Random AV Profile Projector

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Profile: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Debbie_Trilling

<lsl> // ~ RANDOM AV PROFILE PICTURE PROJECTOR v4.0 by Debbie Trilling ~

// *** This script randomly selects an AV from a crowd & then projects their // profile picture as a 'holographic' image ***

// idea inspired from http://forums.secondlife.com/showthread.php?t=225460 // and http://forums.secondlife.com/showthread.php?t=56343 and offered freely // in the same spirit. Free to use as you wish by under proviso // that the title and this introduction remain in place, and that due credit // continues to be given to Moriash Moreau, Jana Kamachi and Solar Alter, // and Debbie Trilling.

// TOUCH to switch ON and OFF


// how often in seconds the sensor fires float RepeatTime = 35.00;

// sensor range in meters. Maximum 96m but in practice 10 to 30m because of particle draw distance float Range = 25.00;

// length & width size in meters of the projected image (max 4.00) float Size = 2.50;

// height above object the centre of projected image will be (theoretical max. 50.0, in practice 2.0 to 10.0)) float Height = 2.50;

// UUID of texture palette to display when an AV without a profile pic is selected list DefaultTexture = ["7cfd684e-2141-941c-eac8-bd439f0d5a9f", "d02531dd-491c-45b5-2cab-2e47ec81ec0d", "c3eebd9e-ee92-a16f-f906-bc275928df86"];

// set to 'TRUE' to give a 'ShoutOut' to the AV once they have been selected; 'FALSE' for no 'ShoutOut' integer ShoutOut = TRUE;

// text to 'ShoutOut' when an AV's profile is projected. Text will be proceeded by their name, eg: "<AV Name>'s face is up in lights!" string ShoutOutText = "'s face is up in lights!";

// sets the number of consequtives times that the scanner is allowed to operate without having located an AV within range // eg: if RepeatTime = 60.0 seconds and TotalNoScansAllowed = 30, then the toy will operate for 1800 seconds (60x30, or 30 minutes) without locating // anyone before it automatically powers down. Set to '0.00' to disable the auto-off function integer TotalNoScansAllowed = 10;

// sets whether the DefaultTexture will be projected when the toy is switched OFF. 'TRUE' to project; 'FALSE' to have no projection when off integer ProjectDefaultTexture = TRUE;


string URL_RESIDENT = "http://world.secondlife.com/resident/"; key LastTexture = ""; integer Power = FALSE; integer NoSensorCounter = 0; key AVKey = ""; key ObjectOwner = ""; string OwnerName = ""; string ObjectName = "Profile Projector"; string Author = "Debbie Trilling"; string Supplier = "The Particle Crucible"; string Version = " v4.0";

GiveShoutOut() { // any interaction with selected AV (give Inventory items etc) can safely be done from this function // this function will only execute if ShoutOut == TRUE

//although fondly calling it a 'ShoutOut', it actually makes more sense to keep within the 20m range of llSay llSay(0, llKey2Name(AVKey) + ShoutOutText);


ProjectTexture() { if (ProjectDefaultTexture) { ParticleStart((key)llList2String(DefaultTexture, (integer)llFrand((float)llGetListLength(DefaultTexture)))); } else { llParticleSystem([]); } }

ParticleStart(key texture) { //core code by Moriash Moreau. Adapted to suit by Debbie Trilling llParticleSystem([ PSYS_PART_FLAGS, 0, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, 4, PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA, 0.50, PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA, 0.50, PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, <1.0,1.0,1.0>, PSYS_PART_END_COLOR, <1.0,1.0,1.0>, PSYS_PART_START_SCALE, <Size * 1.6 ,Size,0.00>, PSYS_PART_END_SCALE, <Size * 1.6,Size,0.00>, PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE, 1.20, PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE, 0.00, PSYS_SRC_ACCEL, <0.0,0.0,0.0>, PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN, 0.00, PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_END, 0.00, PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT, 8, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS, Height, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE, 0.10, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN, 0.00, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX, 0.00, PSYS_SRC_OMEGA, <0.00,0.00,0.00>, PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE, texture]); }

