User:Zai Lynch/Mentoring At OIs

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This page is a collection of topics, suggested for the Mentoring at OIs part of a proposed Mentoring Basics Class. Because of the similar topic, the content has an overlap with my Mentoring 101. While every Mentor will find a unique way of mentoring, none of the stated suggestions are really required to adhere. They are just thought to be proposals and it's up to every Mentor decide what's best.


In order to become familiar with the surrounding and with the tutorials new Residents are asked to take, we ask new mentors to do at least one of the following:


The regular Orientation Islands are restricted in many ways. Mentors need to know about these restrictions, to be able to provide the best help for new Residents. These restrictions are:

  1. Once a new Resident left an Orientation Island, there is bascically no way to return.[2]
  2. New Residents can't TP by using the map (map just displays a blue area, no sims) or via search (the TP button in search isn't highlighted/clickable).
  3. To be able to TP someone to an OI, that person needs to be either a Mentor, a new Resident at another OI or a Linden and view admin option needs to be activated. Show admin options">[3]
  4. The latest Orientation Guide HUD (2.13) can only be attached at restricted Orientation Islands. Scripts of this HUD can't be reset and the HUD detaches outomatically in case the avatar wearing it isn't on an OI anymore.[4]

Best Practices

How to raise attention on an OI

New Residents are often quiet. Some are shy and welcome a topic to chat about. Many Mentors reported that some special gimmick, a weird pet, some exciting appearance (furry, robot, flowerpot, hamburger-avatar,...) can draw attention and help to break the ice. Others might not be able to figure out how to chat at all. So a hint on how it works might be helpful. In case the OI isn't to busy, there is time to greet new Residents by name. You can also invite them to ask you in case they need help. There are even tools available like changing titlers which might be used to explain the tasks of a Mentor. Greeting guestures in different languages can help too.

About leaving the OI

While there are lots of exit doors and the Help Island LM giver at the OI, many Residents still can't find the way out. Some are stuck for days, weeks and even month. In case a Resident asks about how to leave an OI, please inform them that there is no way back and ask them if they'd like to finish the tutorials first (in case they didn't do so already) and offer help in case they need it. However, it is not a Mentors duty to glue anyone to an OI. Whoever wants to leave should get the opportunity to leave. Tell them about alternative OIs (e.g. the Orientation Station in Scholar) where they can still finish tutorials in case they want to. So in a nutshell: Tell them about the consequences of leaving without scaring them about it and then help them to get wherever they want.

Welcoming other Helpers

While you're standing at an OI, it might happen that another Mentor drops by. Please remember that we're Mentors, not Highlanders, so there can be more then one! In fact, Mentoring as a team can be a fun and functional thing. You'll have someone at your side to chat to in case it's becoming boring and you'll also have someone to assist in case it's becoming busy.

Glitches with some new Avatars

Some of the new default avatars might cause problems for new Residents. The prim based avatars will make it hard for them to alter their appearance, since they can't just click on their body and choose "appearance..." like the tutorial suggests.<sup class="TablePager_nav" style="font-size:75%;" id="fn_5" title="Please consider voting on VWR-808 in order to change it.">[5] They will have to click their name instead. Please explain to them how to easily switch outfits via drag and drop from the library.
Another current issue is, that Residents who chose the new Girl Next Door outfit might be eyeless because of MISC-1390. Handing out freebie eyes (or explaining how to take the ones from the library) is welcomed much =)

Dropping Freebies

We all know and love freebies, but bombing new Resindents with free items isn't really helpful. Please select carefully what you would like to hand out and vary it depending on the Residents needs and favour.

How to explain

Instead of saying things like "Please open your invenotry." please consider explaining in more detail. Something like "Please open your inventory by pressing the Inventory button in the lower right corner of your screen".

Prepare for basic FAQ

Prepare yourself for basic FAQ like "How can I make money?" and "Where to find a job?". <explanation>

OI related FAQ

When I leave an OI or HI, my Home destination is the first place I TP from there. Any chance to avoid that?

No. You can only TP to your Home location first (CTRL + ALT + H) before going anywhere else so your new Home equals the old one. This is just for the restricted OIs and HIs not for OIP and HIP.

What should I do with someone who is advertising the own business / passing Landmarks to own businesses at a restricted OI?

Talk to the person. Ask politely to stop it. If s/he doesn't stop, AR (if you feel comfortable with it) and let LL decide on it.

What should I do if an underaged (< 18 years) is on the main grid?

File an Abuse Report, include the relevant chat which makes you think they might be underaged and they will become redirected to the Teen Grid. There is no chance that s/he got accidentally on the main grid 'cause you got to enter your date of birth during the registration.


  1. ^ Note that the HUD shown in the video is out-of-date. The recent HUD has no stars to mark completed tasks, since the feature used to be buggy.
  2. ^ There are some rare exceptions when a Resident is able to return to an OI. Residents might return by (accidentally or intentionally) crashing the viewer prior to their first log off on mainland and then logging back in to their last location. They can also TP from one Oriantation Island to another (only by TP invite!). Last chance to return with the same account is, to become a Mentor.
  3. ^ Activate admin options with CTRL-ALT-V on a PC or CMD-OPT-V on a Mac. Or go to Advanced -> Show admin options
  4. ^ You can obtain a recent Orientation Guide in Neovo's Kiosk #32 in SLVEC
  5. ^ Please consider voting on VWR-808 in order to change it.
Zai landing.png