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Revision as of 13:52, 19 October 2009 by Strife Onizuka (talk | contribs) (Created page with '{{Issues/SVC-4939}}{{LSL_Generic/pre-release|function|server-release=1.33.0|client-release=1.24.4}}{{LSL_Function/face|face}}{{LSL_Function |func_id=352|func_sleep=1.0|func_energ...')
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Emblem-important-red.png Pre-release Documentation Warning!

This function is not available yet. This documentation was written prior to its final release so it may not match the final implementation.It is slated for release in Server 1.33.0 and Client 1.24.4.


Function: integer llSetPrimMediaParams( integer face );
1.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Clears (deletes) the media and all params from the given face.
Returns an integer that is always zero. This is most certainly an error - SVC-4939

• integer face face number or ALL_SIDES

If face is ALL_SIDES then the function works on all sides.


  • This function causes the script to sleep for 1.0 seconds.
  • The function silently fails if its face value indicates a face that does not exist.


See Also

Deep Notes



function integer llSetPrimMediaParams( integer face );