataserver_Name;

integer gPageNumber; integer gPageMax;

//Updates the internal list of prim owners //Returns TRUE if there were prim owners //Returns FALSE if the prim owner list was empty integer UpdateOwnerList() {

   list owner_prim = llGetParcelPrimOwners(PARCEL_POS);
   //Empty List either means no prims in the parcel
   //Or we couldn't get the list.  The latter is more likely
   if( owner_prim == [] ) 
       llSetText("[ERROR]\n Couldn't get Parcel Prim Owners",<1,0,0>,1.0);
       return FALSE;
   integer i;
   integer n = llGetListLength(owner_prim) / 2;
   //Reset the lists
   gPrims = [];
   gNames = [];
   gQueryKeys = [];
   gQueryIndex = [];
   for( i = 0; i < n; ++i)
       key owner = llList2Key(owner_prim,i*2);
       string name = llKey2Name(owner);
       if( name == "" ) { //Not in the sim
           //Add to the query list
           gNames += ["[Unknown]"];
           gQueryIndex += [llGetListLength(gNames) - 1];
           gQueryKeys += [owner];
       } else {
           gNames += [name];
       gPrims += llList2Integer(owner_prim,i*2+1);
   gPageNumber = 0;
   gPageMax = llCeil( (float)llGetListLength(gNames) / PAGE_SIZE );
   return TRUE;


// Shows the prim owners starting at index 9*page // Returns TRUE if there are more pages // Returns FALSE otherwise integer ShowPrimOwners(integer page) {

   integer len = llGetListLength(gNames);
   integer offset = len-page*PAGE_SIZE;
   if(  offset < 0 )
       return FALSE;
   integer i;
   integer end = (integer)( llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_MIN,[len,(page+1)*PAGE_SIZE]) );
   string text;
   for( i = PAGE_SIZE*page; i < end; ++i)
       text += llList2String(gNames,i) + " - " + (string)llList2Integer(gPrims,i) + "\n";
   return TRUE;


// Set-up phase default {

           if( gQueryKeys == [] )
               state display;
           } else {
               state lookup;
   // If there is an error, touch to reset
   touch_start(integer i){llResetScript();}


// Display the list // Allow page flipping via touch state display {

   touch_start(integer i)
       if( !ShowPrimOwners(++gPageNumber) )
           gPageNumber = 0;
       state default;


// Look up all names for people that are not in the sim // Go to the display state when finished state lookup {

       if( gQueryKeys == [] ) state display;
       gDataserver_Name = llRequestAgentData( llList2Key(gQueryKeys,0) , DATA_NAME );
   dataserver( key request_id, string data)
       if( request_id == gDataserver_Name )
           llSetText("Loading Names .. " + (string)llGetListLength(gQueryKeys),<1,.5,0>,1.0);
           if( llStringTrim(data,STRING_TRIM) != "" )
               integer i = llList2Integer(gQueryIndex,0);
               gNames = llListReplaceList(gNames,[data],i,i);
           gQueryKeys = llDeleteSubList(gQueryKeys,0,0);
           gQueryIndex = llDeleteSubList(gQueryIndex,0,0);
           if( gQueryKeys != [] )
               gDataserver_Name = llRequestAgentData( llList2Key(gQueryKeys,0) , DATA_NAME );
           } else {
               state display;
       //Skip it, move on
       gQueryKeys = llDeleteSubList(gQueryKeys,0,0);
       gQueryIndex = llDeleteSubList(gQueryIndex,0,0);
       gDataserver_Name = llRequestAgentData( llList2Key(gQueryKeys,0) , DATA_NAME ); 

Deep Notes


function list llGetParcelPrimOwners( vector pos );