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< Category:Culture
Revision as of 07:02, 6 February 2010 by JParker Devin (talk | contribs) (Created page with '{{Help|Community=*}}Pages focused on the rich traditions, customs, mores, etc. of Second Life. These are largely subjective, yet we wouldn't ''be'' without them. SL is a virtual...')
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Pages focused on the rich traditions, customs, mores, etc. of Second Life. These are largely subjective, yet we wouldn't be without them.

SL is a virtual world, but like any established, real-world country, its Residents have created a unique culture. On some social networking sites like Plurk, we're even recognized as as a country.

By extension, Linden Lab's company culture is special.

Articles with origin stories and "how things came to be" are also welcome.

Related resources

Pages in category "Culture/ko"

This category contains only the following page.