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Revision as of 16:28, 31 March 2008 by Uzume Grigorovich (talk | contribs) (typo)
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Emblem-important.png Deprecated
(This function has been deprecated, please use llParticleSystem instead.)


Function: llMakeFountain( integer particles, float scale, float vel, float lifetime, float arc, integer bounce, string texture, vector offset, float bounce_offset );
0.1 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Make a fountain of particles

• integer particles
• float scale
• float vel
• float lifetime
• float arc
• integer bounce
• string texture
• vector offset
• float bounce_offset


  • This function causes the script to sleep for 0.1 seconds.
  • This function has been deprecated, please use llParticleSystem instead.



Beginning in 1.14, the simulator will be using llParticleSystem to emulate legacy llMakeFountain particles. <lsl> llMakeFountain(integer particle_count,

             float particle_scale,
             float particle_speed,
             float particle_lifetime,
             float source_cone,
             integer source_bounce,
             string source_texture_id,
             vector local_offset,
             vector bounce_offset);

</lsl> <lsl> fakeMakeFountain(integer particle_count, float particle_scale, float particle_speed,

               float particle_lifetime, float source_cone, integer bounce,
               string source_texture_id, vector local_offset, vector bounce_offset)

{ // local_offset is ignored // bounce is ignored // bounce_offset is ignored


Deep Notes


function void llMakeFountain( integer particles, float scale, float vel, float lifetime, float arc, integer bounce, string texture, vector offset, float bounce_offset );