SecondLife Hobos
Revision as of 17:15, 18 August 2008 by Orhalla Zander (talk | contribs) (→Mission Focus & Statement)
Group Name:
SecondLife Hobos
This Document Is Current As Of:
Founder's Second Life Name:
Orhalla Zander
Total Group Members:
Group Charter
Mission Focus & Statement
- Main Focus: Freebies, Exploration, New Resident Basics, General Help, Classes, Building a Friendly Community
We are the vagabonds of Second Life whom band together for improvement, education, creation, entertainment, and goals despite our creeds or appearance. We do not care if you're a human, or a furry, or a tiny, or a merc, Gorean, cyberpunk punk, Victorian steam punk role player, speak a different language as we do our best to be friendly to everyone that needs a helping hand on our travels through Second Life.
Best Practices:
- Locations: Infohubs, Welcome Areas, Orientation Islands
- Resources: , (Knowledge Base) , SL Volunteer Education Center
Group Representatives:
- Amber
- Blue
- George
- Lexie
- Mia
Group Documentarians:
- Lexie
- George
Requirements to Join
Entrants must be 6 months or older in Second Life to be eligible, take a one hour orientation session and a hour shadowing experience as Apprentice Mentors before becoming official Second Life Mentors.
(Optional) Group Related Links / Projects / Memorable Triumphs / History / etc.
- Links:
- Projects:
- Memorable Triumphs:
- History: