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Template:KB Inventory

This article is about the inventory. For LSL related information, see Category:LSL Inventory. For opensource, see Inventory OS.

The window that contains everything you have that isn’t manifest in the world. Your inventory is the collection of clothing, objects, textures, etc. that your avatar possesses. Your inventory travels with you, and you can use any of it at any time.

There are three ways to open your inventory:

  • "Inventory" button in the lower right corner of your Viewer
  • Viewer menu: View > Inventory
  • Shortcut: Ctrl-I

Inventory Types

System Folders

Icon Name Description
Inv folder animation.png Animations Folder Default folder where animations will be stored once you created or received them.
Inv folder bodypart.png Bodyparts Folder Default folder where bodyparts (skin, hair, eyes...) will be stored once you created or received them.
Inv folder callingcard.png Calling Cards Folder Default folder where calling cards will be stored once you created or received them.
Inv folder clothing.png Clothing Folder Default folder where clothing (pants, skirts, shirts, ...) will be stored once you created or received them.
Inv folder gesture.png Gestures Folder Default folder where gestures will be stored once you created or received them.
Inv folder landmark.png Landmarks Folder Default folder where landmarkss will be stored once you created or received them.
Inv folder lostandfound.png Lost and Found Folder Folder where returned items will be stored.
Inv folder notecard.png Notecards Folder Default folder where notecards will be stored once you created or received them.
Inv folder object.png Objects Folder Default folder where objects will be stored once you created or received them.
Inv folder snapshot.png Snapshots Folder Default folder where snapshots will be stored once you created or received them.
Inv folder script.png Scripts Folder Default folder where scripts will be stored once you created or received them.
Inv folder sound.png Sounds Folder Default folder where sounds will be stored once you uploaded or received them.
Inv folder texture.png Textures Folder Default folder where textures will be stored once you uploaded or received them.
Inv folder trash.png Trash The trash stores all deleted items until it is emptied.

User Folders and Items

Icon Name Description
Inv folder plain closed.png Custom Folder A user generated folder. It looks like this when it's open: Inv folder plain open.png
Inv item animation.png Animation Animations allow to animate your avatar in a certain way.
Inv item attach.png ?
Inv item callingcard offline.png Calling Card (offline) Can be used to open a Residents profile.
Inv item callingcard online.png Calling Card (online) Can be used to open a Residents profile or to invite him/her to a friends conference
Inv item clothing.png Clothing
Inv item eyes.png Eyes Changes the texture of an avatars eyes.
Inv item gesture.png Gesture A combination of sound, animation and chat, triggered by a shortcut or chat command
Inv item gloves.png Gloves
Inv item hair.png Hair Changes the default hair of an avatar.
Inv item jacket.png Jacket
Inv item landmark.png Landmark Can be used to travel to a place.
Inv item notecard.png Notecard Can contain text and/or other (full perm) items.
Inv item object multi.png coalesced objects
Inv item object.png Object
Inv item pants.png Pants
Inv item script.png Script
Inv item shape.png Shape
Inv item shirt.png Shirt
Inv item shoes.png Shoes
Inv item skin.png Skin
Inv item skirt.png Skirt
Inv item snapshot.png Snapshot
Inv item socks.png Socks
Inv item sound.png Sound
Inv item texture.png Texture
Inv item underpants.png Underpants
Inv item undershirt.png Undershirt

The Library

The library is a collection of items, which are accessable in every users inventory. It's located as the last folder in the inventory and contains all default avatars, gestures, clothing, ...

See also How does the Library work?

See Also