AnnounceWelcome() { llOwnerSay( "\nThank you for your interest in this product created by Debbie Trilling at The Particle Crucible."); }

ShutDown() { llSensorRemove(); Power = FALSE; ProjectTexture(); }

default {

on_rez(integer start_param) { // reset script on rez AnnounceWelcome(); llResetScript(); }

changed( integer change ) { if(change & CHANGED_OWNER ) { // reset script on change of owner AnnounceWelcome(); llResetScript(); } }

state_entry() { //initialise system llParticleSystem([]); ObjectOwner = llGetOwner(); OwnerName = llKey2Name(ObjectOwner); llSetObjectName(ObjectName + Version); llSetObjectDesc("Supplied by " + Author + "'s " + Supplier); ProjectTexture(); llOwnerSay("\nTOUCH the " + ObjectName + " to switch it ON and OFF."); }

touch_start(integer total_number) { if (llDetectedKey(0) == ObjectOwner) { // operation by Owner Only if (Power) { // touch to OFF ShutDown(); llOwnerSay("\nThe " + ObjectName + " is now switched OFF."); } else { // touch to ON Power = TRUE; NoSensorCounter = 0; llSensorRepeat("",NULL_KEY,AGENT,Range,PI,RepeatTime); llOwnerSay("\nThe " + ObjectName + " is now switched ON. Please wait..."); } } else { // touched by someone other than Owner llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0), "\nThank you for your interest in the " + ObjectName + " created by " + Author + ".\nThis script is available free from http://forums.secondlife.com/showthread.php?t=225692."); } }

sensor(integer total_number) { // save the AV key in case it is needed for a 'ShoutOut' AVKey = llDetectedKey((integer)llFrand(total_number)); // core code by Jana Kamachi and Solar Alter. Adapted to suit by Debbie Trilling llHTTPRequest( URL_RESIDENT + (string)AVKey,[HTTP_METHOD,"GET"],""); }

no_sensor() { // counts the number of times that the scanner doesn't find anyone in range. If TotalNoScansAllowed is set to greater than zero, automatically powers down the toy // when the number of no_sensors exceeds TotalNoScansAllowed. However, this functionality is disabled if TotalNoScansAllowed is set to zero. NoSensorCounter++; if ((NoSensorCounter > TotalNoScansAllowed) && (TotalNoScansAllowed > 0)) { ShutDown(); llInstantMessage(ObjectOwner, "\nThe " + ObjectName + " has been automatically switched OFF as no Agents have been detected within the set timeframe."); } else { ParticleStart((key)llList2String(DefaultTexture, (integer)llFrand((float)llGetListLength(DefaultTexture)))); } }

http_response(key req,integer stat, list met, string body) { // core code by Jana Kamachi and Solar Alter. Adapted to suit by Debbie Trilling integer s1 = 0; integer s2 = 0; integer s1l= 0; integer s2l= -3; s1 = llSubStringIndex(body,"<img alt=\"profile image\" src=\"http://secondlife.com/app/image/"); s1l = llStringLength("<img alt=\"profile image\" src=\"http://secondlife.com/app/image/"); s2 = llSubStringIndex(body,"\" class=\"parcelimg\" />");

if(s1 == -1) { // selected AV doesn't have a profile picture, so use the default instead ParticleStart((key)llList2String(DefaultTexture, (integer)llFrand((float)llGetListLength(DefaultTexture)))); } else { //check whether this was the texture used last time if ((key)llGetSubString(body,s1+s1l,s2+s2l) == LastTexture) { // same profile pic as last time. so display a random default instead ParticleStart((key)llList2String(DefaultTexture, (integer)llFrand((float)llGetListLength(DefaultTexture)))); // clear the last texture out LastTexture = ""; } else { // different profile from last time, so display it ParticleStart((key)llGetSubString(body,s1+s1l,s2+s2l)); // save the key for comparison purposes next time tho' LastTexture = (key)llGetSubString(body,s1+s1l,s2+s2l);

// give a 'ShoutOut', if set to do so if (ShoutOut) { GiveShoutOut(); } } } }

//default end }
