User Interface Smoke Test
Revision as of 14:17, 3 November 2009 by Thickbrick Sleaford (talk | contribs) (fixed heirarchy/numbering)
User Interface Smoke Test
- See also: User Interface Tests
- Verify Enter opens the chat bar.
- Verify Escape closes the chat bar.
- Verify clicking the Chat button toggles the chat bar.
- Verify typing on the chat bar and hitting enter chats the text.
- Verify typing on the chat bar and hitting ctrl-enter shouts the text.
- Verify typing / in the chat bar before your text will bypass typing animations.
- Verify entering / followed by a gesture name will play the specified gesture.
- Verify a gesture selected from the chat bar's Gesture menu plays.
- Verify Ctrl-Up-Arrow and Ctrl-Down-Arrow scroll through previously sent messages in the chat bar.
- Turn off the "Arrow keys always move avatar when chatting" option in Text Chat preferences.
- Type a sentence in the Chat bar.
- Move your cursor through the sentence a word at a time by hitting Ctrl-Right-Arrow and Ctrl-Left-Arrow.
- Select text a word at a time with Ctrl-Shift-Right-Arrow and Ctrl-Shift-Left-Arrow.
- Copy and paste some UTF8 text into Chat and verify it displays correctly.
- Create a new notecard and type some text into it.
- Verify Select, Copy, Cut and Paste work.
- Verify Copy & Paste works between a notecard and a document on your computer.
- Create a new notecard.
- Copy and paste some UTF8 text into the notecard and verify it displays correctly.
- Drag (next owner permissive) items from your inventory into a notecard.
- Save the notecard and hand it to another user.
- Verify the other user can click the links in the notecard and copy them to their inventory.
- Rez a cube. In Edit > Content Tab click "New Script". "Save" to save the default script.
- In the Script Editor:
- Verify Select, Copy, Cut and Paste work.
- Verify Copy & Paste works between the Script Editor and a text editor on your computer.
- Verify Copy & Paste works between a text editor on your computer and the Script Editor.
- Verify the main UI windows behave correctly:
- Toggle the following windows on, off, then on again with the specified keystrokes:
- World Map with Ctrl-M
- Minimap with Ctrl-Shift-M
- Search with Ctrl-F
- Communications with Ctrl-T
- Chat history with Ctrl-H
- Friends with Ctrl-Shift-F
- Gestures with Ctrl-G
- Groups with Edit menu > Groups...
- Each of the listed windows (above) should now be open. For each open window:
- Verify the various windows scale using the bottom-corner resize handle.
- Move the windows by dragging the on top bar.
- Close the windows with ctrl-W.
Detachable windows
Verify the detachable menus behave correctly.
- Open the following menus IN ORDER and single-click the double-line (=) to detach each:
- File
- Edit
- View
- World
- Tools
- Help
- Advanced (Hit Ctrl-Alt-D first if the Advanced menu is not visible)
- Verify hitting Ctrl-W:
- The first time closes the Advanced detachable window
- The second time closes the Help detachable window
- On the Tools window:
- Verify clicking the X button closes the Tools detachable window
- Verify the world is brought into focus, and not the World window
- On the World window:
- Verify the "Environment Settings >" item causes a sub-menu to slide out.
- Verify clicking the double-line (=) detaches the "Environment Settings" sub-menu.
- Verify closing the World menu closes only the World menu.
- Close all remaining menus and windows.
Chat history
- Detach the Chat history from the Communications window by hitting the detach icon next to the subwindow 'X' icon.
- Reattach the Chat history to the Communications window
Instant Messages
- Start several IM sessions.
- Detach and reattach some of the IM sessions. The (parent) Communications window should remain the same size.
- Move, resize a couple of the detached IM sessions.
- Resize the (parent) Communications window, then reattach an IM session. The (parent) Communications window should remain the same size.
- Minimize a couple detached sessions. Close one minimized session and restore the other.
- Close all attached and detached IM sessions
Item Properties
- Select several items from your inventory, right-click on one of the selected items, and choose Properties
- Scroll through the tabs of the items
- Detach some of the tabs.
- Minimize some detached tabs
- Minimize and restore the parent container window.
- Select several more items from your inventory, right-click, choose Properties. Verify a new container window is created.
- Close all Item Property windows.
- Switch between windows with ctrl-tab
Switch between elements in a window with tab
Switch between tabs with alt-arrow keys
- Navigate to every part of the Communications window with the keyboard
- Navigate to every part of the Search window with the keyboard
Focus when opening a window
- Relog (please).
World Map
- Open the World Map with Ctrl-M. The region name should be selected so that you can type a destination region name and hit enter to search for it.
- Toggle World Map closed and open again with Ctrl-M. Verify the region name is selected.
- Open Search with Ctrl-F. The cursor should be in the text field so you can type a search term and hit Enter.
- Search for "Mor" and hit Enter
- Focus should switch to the results pane.
- Use the up and down arrows to select the "Morris" region. Hit Enter to teleport there.
- Teleport back to your test location.
- Toggle Search closed and open again with Ctrl-F. Verify the cursor is in the text field.
- Search for "land" and hit enter.
- Verify the focus moves from the text field to the first found item.
- Move focus between the search results with the up and down arrow keys.
- Toggle Search closed and open again with Ctrl-F. Verify the cursor is in the text field.
Chat history
- Open the Chat bar. Hit ctrl-H to open Chat History.
- Hit Enter, type a word, hit Enter, and verify the word was chatted.
- Close the Chat bar.
- Toggle chat Chat History off and on again with ctrl-H.
- Hit Enter, type a word, hit Enter, and verify the word was chatted.
- Open Inventory with ctrl-I
- Verify the cursor is in the search box.
- Type "pants". Search should start seaching as soon as you type.
- Hit the down arrow to selected the 1st pants found.
- Hit the up and down arrow keys while the inventory is still searching.
- Hitting the up arrow enough times will move focus to the the search box. (this doesn't work - should it? - Maestro Linden 17:12, 9 October 2008 (PDT))
- Scroll down to some pants, press Enter, and verify they are worn.
- Right-click on your Avatar and verify you get appropriate pie menu <<picture>>
- Right-click on your attachment and verify you get appropriate pie menu (options to detach or drop) <<picture>>
- Right-click on your HUD attachment and verify you get appropriate pie menu (options to detach or drop) <<picture>>
- Right click on another Avatar and verify you get appropriate pie menu <<picture>>
- Right click on another Avatar's attachment and verify you get appropriate pie menu (no pay option?)<<picture>>
- How much detail?
- How much detail?
Tab key submits text field change
- Verify Tab key will submit changes to an Object's name and properties.
- Verify Tab key will submit changes to an Object's position, scale, and rotation.
- Verify Tab key will submit changes to your profile.
- Verify Tab key will submit changes to About Land options.
Enter key submits text field change
- Verify Enter will submit changes to an Object's name and properties.
- Verify Enter will submit changes to an Object's position, scale, and rotation.
- Verify Enter will submit changes to your profile.
- Verify Enter will submit changes to About Land options.
- Create a Group
- Create a Role, assign some abilities to it.
- Invite someone to the role.
- Change add the new role to yourself.
- Send a notice with attachment to the group.
- Verify you get the notice and can use the attachment.
- Send a proposal to the group.
- Change the group charter.
- Change your active title and verify other users see it change.
- Kick everyone from the group, then leave the group.