User:Void Singer/Functions

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< User:Void Singer
Revision as of 22:02, 19 January 2010 by Strife Onizuka (talk | contribs) (pffft i forgot about 0x80000000, that loop was unsightly; you can be clever with the values just don't cross the 1969/1970 border or it will think it has flowed. Use clever dates to avoid the border.)
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String: Get Reverse Order

Reverse String Order (faster version)

<lsl>string uStringRevF( string vStrSrc ){

   integer vIntCnt = llStringLength( vStrSrc );
   @Loop; if (vIntCnt--){
       vStrSrc += llGetSubString( vStrSrc, vIntCnt, vIntCnt );
       jump Loop;
   return llGetSubString( vStrSrc, llStringLength( vStrSrc ) >> 1, -1 );

} /*//-- Anti-License Text --//*/ /*// Contributed Freely to the Public Domain without limitation. //*/ /*// 2009 (CC0) [ ] //*/ /*// Void Singer [ ] //*/ /*//-- --//*/</lsl>

Reverse String Order (smaller memory version)

<lsl>string uStringRevS( string vStrSrc ){

   integer vIntCnt = llStringLength( vStrSrc );
   @Loop; if (vIntCnt--){
       vStrSrc += llGetSubString( vStrSrc, vIntCnt, vIntCnt );
       vStrSrc = llDeleteSubString( vStrSrc, vIntCnt, vIntCnt );
       jump Loop;
   return vStrSrc;

} /*//-- Anti-License Text --//*/ /*// Contributed Freely to the Public Domain without limitation. //*/ /*// 2009 (CC0) [ ] //*/ /*// Void Singer [ ] //*/ /*//-- --//*/</lsl>

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String: Find Last Index

Get Last Index of String Test in String Source

<lsl>integer uGetStrIdxRev1( string vStrSrc, string vStrTst ){

   integer vIdxFnd =
     llStringLength( vStrSrc ) -
     llStringLength( vStrTst ) -
         llParseStringKeepNulls( vStrSrc, (list)vStrTst, [] ),
return (vIdxFnd

List: Get Reverse Order

Reverse List Order (faster version)

<lsl>list uListRevF( list vLstSrc ){

   integer vIntCnt = (vLstSrc != []);
   @Loop; if (vIntCnt--){
       vLstSrc += llList2List( vLstSrc, vIntCnt, vIntCnt );
       jump Loop;
   return llList2List( vLstSrc, (vLstSrc != []) >> 1, -1 );

} /*//-- Anti-License Text --//*/ /*// Contributed Freely to the Public Domain without limitation. //*/ /*// 2009 (CC0) [ ] //*/ /*// Void Singer [ ] //*/ /*//-- --//*/</lsl>

Reverse List Order (smaller memory version)

<lsl>list uListRevS( list vLstSrc ){

   integer vIntCnt = (vLstSrc != []);
   @Loop; if (vIntCnt--){
       vLstSrc += llList2List( vLstSrc, vIntCnt, vIntCnt );
       vLstSrc = llDeleteSubList( vLstSrc, vIntCnt, vIntCnt );
       jump Loop;
   return vLstSrc;

} /*//-- Anti-License Text --//*/ /*// Contributed Freely to the Public Domain without limitation. //*/ /*// 2009 (CC0) [ ] //*/ /*// Void Singer [ ] //*/ /*//-- --//*/</lsl>

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List: Find Last Index

  • This function is a companion to llListFindList.
    • SPECIAL NOTE: this is only designed to work on string data that will NOT contain the "•" character(alt+7)... please use a different character to suit your needs.

Get Last Index of List Test in List Source

<lsl>integer uGetLstIdxRev( list vLstSrc, list vLstTst ){

   integer vIdxFnd =
     (vLstSrc != []) +
     ([] != vLstTst) +
     ([] != llParseString2List(
                  llDumpList2String( vLstSrc, "•" ),
                  (list)llDumpList2String( vLstTst, "•" ),
                  [] ),
                -1 ),
              [] ));
return (vIdxFnd

List: Multi-Find Index (First or Last)

Get First Index in List Source of any element in List Test

<lsl>integer uMatchLstIdxFwd( list vLstSrc, list vLstTst ){

 return ((llParseString2List( 
                llDumpList2String( vLstSrc, ";" ),
                vLstTst, [] ),
              0 ),
            (list)";", [] ) != []) + 1) %
        ((vLstSrc != []) + 1) - 1;

} /*//-- Anti-License Text --//*/ /*// Contributed Freely to the Public Domain without limitation. //*/ /*// 2009 (CC0) [ ] //*/ /*// Void Singer [ ] //*/ /*//-- --//*/</lsl>

Get Last Index in List Source of any element in List Test

<lsl>integer uMatchLstIdxRev( list vLstSrc, list vLstTst ){

 return (vLstSrc != []) -
          llDumpList2String( vLstSrc, ";" ),
          vLstTst, [] ),
        -1 ),
      [] ) != []) - 1;

} /*//-- Anti-License Text --//*/ /*// Contributed Freely to the Public Domain without limitation. //*/ /*// 2009 (CC0) [ ] //*/ /*// Void Singer [ ] //*/ /*//-- --//*/</lsl>

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Timestamp: Converters

Unix time code to list format.

<lsl> /*//-- Notes:

Time codes before the year 1902 or past the end of 2037
 are capped to the first second of 1902 and 2038 respectively

Output is [Y, M, D, h, m, s] list format.

This version could be improved.


list uUnix2StampLst( integer vIntDate ){ if (vIntDate / 2145916801){

vIntDate = 2145916800 * (1

Timestamp: Get Weekday from timestamp

Weekday from Unix timestamp

<lsl>/*//-- Note:

Accurate from 1901 to 2099 (no limiting code)


string uUnix2WeekdayStr( integer vIntDat ){

   return llList2String( ["Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"],
                          vIntDate % 604800 / 86400  - (vIntDate < 0) );

} /*//-- Anti-License Text --//*/ /*// Contributed Freely to the Public Domain without limitation. //*/ /*// 2009 (CC0) [ ] //*/ /*// Void Singer [ ] //*/ /*//-- --//*/</lsl>

Weekday from ( Y, M, D ) format

<lsl>/*//-- Note:

Accurate from 1901 to 2099 (no limiting code)
This version could be improved.


string uStamp2WeekdayStr( integer vIntYear, integer vIntMonth, integer vIntDay ){ return llList2String ( ["Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday"],

                      (vIntYear + (vIntYear >> 2) - ((vIntMonth < 3) & !(vIntYear & 3)) + vIntDay
                      + (integer)llGetSubString( "_033614625035", vIntMonth, vIntMonth )) % 7 );

} /*//-- Anti-License Text --//*/ /*// Contributed Freely to the Public Domain without limitation. //*/ /*// 2009 (CC0) [ ] //*/ /*// Void Singer [ ] //*/ /*//-- --//*/</lsl>

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Questions or Comments?

Feel free to leave me a note on my User Talk page.