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Function: string left(float num, integer places , string rnd);
Returns text left of a specified separator
See also: Right
string notecardparameter = left(sdata,"="); //in a notecard line that reads Colour=Brown, returns "Colour="
<lsl> string left (string src, string divider) {
integer iStart = llSubStringIndex( src, divider ) + 1; string result = llGetSubString( src, 0, iStart -1) ;//note -2 here if you don't want the divider included in what you get back return result;
} </lsl>
Inspired by (and evolved from) discussions between Cheree Bury & Domino Marama in the SL Scripting Forum July 2008 at http://forums.secondlife.com/showthread.php?t=267884, with optional rounding added (that part being inspired by work by various authors here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Fixed_Precision )