User:Surfaqua Oh

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Revision as of 04:48, 17 January 2010 by Surfaqua Oh (talk | contribs) (→‎Profil)
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English: About me

I was born on February 21, 2007 on "Welcome on Mainland Area", the same day taught me to use the software Second Life, with the help of a mentor on "Orientation Island Public."

The next day I learned how to build and my entire first building was completed March 25, 2007. My wool Teddy. For several months I remain a mere tramp, which enabled me to visit the Second Life. I have received help and learning from some friends that I do on the Second Life. Since then I have opened a sandbox and place for freebies with the help of one of my friends.

My constructions are mainly avatars, tiny avatars and animals. I also build a few clothes. I spend a lot of time especially helping others, either on the Orientation Island or on the sandbox, I give construction courses, preference private but always free! I did some tutorials in French and image to learn quickly to make sculptys.

It was not until one year later, i became a Mentor and Buddy.

If you need assistance, please dont hesitate to contact me per IM or by placing a“ notecard ” in my Second Life profile. If i dont answer your IM it's maybe because i'm Busy or not a the computer. ( My avatar remaining permanently logged in Second Life, i'm not always on my computer, thank you for your understanding ).

Technical sofware and programmaton experience

- Languages: CSS, HTML, php

- Software for Sculpty: Rokuro, Tatara, Sculpty Paint

- Texture and paint Software: Photoshop, Corel Painter, Corel Bryce, Gimp

- Other Software: Audacity, Qavimator, Fraps

- Learn LSL LSL Tutorials.

- .....

Other experience and skill

- Webdesign

- Infographiste publicitaire & marketing

- Illustrateur/dessinateur

- Maquettiste

- .....


-- French

-- German

-- Learn English

- Languages: SMS & IRC & "Typonese"

My roles inside the Volunteer Program



My roles outside the Volunteer Program

  • 1°) Webmaster et admin from

This site is designed to allow communication and assistance among members. It is a portal to free resources, education and learning in the virtual world of Second Life. The news, tutorials and freebies are published regularly on the group HELP SANDBOX but also on the group Sculptie tutorial & ressource

You can find there scripts and tutorials to build avatars, houses or other small objects, but also tutorials to edit and manage your lands. How to begin a business and to sell your items and some tutorials to find a job and to learn the business in Second Life

- Free courses for all and making available resources and freebies in the Groupe Help Sandbox

- Tutorial in French

- Groupe free cours

  • 5°) Participation in the construction of Sentu Novio Welcome Area and support for Francophones.

Sentu Novio

Sentu Novio: Contribute to build, support and train new entrants the welcome area. (Discovering the world of Second Life and its pleasures).

Sentu Novio

The region is built on the principle of an amusement park (amusement and learning).

- Several help panel in French and pictures.

- Notices

- Helpers



born: 2/21/2007

My Friend

Ressources sculp maps, textures and prims

Description Object Type UUID or MAP Location Snapshot
Montgolfière sculpt prim n/a

Furvata Sculptie tutorial&ressource

Montgolfière Texture/MAP c7ece029-4baa-cfe2-3d38-a56cd157ff1c n/a Montgolfiere
Borne Texture/MAP Borne n/a Borne